My son and I are going to watch all the MCU movies in chronological order. Knock Captain America: the first avenger off the list!
My son and I are going to watch all the MCU movies in chronological order. Knock Captain America: the first avenger off the list!
I felt the need to share this picture of me and my coworker with Chris Evan's from last week. It was so quick but I did get to tell him I watched LOTR and he said they were great hangover movies 😄
Ahahah sounds like me!! 😂
My weekend started, I'm off for a couple of days since I got so many day off unused. Yay!!
If you want to find out your Avengers reading style:
#bookworm #bookwormlife #ireadya
Ok I'll play... This is actually quite accurate. I have yet to get on board with e-readers or audio books. I also like wide variety of books and genres. Can't read the same style back to back. Even if I'm reading a series, I need to change it up between books.
Part 2 of my #geekygraphicnovelswap haul - this might be my favorite! My lovely friend has my little boy on the way all ready to fight crime and strut his superhero stuff. These are so adorable! Captain America especially will be getting lots of use! My hubby and I (and baby) thank you muchly! 🤗#captainamerica #ironman #avengers #spiderman #hulk #superhero #baby ❤️💙❤️💙❤️💙❤️💙
My pick for #superheroes is Captain America 🇺🇸 #sizzlinsummerbooks #freecomicbookday #marvel
My friends are kind of the best and keep bringing me amazing things. Last year I cosplayed as Agent Carter, and now I'm continuously obsessed with badass women who take control of their lives.
#Clue 4: just another thing to know about me, I love anything Star Wars, superheroes (Marvel/DC) and Peter Pan!
Also I've cleared my Litsy TBR so I don't currently own anything on the list ☺️
Hope this helps my secret santa !
now i'm crying again. no. you move. thanks cap 🇺🇸
#bestsidekick for #booktober Bucky during the war and Bucky post Winter Soldier.
Okay. Things are making more sense now as to why they did the horrible thing they did