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The 2nd book in the Invisible Library series. This one has Kai kidnapped and going to an alternate Venice. It felt a little bit long to me, but I might have just been in a funk reading it. I am looking forward to the next one.

The Cloisters | Katy Hays
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I‘m not sure I knew what this book was actually supposed to be about… but I thought it was going to be a different story. 🤷🏻‍♀️

Low pick.

Not Another Vampire Book | Cassandra Gannon
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This felt so long and it was only 295 pages! I think it was a satire and made fun of really bad books 🤷🏻‍♀️. But it was so repetitive and overly dramatic. It was also supposed to be funny. 🤷🏻‍♀️. I only finished because I am doing the kindle challenge and need to read 3 KU books.

Ana Maria and the Fox | Lian de la Rosa
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Historical romance with a Mexican heiress and a British politician. It was okay, low pick. Diverse but not much different than your typical historical romance.

I‘m kind of over historical romances lately, because they all seem the same. 🤷🏻‍♀️🤷🏻‍♀️

All Fours | Miranda July
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Life is too short to read this book. 😆 It feels like just watching a train wreck and I have way too many other books to read!

#camplitsy24 - read 59 pages.

sherrisilvera I hope your pup is ok!! 5d
squirrelbrain That seems to be the cut-off point for a few readers! 5d
dabbe #hailthebail! 🤩🤩🤩 Hope the pup's doing okay, too! 🖤🐾🖤 5d
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Megabooks Oh no! The cone of shame! Sorry the book didn‘t work for you. 5d
CarolynM Good call. It doesn‘t get any better. 5d
Nebklvr Be ruthless. 5d
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Finished this one last week. For some reason I didn‘t really believe the relationships at first. Though I really enjoyed the world once they got to it. Overall, I thoroughly enjoyed this book!

All Fours | Miranda July
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#libraryhaul Got the rest of the #camplitsy books for the summer! They‘re all 2 week loans. My librarian recommended I keep them until I finish because my library doesn‘t do fines 😆😆.

I don‘t think I‘m actually going to like the tagged book, based on what I‘ve seen but I‘ll give it a try.

BarbaraJean I love that your librarian recommended keeping them beyond the loan period!! I've done that a couple of times with books I can't renew, because my library doesn't do fines either! It makes me feel less guilty to hear that a librarian recommended that strategy 😆 1w
squirrelbrain Most people seem to either love or hate the tagged book, although I didn‘t have such strong feelings. I kinda liked it (but hated the MC!) 1w
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1. Have the ending spoiled
2. Favorite character
3. Romance novel!
4. Historical fiction (depending on when 😆)
5. Probably last because I don‘t often finish series.


Eggs Thanks for playing 🦋 1w
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Phew! Took me half the month but I finished! At the beginning, I really thought this book wasn‘t going to be for me. I don‘t care how words were created. 🤷🏻‍♀️. However, once it got going, it got pretty interesting. Especially towards the end!

It‘s been a while since I‘ve listened to such a long audiobook!


Soubhiville Congrats! 1w
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Actually finished this before the 15th! This one felt a bit different where she already knew what the mystery was. Poor Carol. This one kind of had a different formula and her family was more involved in helping, so I liked that.


Librarybelle Agreed! 2w
bookandbedandtea Yes! I enjoyed that this one didn't follow the formula and that Nancy's family was closely involved. I just posted a review saying much the same thing! 2w
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Oops! I have not read a lot of the books on the list! But to be fair, a lot are repeat authors and all mostly genres I don‘t gravitate towards.

I own like 10 books on the list and haven‘t read them yet. And haven‘t heard of a lot of them!

5feet.of.fury I‘ve only read 2 😂 2w
5feet.of.fury Funny enough 2 out of the 100 & 2 out of your 8. Station Eleven and Fifth Season. 2w
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The Invisible Library | Genevieve Cogman
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I read this book back in 2016 and I remember really loving it but I didn‘t continue this series. I decided to give it a reread and didn‘t remember a single thing! So, it was like reading a new book. And I am actually going to continue the series this time!


CrowCAH I‘ve been wanting to get back into this series too. 2w
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The Love Remedy | Elizabeth Everett
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So I didn‘t realize this was a spin off story/series from the Secret Scientists of London series (which i didn‘t finish).

There is reference to things from that series, but I don‘t think it matters if you haven‘t read it.

This is about a female apothecary who gets her formula stolen so she‘s hires a PI to get it back. He‘s a single father and has some pretty strong beliefs that cause friction. But it is a romance, so you can guess what happens

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When you‘re reading a reference to Gilmore girls, while watching Gilmore girls 🥰🥰🥰

AmyG Ha! 2w
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A Tempest of Tea | Hafsah Faizal
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OMG! I don‘t know why but I LOVED this book. I was immediately hooked and intrigued. Couldn‘t put it down! I‘m so glad I saw someone on Litsy recommend this (I don‘t remember who)!

There is tea, vampires, criminals, a crew and heist. So good! And I‘m so glad it‘s a series and there will be more books!!

Ahh read this!

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Went to a bookstore in Marcellus, NY called That‘s What She Read. It‘s mostly used books and some newer books. I couldn‘t find it here to tag it.

You buy books and they wrap it up for you in paper, ribbon and fresh lavender! They also give you free stickers and bookmarks.

If you follow me on instagram, I posted a bunch of photos on my stories!


ShelleyBooksie How pretty!! 3w
Ruthiella Lovely! 😍 3w
dabbe Well, how lovely is that! 💜💜💜 3w
kspenmoll What a beautiful idea! 3w
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So, I bought an ebook from Amazon of this book. And I just started reading it today. This popped up.. and the next page says how it‘s an arc.

Then the next page is maps which aren‘t there. So not sure if I should just request a refund because I‘m not spending $10 on an ARC…


BarkingMadRead Yikes! I would definitely contact Amazon, this is an error, possibly by the author, that can hopefully be fixed! 3w
Laughterhp @BarkingMadRead I requested a refund and they gave it to me, no questions asked… looks like I‘ll wait to buy a hard copy, in case it happens again. 😒 3w
Octoberwoman It‘s illegal to sell ARCs. 3w
Laughterhp @Octoberwoman That‘s what I thought. So I‘m not sure why that‘s the version that was uploaded to Amazon. 3w
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Forged in Fire | Juliette Cross
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July #bookspin & #doublespin picks!

TheAromaofBooks Yay!! Enjoy!! 3w
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This bracket I put the tagged book as my favorite read of June!


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Hey! I won a #goodreadsgiveaway! This is only the 2nd or 3rd time I‘ve ever won one of these!

Ruthiella Congratulations! 👏👏👏 4w
PuddleJumper Congrats! 4w
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The Midnight Feast | Lucy Foley
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My favorite read of June was the tagged book. However, the Bone Shard Emperor is my favorite read of the first half of the year.


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I‘m actually super excited for my July #BOTM box!! I can‘t wait to read all of these books.

That Summer Feeling | Bridget Morrissey
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Low pick for me. A summer camp romance for adults. Garland is divorced and a ride share driver. She meets these twins driving them somewhere and they invite her to an adult summer camp they opened. When she gets there she sees a guy she met randomly at an airport, so she thinks it‘s fate. If it‘s fate, then why is she falling for his sister?!

It‘s only told from one POV and she just realized she might like women.

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A bit of a slow month for me, which is fine. I still read 15 books!

A lot of mediocre books or maybe just not amazing reads for me.


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Just finished the 3rd book in the Saffron series! This one has her going undercover for the government. Lots of intrigue and bad guys. And the romance deepens! 🥰🥰 Which makes me so happy because it‘s not super dragged out!

I absolutely love this series.

robinb 💙💙💙 1mo
julesG I loved seeing the romance deepen. I had fears this would be a very slow romance with a first kiss in book 6 or later. 4w
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Finally got a chance to read this month‘s Nancy Drew pick!

This one has Nancy all over the place. The mystery was interesting but it was her basically just knowing who the bad guy was and following him around unable to find him.

Also I was trying to understand the football game. Back in the day did the quarterback also kick the ball?


Librarybelle The QB could! It was going out of fashion by the 1930s, because the shape of the football started to change, making it easier to throw greater distances. I learned that after having that question myself! 😂 1mo
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Board to Death | CJ Connor
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This book had so much promise but YIKES! Everyone was so abrasive and combative. I‘m not sure if it was just the way the audio was read or what.

It‘s set in Utah, so a lot of talk about Mormons and stuff, so I found that interesting.

But the writing was awful. I‘m not sure why I finished this book.

dabbe #fanofthepan! 🤩🤩🤩 1mo
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The second book of this duology. This isn‘t my favorite series but it‘s a different and interesting take on fantasy and a magic system.

This one picks up right after the second book (probably should have reread it first). This is a series I would recommend.

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Here‘s my July #bookspin list! June was a pretty slow reading month for me, which I‘m okay with! So we‘ll see what happens with July!

TheAromaofBooks Woohoo!! 1mo
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The Midnight Feast | Lucy Foley
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Met Lucy Foley last night! There were a ton of people there and had to wait about an hour, but she was great. She was so nice!


5feet.of.fury So cool! 1mo
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The Curse of Penryth Hall | Jess Armstrong
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Finished my June #BookSpin book! I wasn‘t really sure what this book was going to be about. It‘s set after WWI. Ruby has lost a lot in her life and is working at a bookstore and living above it. She goes to the Cornish countryside to deliver books and visits an old friend who got married and lives at the manor house. While there the husband dies and the story unravels. Pretty good mystery and storytelling!

TheAromaofBooks Woohoo!! 1mo
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Bless Your Heart | Lindy Ryan
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Read this one last week. It was pretty gruesome but found it an interesting take on vampires. Though they call them strigoi (not sure the spelling) and they‘re kind of more like zombies.

Four women own and run a funeral parlor and have quite a history.

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I did it! I got through an SA Cosby book! I was nervous to pick them up because I heard how dark and gruesome the books are. This one was pretty dark but luckily most was off the page. A serial killer and the hunt to find them before they kill again. I‘ll need light stuff for a while before I can pick up any other dark books.


Soubhiville I‘m glad you made it through and that it‘s a pick for you🙂📚. He writes darker than what I usually read, but I do usually enjoy his books. 1mo
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This author was on the Reading Glasses podcast and I liked the sound of the book. This author has a lot of books, but this is the first I‘ve read. I definitely plan to check out his other works. The storytelling was great. There is a time loop and Carter brings Mariana into the loop so he isn‘t alone. They live the same 4 days over and over again. This book was really good!

peanutnine I've loved all of Mike Chen's books! This is next on my list! 2mo
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Taken At The Flood (Poirot) | Agatha Christie
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This is the first Agatha Christie book I‘ve panned. The mystery itself was good but that ending. If you‘ve read it and are human, you get it. The issue has nothing to do with Poirot but a couple of the characters. Just nope!

dabbe #fanofthepan! 🤩🤩🤩 2mo
willaful IYKYK 2mo
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Psyche and Eros: A Novel | Luna McNamara
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I‘ll give this book a low pick. I enjoyed learning about Psyche and Eros, but wasn‘t my favorite myth retelling. It kind of seemed like the author was trying to show off how much Greek mythology she knew and to name all the gods. I won‘t say too much more but I mailed this out today. It should be there Saturday or Monday! #LmPBC

KateReadsYA Can't wait 2mo
Blerdgal_Fenix Thanks for review. I will add it to my tbr, but make it a low priority. Maybe a winter read. 2mo
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Mirrored Heavens | Rebecca Roanhorse
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My June #bookhaul so far! So excited the tagged book is finally published! I can‘t wait to pick it up. Also, I didn‘t realize the new Sarah Perry was published today too!

I also got my June #BOTM picks in. I didn‘t like any of the main options, so did a reader favorites and picked Five Broken Blades. Just because I wanted the add ons!

Funny Story | Emily Henry
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Favorite read of May is Throne of the Fallen. I added the tagged book as a bonus, but it‘s not better to me than The Bone Shard Daughter.


Throne of the Fallen | Kerri Maniscalco
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Tagged book turned out to be my favorite read of May! I read 25 books in May 🤯🤯


Clear: A Novel | Carys Davies
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I really liked this book. I wouldn‘t have picked it up if not for #camplitsy24 (because I had never heard of it or the author). It was short and the author didn‘t waste any words.

I did listen on audio, so hopefully I‘ll know which was part 1 and part 2 for the discussion.

Megabooks I‘m so glad you enjoyed it! Excited for next Saturday! 😁🏕️ 2mo
squirrelbrain Glad you found it through #camplitsy! 2mo
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Body and Soul Food | Abby Collette
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I guess there was a reason I stopped reading her ice cream series. I picked up this first book in a new series (food and bookstore sounds great), but WOW I did not like this MC. She was so annoying and the worst kind of amateur detective. Also a lot of repetitive thoughts. I think I‘ll pass on anymore.

Finished in May

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Here‘s my June #readyourkindle list! Let‘s see what gets picked this month or what I‘ll actually read!

CBee Looks good 👍🏻 2mo
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The Bullet Swallower | Elizabeth Gonzalez James
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Here are my #Roll100 picks for June. I‘ve already bailed on number 24. But will try to pick up these other 2 in June.

PuddleJumper Sounds good! 2mo
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Here is my June #bookspin list. A mix of summer reads and other reads.

TheAromaofBooks Woohoo!!! 2mo
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The Book of Thorns | Hester Fox
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This book is so different from this authors other work and it was great. Set during Napoleon‘s timeframe of escaping exile and the battle of Waterloo. This is a magical realism with flower magic. You follow 2 sisters, one raised by her uncle and the other who is in servitude and mute. Both fall for soldiers and how they journey through the wars. So good. I loved this book.

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This one was also a bit silly. There is a guidebook that this little town follows that makes a lady proper. If she doesn‘t follow the guidelines, the girls get shunned. All Beatrice wants is to be a detective and solve murders. Her family gets invited to a ball where a murder happens. She has to be a proper lady but solve the crime as well. A fun, silly read.

LiteraryinLawrence Totally silly, but I liked it too. 😋 2mo
Cheryl_Russell_BookNotes That book was just fun to read! 2mo
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Sorry Sarah, but this one was boring. Maybe I‘m just not into historical romance anymore. But this one was my least favorite in the series. Though I am excited for the last one. Upset I have to wait until 2025 for it though.

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This book was a bit silly. Set in Italy, a town needs plumbing to be fixed but they need 70k euros. Dante starts a rumor that they‘ll be filming a movie and needs funding. He gets the funding from what I‘m assuming is a mafia man. They then have to make the movie. This is a bit of a silly book I think and it‘s a low pick.

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This was an enemies to possibly lovers to enemies book. She‘s a witch and he‘s a witch hunter. They both are using the other for their goals.

This is a duology, so I definitely plan to pick up the next book.

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Happy Medium | Sarah Adler
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This was a fun magical romance with a ghost. There was some things that I felt were brought up with no resolution. She‘s a con woman but only to help people feel better. She gets paid to go to a farm and help out Charlie. And they of course fall in love.

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