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Questioning for Classroom Discussion
Questioning for Classroom Discussion: Purposeful Speaking, Engaged Listening, Deep Thinking | Jackie Acree Walsh, Beth Dankert Sattes
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What type of questioning invigorates and sustains productive discussions? Thats what Jackie Acree Walsh and Beth Dankert Sattes ask as they begin a passionate exploration of questioning as the beating heart of thoughtful discussions. Questioning and discussion are important components of classroom instruction that work in tandem to push learning forward and move students from passive participants to active meaning-makers. Walsh and Sattes argue that the skills students develop through questioning and discussion are critical to academic achievement, career success, and active citizenship in a democratic society. They also have great potential to engage students at the highest levels of thinking and learning. The extent to which this potential is realized, of course, depends on individual teachers who embrace these practices, make them their own, and realize that this process requires a true partnership with students. With that in mind, Questioning for Classroom Discussion presents and analyzes the DNA of productive discussionsteacher-guided, small-group, and student-driven.
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Hey guys! Discussion for week 2 for The Women in the Castle will be posted soon! Look for the tag marked spoiler to join the discussion.

Please no spoilers if you have read ahead!!!!!!
#ListyBuddyRead #TheWomenInTheCastle #tWitC @Jess7 @MinDea @LitsyBuddyRead

Bklover 👏👏👏 7y
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JaclynW I am SO behind! We have a 4 day weekend so hopefully I can catch up and join in. 🤞 Sorry! (Life happens, reading suffers. 😕) 7y
valeriegeary Welp. So far I am epically failing with my first ever Litsy Buddy Read. 😳 This is what happens when I decide to start a 700 page doorstopper the week before February starts! I'm a monogamous reader so I have to finish the doorstopper before I can start Women in the Castle. But I will catch up on all of this soon!! 7y
GatheringBooks looking forward to it. :) 7y
rachaich I've not managed to read this one - real life hook club demanded my reading 😉. However, would still like to read thoughts to see if I can read another time :) 7y
Ubookquitous So the older I get the more likely I am to put down a book that is not doing it for me - unfortunately I called it quits halfway through. I tried the audio and book formats and jus find myself wandering away, Unengaged. I wanted to like this book but I found the characters flat, the tension nonexistent and the structure a detriment to the story. 7y
Ubookquitous I don‘t mind unreliable narrators or even unlikeable characters but I felt so ambivalent about everything and everyone- not good when reading... or in life! Lol 7y
Jess7 We completely understand @Ubookquitous and hope you will join us in March when we read this one. I think it will be really good! 🤞🏼🤞🏼 7y
Jess7 No worries! @JaclynW @valeriegeary @rachaich - sometimes life gets in the way and sometimes the book choice just isn‘t a good fit. We would love to have to join later this month if you‘re able to, and if not we hope you will join us again next month when we read this one: 7y
JaclynW @Jess7 Yes! Thanks! 7y
Debiw781 I‘m behind but catching up now. It wasn‘t catching my interest so o put it aside and now I‘m enjoying it 7y
SaturnDoo I really wanted to like this one but can only read a few pages at a time. After reaching Part 2 it still hasn't sucked me in. Historical fiction is my favorite genre but I find this one a bit contrived and boring. I am reading the comments in hopes of finding something to look forward to but it just isn't happening. Setting it aside for now as it just might be my mood. 7y
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I got so much out of this book, and I'm def changing my practice for the better. Really dug this learning reflection for after a classroom discussion. #teachersoflitsy #education #pedagogy