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Tehanu: Book Four | Ursula K. Le Guin
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The Nebula and Locus Awardwinning fourth novel in the renowned Earthsea series from Ursula K. LeGuin gets a beautiful new repackage.In this fourth novel in the Earthsea series, we rejoin the young priestess the Tenar and powerful wizard Ged. Years before, they had helped each other at a time of darkness and danger. Together, they shared an adventure like no other. Tenar has since embraced the simple pleasures of an ordinary life, while Ged mourns the powers lost to him through no choice of his own. Now the two must join forces again and help another in needthe physically, emotionally scarred child whose own destiny has yet to be revealed. With millions of copies sold worldwide, Ursula K. Le Guins Earthsea Cycle has earned a treasured place on the shelves of fantasy lovers everywhere, alongside the works of such beloved authors as J.R.R. Tolkien and C.S. Lewis. Now the full Earthsea collectionA Wizard of Earthsea, The Tombs of Atuan, The Farthest Shore, Tehanu, Tales from Earthsea, and The Other Windis available with a fresh, modern look that will endear it both to loyal fans and new legions of readers.
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This surprise fourth novel in the Earthsea Cycle tells a dark, gentle, and redemptive story set in the aftermath of Ged and Arren‘s heroic feats in The Farthest Shore. I was spellbound by this sad, yet spiritually powerful installment in a way I wasn‘t with the original trilogy—the pages turned easily. I was so happy to see Tenar again, just loved her adoptive daughter Therru, and was satisfied with the ending for these favorite characters.

Jari-chan Such a cool picture 😁😸 1mo
Leniverse It's great, isn't it!? I have a soft spot for the first book, because I read it when I was 11 and it mesmerized me. Then found the quartet when I was maybe 18-19, and the fourth book just blew me away. She basically deconstructs her own trilogy, completely flips your view of what's important. 1mo
Leniverse I re-read the Quartet every so many years. I have the short stories and the final book too, which rounds out the story but I don't have the same urge to re-read them. 1mo
underground_bks @Leniverse I should read the last two but I was really satisfied by this one! 1mo
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Another book finished! I did find this one more confusing than the Earthsea books I‘ve read before, but still a great read. ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️

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Finished. This is the 4th book of the Earthsea cycle by Ursula K. Le Guin. I really loved the ending. It was so very satisfying. I'm reading it from the special giant illustrated copy. There are 2 more books to go. The next is Tales from Earthsea and after that is The Other Wind. Then I will go back and read all the authors notes. I started this giant tome last spring but somehow got sidetracked. I just love this authors writing.

SamAnne I really want to read more of her. All I have read is Lefthand of Darkness. 1y
bookishbitch @SamAnne I found that one was very interesting! I want to read more of her too. 1y
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My wild and crazy night. I'm on chapter 8 after putting it down for a while. I wish all books came with a ribbon bookmark. Who else loves the sound of a cozy fire? (YouTube for the win on that.)

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I had a pretty great reading year but hands down Tehanu was my favorite. I honestly thought Defensive Baking would take it so it was kind of a surprise how much I enjoyed Tehanu. I had a really great time filling out the #ReadingBracket2022 so I'll definitely try this again for 2023.

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Out of the four books of Earthsea in the omnibus edition I'm reading this is probably my favorite. I think Tenar is my favorite character in this world so to have her sequel is a gift. There's also a lot about the power of the feminine that was so good to dive into so yeah loved this one.

HeyT And with this I've conquered the omnibus chonky boi from my bookspin backlist! 2y
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Tenar has been living on Gont, where she takes in an abused child who had survived a fire.

Annoyingly obscure. People give each other significant looks or come to sudden realisations with no indication to the reader of what the significance or realisation is. I don't know if I want to continue with this series.

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After Farmer Flint of the Middle Valley died, his widow stayed on at the farmhouse.


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This series took me forever to read but I loved the overarching themes and how the characters‘ stories are woven together through the quartet. I can also see how it inspired so many other books that I love, like Harry Potter and The Name of the Wind. The final book was slow, but the study of women in the world of Earthsea was interesting. I appreciate what it added to the world of fantasy literature.

“Despair speaks evenly, in a quiet voice.”

Tehanu: Book Four | Ursula K. Le Guin
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Brillant! Book 4 of The Books of Earthsea is my favorite yet. It seems there is a fair amount of criticism for this book, which is quite different in tone and style from the first 3 of the series. But I think that is to be expected and was intentional on Le Guin's part as she addresses some serious subjects especially regarding feminism.

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I seriously cannot get enough of Charles Vess' illustrations!

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Surprisingly poignant moment in the book. [Blacked out potential spoilers 😉.] #tehanu #ursulakleguin

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I gather a few readers didn't appreciate the last book of Earthsea. Perhaps not knowing there would be two more books was the real upset. I loved this one.

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5/5 ⭐. Pure feminist genius. I can't describe enough how mind-blowingly well the exploration of the themes in this book is executed. It takes the seemingly powerless characters-women, children, the elderly, the disabled-and showcases their true power. The afterword brings it all together and makes me love Le Guin even more. Just go pick up this series right now. #projectreread

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“By the time I wrote this book I needed to look at heroics from outside and underneath, from the point of view of the people who are not included. The ones who can‘t do magic. The ones who don‘t have shining staffs or swords. Women, kids, the poor, the old, the powerless. Unheroes, ordinary people—my people. I didn‘t want to change Earthsea, but I needed to see what Earthsea looked like to us.“

From the author's afterword. #projectreread

Tehanu: Book Four | Ursula K. Le Guin
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Which of us saved the other from the Labyrinth, Ged?



Tehanu | Guin Ursula Le
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I found this to be the best of the Earthsea series by Ursula Le Guin. The previous three books were excellent, but this one surpasses them. For a change, the protagonist is a woman. So many gender issues are touched upon and it‘s all done so beautifully.

Jess7 Welcome to Litsy! 6y
Alwaysbeenaloverofbooks Welcome to Litsy!! 6y
CarolynM Welcome to Litsy🌼 6y
Bookspirit 👋☺Welcome to Litsy and Congrats on becoming a Litten☺👏 6y
Eggs Welcome to Litsy 👋🏻😊🌸 6y
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I‘m honestly not sure what to feel about this book. I‘m glad there is a strength in Therru that can overcome everything that‘s happened. Not because she is changed or ‘fixed‘ outwardly but because she is not.

And yet, I‘m also frustrated with the book. There are so many themes here that Le Guin could‘ve written entire books about! This work simultaneously felt like a well-rounded, complete story AND also that there could never be enough of it.

Tehanu: Book Four | Ursula K. Le Guin
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I am torn on Tehanu. I appreciate what Guin was trying to do with it, but it just flowed oddly. Not a lot happens, which is sort of the point but it seems to hint at bigger plot points only to gloss over them. I am happy to see the end of Tehanu's story though.

UrsulaMonarch Agreed! 6y
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This is the book of the Earthsea quartet that should speak the most to me, but I was surprised to find it the least interesting. In theory I like Le Guin's focus on women in this book, but many of the relationships seemed built on fear and Therru's injuries seemed strangely overwrought to me. Somehow the whole book didn't gel for me and the abrupt ending didn't help.
SO glad to have read the series with #EarthSeaChapterADay - thanks @2BR02B !!!

UrsulaMonarch I am planning to read the next two books this year & will keep using the # ! 💚 6y
batsy I've been wondering if I should read The Other Wind... 6y
UrsulaMonarch @batsy overall I do like the world & Le Guin's writing, so that's enough of a push for me! 😊 6y
readordierachel Love your nail polish :) 6y
2BR02B I'm glad you're planning to read on! I plan to as well- I'm just gearing up for a move so i haven't had much time for reading lately. I'll look forward to reading your updates. 😁 6y
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This one finished out my reading for the #Earthseachapteraday buddy read! And...I was disappointed in the ending. I was excited to read more about Tenar, and pleased with the way LeGuin began to explore ideas about women & power. Like the other three books, it was a slow build...but this time most of the ideas were dropped in a sudden, rushed ending. I wanted more, and felt like it could have been more, if the ending had been properly fleshed out.

JazzFeathers I was so disappointed with the ending too. I finished last week and from a distance the ending makes even less sense. Already while reading, l had the impression the story was going nowhere, the random ending made this feeling stronger. Ultimately, l had the impression Le Guin wrote the story as an answer to the fans' perplexity to the original trilogy, she didn't really intend to write a story. My impression, anyway. 6y
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Tehanu: Book Four | Ursula K. Le Guin
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Pretty sure I'm an entire book behind on #Earthseachapteraday but I just finished The Farthest Shore. On to Tehanu!

batsy Fab bookmark! 6y
llwheeler @batsy Thanks! 😊 6y
UrsulaMonarch I don't think my book had this map! 💚👏 6y
llwheeler @UrsulaMonarch ❤ maps! I've got the omnibus edition 6y
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Tehanu: Book Four | Ursula K. Le Guin
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Yessss my copy of Tehanu has resurfaced! 😥 Now to finish up #EarthseaChapterADay.

LectricSheep Pretty kitty! ❤️ 6y
Leftcoastzen Did kitty find it?😻 6y
RohitSawant 😻😻 6y
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2BR02B @Leftcoastzen no, kitty is perfectly useless. 6y
DaveNeufeld Are you sure? S(he) seems to be a perfectly functional bookstand... 6y
BarbaraJean So glad you found it! I hate misplacing a book I‘m reading... especially so close to the end! 6y
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Tehanu: Book Four | Ursula K. Le Guin
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? "old cheese rind" as an epithet ☺️

AmandaL So I just requested Tales of Earthsea from my library. 6y
UrsulaMonarch @AmandaL yay! 😊 6y
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...my soul can‘t live in that narrow place—this for that, tooth for tooth, death for life....There is a freedom beyond all that. Beyond payment, retribution, redemption—beyond all the bargains and the balances, there is freedom.

#Earthseachapteraday (I got behind over the weekend, and now I don‘t know what chapter I‘m supposed to be on! Is today the last chapter of the book?)

UrsulaMonarch I'm behind too - but catching up - I'm reading chapter 10 now... 6y
2BR02B Yes, yesterday was supposed to be the wrapup, but... I've misplaced my copy! 😭 I'm two chapters from the end, and I can't find it anywhere. 6y
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Tehanu: Book Four | Ursula K. Le Guin
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2BR02B Tenar seems to be reacting constantly to her fears- of Handy, Aspen, and the men seeking Ged. Do you think these fears are well-founded? 6y
BarbaraJean In some cases, yes. Aspen for sure—his earlier disrespect for her hints at it, then his ill-intent in this chapter bears that out! Her fear of Handy isn‘t as well-founded, because there‘s not as much to base it on, though I like how she trusts her instincts about who he is. It feels like a parallel to believing women who are victims of harassment. I‘m curious about her fear of the men from Havnor; there doesn‘t seem to be a basis for that fear. 6y
Sisasuku I guess her fear of Handy is more because of Therru than herself. She stands between him and her. 6y
UrsulaMonarch To me the fear seems well founded just due to the kind of sinister feeling throughout the book! 6y
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Tehanu: Book Four | Ursula K. Le Guin
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2BR02B Why do you think Tenar is having such a difficult time leaving Ogion's cottage and going back to her old life? 6y
2BR02B Egad, sorry I've gotten so behind on these prompts. I'm going to do my damndest to catch up before Wednesday. 6y
AmandaL I think because at Ogion's cottage she can be Tenar and not just Goha. She chose a simple life, but she is not a simple person. He was also like a father to her. 6y
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JazzFeathers I think here she feels her own potentialities. When she's back to the farm, she'll go back to be a widow and a farmer. She will act as expected. 6y
Sisasuku I also think she realized that Goha wasn't needed anymore, with her husband dead and her children out of the house. And in her farmhouse she is Goha, while at Ogion's cottage she can start to redefine who she is and she wants to do with her life. 6y
Sisasuku @JazzFeathers Only realized now we probably answered at the same time yesterday - and both had the same thought :D 6y
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Tehanu: Book Four | Ursula K. Le Guin
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This was a moving read, addressing the flipside of wizarding, magic & the realm of male genius. It looks at reproductive & care labour, the daily "magic" of taking care of people; work that's often presented as natural & basic because it's largely done by women. Caring for people & making sure they're able to live because they are fed & clothed & nurtured is important, everyday magic. I think that's what the book tried to show with Ged & Tenar? ⬇️

batsy I found the ending strangely rushed, however. So much about Therru hangs in the air. On the whole, the Earthsea books are not perfect, but I'm fascinated by how each book addresses the lack in the previous one in an organic way; you can see Le Guin writing against her own preconceived notions. It's not flawless & "finished". It still questions itself. That seems to be one of its strengths & an embodiment of Le Guin's philosophy. 6y
batsy Thanks @2BR02B for organising & the effort you put into the daily questions! And thanks to fellow buddy readers for your brilliant discussions. #EarthseaChapterADay 6y
JazzFeathers Great review of the series. I agree with everything. I also had a strong sense that LeGuin was dialoguing with herself as she wrote the series 6y
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Ms_T Stunning review as always ❤️ 6y
batsy @JazzFeathers Thank you! It's such an interesting element to the books even when it's hard to get into the story at times. 6y
batsy Thank you @Ms_T 💙 6y
Kalalalatja Now I want to read this series even more!! 6y
RohitSawant Fantastic review! 👏🏼👏🏼 Really looking forward to this! 6y
batsy @Kalalalatja It's a strange read, but worthwhile I think. Would love to know what you think! 6y
batsy @rohit-sawant Thank you so much! :) 6y
UrsulaMonarch Another great review! 💚💚💚 (that inspires me to continue catching up!!) 6y
batsy @UrsulaMonarch Thank you! ❤️ Can't wait to read your insights when you're finished. 6y
UrsulaMonarch @batsy I've finished it & let it sit with me for a couple of days - but I'm still surprised that I just wasn't too into it! Revisiting your review, I completely agree with it, which makes me all the more unhappy I wasn't more into the Earthsea book most focused on women! Oh well... 6y
batsy @UrsulaMonarch You make a great point. I'm upset that the books I found the most difficult to get through were the ones focused on women. It felt like maybe Le Guin herself felt freer writing about men because she could imagine them freer? But I could be totally wrong. 6y
UrsulaMonarch @batsy that's a really interesting point! I mean maybe it's in how we define "free" because Tenar actively chose a domestic life rather than staying with Ogion... maybe some of the frustration was that the writing was about women, but in a sexist society 6y
UrsulaMonarch The "bitch" stuff at the end was so infuriating to read! 6y
batsy @UrsulaMonarch Not so much free to move about and travel as free to decide, if that makes sense? Even though Tenar made that decision she feels the burdens of society's expectations tied to whatever she decides to do whereas there is less of that existential burden on the men. You're right, it's like sexism is so rife it's v hard to imagine an alternative. 6y
batsy @UrsulaMonarch It was!! I had to put the book down for awhile. 6y
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Tehanu: Book Four | Ursula K. Le Guin
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"Why do we let 'em tell us we're afraid?"


Tehanu: Book Four | Ursula K. Le Guin

This came up in an article I was reading about Le Guin - I hadn't noticed it before but I bet I will now! #earthseachapteraday

"A marvelous writer, Le Guin has always been attentive to the minutest details of her own prose. In her fantasy novel A Wizard of Earthsea, for example, she relies heavily on words with Germanic roots to convey the rawness of her windswept world."

AmandaL Oh, that's interesting. I never would have realized that. 6y
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Tehanu: Book Four | Ursula K. Le Guin
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Parts of this I have been waiting the entire Earthsea series to read. I loved the focus on Tenar. I loved her character and her strengths and her frustrations. BUT, I was not happy with how LeGuin dealt with Therru. (I left a comment about that in one of the daily questions.) This book felt like it had a rushed end, like others in the series, too. I'm giving this a pick because Tenar kept me reading the series. So did the #EarthseaChapterADay 👇

AmandaL buddy read. I wouldn't have continued reading if not for all the great questions and comments of everyone who participated and kept me engaged. Thank you @2BR02B for organizing this! 6y
2BR02B You're welcome! 😊 6y
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Tehanu: Book Four | Ursula K. Le Guin
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2BR02B How is Ged's plight similar to Therru's? 6y
AmandaL Oh, that's a good question. They both have to get beyond their fear and shame. They both have to learn to face the world. I will probably mention it when I review the book, but I really wish LeGuin hadn't made what happened to Therru quite so explicitly horrific. Even though I love the focus on Tenar, I wouldn't call this a feminist book when LeGuin uses the same awful rape and mutilation tropes for a leading female character that a 👇 (edited) 6y
AmandaL thousand other male fantasy authors have used. None of LeGuin's leading male characters were faced with that level of brutality, not even when the king was kidnapped. 6y
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JazzFeathers That's an intetesting remark @AmandaL It really seems Therru's damaged is really more horrible than the point of the story seems to required. I hadn't realised thd parallel between Therru and Ged, maybe because what they lost is so different. 6y
AmandaL @JazzFeathers I hadn't thought about the parallels until the question. I agree, what they lost is so different, especially when Ged's was a willing sacrifice and he was an adult that knew what he was doing. 6y
UrsulaMonarch @AmandaL @JazzFeathers @2BR02B interesting thoughts here. The parallels are intriguing but Therru's injuries seem so much worse... personally I feel that Therru's injuries go beyond a trope, but I can see how it's a fine line. 6y
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Tehanu: Book Four | Ursula K. Le Guin
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2BR02B What do you think Le Guin meant by describing the women who saved Therru as "softhearted and cruel"? Do you agree or disagree? 6y
Sisasuku Well, first of all it's Tenar who thinks this, not UKL I guess. And Tenar sees that Therru will always be shunned because of her appearance. And that she has deep psychic wounds, which might never heal completely. I think Tenar is afraid that Therru can not live a happy life, because most people don't look past her disfigurements. And that in saving her, she had a part on this. 6y
UrsulaMonarch I was pretty shocked at the discussion of Therru's injuries in this chapter, even if thus are in the context of the Earthsea society. I'm hoping this perspective being set up for contrast later in the story. 6y
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Tehanu: Book Four | Ursula K. Le Guin
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2BR02B Tehanu deals explicitly with the lack of respect and recognition afforded to female practitioners of magic in Earthsea. How might this have paralleled Le Guin's own experience as a female science fiction/fantasy author in a male-dominated arena? 6y
BarbaraJean It‘s so refreshing to see LeGuin finally address this theme in Tehanu! I feel there must be a parallel to her own experiences as a writer. I wonder if the timing also parallels her experience—she doesn‘t directly address ideas of female power/subverting traditional power structures in the earlier books (written in the 70s), but chooses to explore these themes (in 1990) after the books (and herself as a writer) are already established/respected. 6y
JazzFeathers I think it also came through reflection. She was a writer all through those 20 years and she became involved in the feminist movement. I think she probably came to question her own choises and the whys she made them... there are alway two faces to every question. I think she wrote this as an answer to her younger self. 6y
batsy Good point, @JazzFeathers I feel the same. It feels like she's writing to address the imbalance in her own books and to her younger self, as well as addressing stuff that must have come about from her feminist awareness. 6y
UrsulaMonarch @BarbaraJean @JazzFeathers @batsy totally agree. @2BR02B , I really like how you've framed this, because tbh I was still kind of irritated with the portrayal here, especially how Aunt Moss seems a little out of it & hapless (despite also clearly doing good work!). I did like the discourse on how she had not been taught to speak, vs Tenar's reflections on teaching and learning. 6y
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I caught up...then I fell behind again. Oh well. Only 8 chapters behind. #earthseachapteraday

2BR02B Join the club. 😅 6y
Fantasyfan I got through 3 chapters. I am really behind in The Wise Man‘s Fear too. Hopefully I can catch up with both next week. 6y
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Tehanu: Book Four | Ursula K. Le Guin
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2BR02B Why do you think Tenar left Ogion's tutelage? 6y
AmandaL I felt like she just wanted to have a normal life and fit in somewhere, like her friend in Atuan who didn't want to be a priestess. She knew she was mistrusted as a foreigner and she knew she would never be acknowledged for her learning by men of power, so she chose a simple but good life. 6y
Sisasuku I think she also wanted to feel like a normal person. Like someone who doesn't know magic. Maybe learning from Ogion was too close to her old life in Atuan, and she wanted to get as far away from it as possible in her lifestyle. 6y
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Tehanu: Book Four | Ursula K. Le Guin
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2BR02B Why do you think Ged did not attend to Ogion in his death? 6y
AmandaL I think he was in the land of death plugging up the hole in the world and magic that happened in the previous book. I interpreted Ogion's joy at his moment of death as him seeing Ged's success. 6y
Sisasuku I'm thinking the same thing as @AmandaL. In TFS Ged loses no time coming to Gont after going to Roke, so I think he just can't make it in time. 6y
UrsulaMonarch @AmandaL I love that interpretation! 6y
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It‘s a bit chilly today, but I‘m still gonna sit out here on my patio and read my #Earthseachapteraday!

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I have fallen behind, but l hope to catch up by tomorrow 😊


UrsulaMonarch I'm with you!! 7y
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Tehanu: Book Four | Ursula K. Le Guin
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I can't believe we're already at the final book for #EarthSeaChapterADay! Am I the only one getting a little choked up by the opening chapters?

2BR02B Yes! I was gasping. Poor Therru. 😣 7y
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Tehanu: Book Four | Ursula K. Le Guin
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2BR02B What are your impressions of Tenar and how she's evolved as a character since The Tombs of Atuan? 7y
AmandaL She seems a lot more grounded, down to earth, and there's none of the haughtiness young Tenar had. 7y
Sisasuku She's surer of herself and has seen the world, and has become an independent person. But I feel there'll be more to her story. Because she seems so detached from the life she led as Goha, the farmer's wife. 7y
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GarthRanzz She seems more withdrawn to me. More alone in her self. I‘m sure her children and her dead husband never knew the real her that Ogion knew. I bet she‘s even told Therru more about herself than she did her own family. 7y
ghosthost She‘s more confident. Other people look to her for wisdom and guidance, but she‘s still living apart from society. She knows more about herself and understands her limits. 7y
JazzFeathers She is a lot more mature. She has wisdom and understanding and she knows how and when to use it, without need for other to recognise it. This is a far more confident (abd self-confident) woman. 7y
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Tehanu: Book Four | Ursula K. Le Guin
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2BR02B Nearly twenty years elapsed between the publication of The Farthest Shore and Tehanu. In the few pages we read today, did you notice any difference in Le Guin's style? 7y
GarthRanzz Already a day behind due to work! But I‘ll catch up for this afternoon‘s chapter! 7y
AmandaL Finally caught up again! It's so much more engaging from the get go. 7y
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GarthRanzz There is something a bit different in her style but I find it hard to pin down. Like there is more to how she is describing what is happening without being overly wordy. 7y
batsy I can already sense a difference but yes, it's hard to pinpoint what it is. In previous books, it can seem like she's sort of gingerly explaining things, carefully picking her way about how to say what she wants to say. But here so far it's very fluid and both detailed in terms of description. And you immediately get a better sense of character. 7y
JazzFeathers It is very diffetent, especially from Wizard. Here, the actiin starts immeduately and we are thrown into it. There are so many hints to the past that l imediatly guess who Goha is. And there in, in my opinion, a stronger sense of the power and wisdom of women. 7y
UrsulaMonarch @JazzFeathers seconding the focus on women and family here! Although the brutally ailing child reminds me of the child Ged couldn't save in the first book 😰 6y
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Tehanu: Book Four | Ursula K. Le Guin
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Greetings #EarthseaChapterADay participants. We're finally in the home stretch! As a reminder, here is the schedule for our next read, Tehanu.

I've really enjoyed reading along with all of you. If you don't plan on continuing and want to opt out of the tags, or if you'd like to join us in the final leg of our readalong, just let me know in the comments.

GarthRanzz I will be there until the end! 😊 7y
2BR02B @GarthRanzz Good to have you along, sir! 7y
Sisasuku @GarthRanzz @2BR02B I'm sticking to the Read Along, too! I enjoy the books, and by now it's too late to turn back ;) Congratulations on finding new questions for each chapter, by the way :) 7y
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ghosthost I‘m here until the end! 7y
2BR02B @Sisasuku Thank you, I appreciate that! It's actually really hard sometimes! 7y
UrsulaMonarch @2BR02B yes seconding @Sisasuku ! The questions are so thoughtful and engaging... in catching up!! See you all soon! 😂 7y
Fantasyfan Is this the last book in the series we are reading? 6y
2BR02B @Fantasyfan Excellent question. I bought the next two books, so I definitely plan to read on. I'll probably make a post about it and see if anyone else would like to extend the readalong. 6y
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Tehanu: Book Four | Ursula K. Le Guin

After reading 4th volumes of the Earthsea series, I decided I like Ursula Le Guin‘s voice in female protagonists way better. Or maybe it‘s just because I like Tenar so much. This book spoke strongly on feminism and totally worth reading. 👍🏼

DivaDiane I agree! She continued the series mostly because she wanted to say something different about women and how they live in the Earthsea world. The last 2 Books in the series really make a wonderful ending for the series. 7y
pppooraikul @DivaDiane Yes! I can‘t wait to start the next one. 😁 7y
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Tehanu: Book Four | Ursula K. Le Guin
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AmandaL Thank you for making this schedule! 7y
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I'm in awe! I knew i liked the first three of the cycle, but this late publication now is a masterpiece of fantasy, feminist philosophy and human wisdom! I wish i would have read this when i was young and lost. I wish my future daughters will appreciate it as much as i do! What a genius. What a legacy. #RIPuklg

Leniverse I'm planning another reread of the whole quartet some time this year. I don't tend to reread a lot of books, but the Earthsea books need reading every decade at least. ❤️ 7y
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