I could't even imagine that the second part would be even better than The Three Body Problem. At half reading I thougt well it is not that exiting and than BUMMM. I loved it. Soon I'll start the last part.
I could't even imagine that the second part would be even better than The Three Body Problem. At half reading I thougt well it is not that exiting and than BUMMM. I loved it. Soon I'll start the last part.
The narration was done by a skilled voice actor, who skillfully brought to life the extensive cast of characters and the vast scope of interstellar combat. We see the enigmatic protagonist, as well as the other brilliant minds tasked to protect our species from aliens, depicted with an incredible depth of character and detail.......
Full review: https://www.goodreads.com/review/show/6535923607
âï¸âï¸âï¸âï¸âï¸ This was every bit as epic and amazing as the first book,. Ive often been intimidated by hard science science fiction reads, but these books are making that fear unjustified. It‘s absolutely brilliant.
The concepts and ideas are so big and bold and the journey so engrossing, it‘s hard to put the book down. However I do need to move slowly and savor and process these books. Take your time and enjoy the ride if you dare.
Book 2. What can I say? This is one of the best, most unique sci-fi series I have read in a long time! Loved it, maybe even more than book 1. Can‘t wait to tackle the third one. Refuse to watch Netflix series until I am done the books. I can‘t imagine the series even coming close to being as good as the books and how I imagine it all in my head. 5/5
Getting some much needed heavy rain and I don‘t have to work until this afternoon. So I am taking an extra hour to read in bed. What a cozy treat!
OK! Two books down of the Three-Body Problem trilogy, with one to go. Really liked where this one went, sci fi to the max. Super interesting characters and story lines that I didn‘t see coming. Not sure these three books are the right read for a beach vacation though! The possible end of civilization is pretty heavy.
Photo: Lake Tekapo, NZ
This book was a RIDE - reminded me of Foundation - the way we move forward & see how humanity changes based on decisions in the past. This is a galactic chess game, earth playing a civilisation it knows little about, and scientists and military creating strategies with little to go on. I dont even try to understand the science, just the big picture of each manoeuvre. Completely absorbing - i loved it even more than Book 1.
Just finished the 2nd book in Cixin Liu's trilogy & does that dog's expression depict how I feel right now? Yes. Did that get in the way of me enjoying the heck out of whatever this was? No! So much of the science stuff went over my head, but it never bothered me. It's dense, it's wacky, it's got a number of different ideas & concepts rattling around in a way that makes this such a refreshing read from my usual fare. The last third ups the ante
Started Cixin Liu's The Dark Forest in anticipation of finishing the trilogy before The Three-Body Problem airs on Netflix and came across this passage and paused, because I *just* finished Marissa Meyers' Scarlet earlier today, which is a YA alternate reality riff on The Little Red Riding Hood.
Maybe our books do talk to each other? 😅
Amazing. Although between the Three Body problem and the Dark Forest I like Three Body Problem more and also waiting eagerly for the Netflix series
I really do love the hard, challenging science in this sci-fi, the big ideas about the nature of the universe and human and alien culture and behavior, however bleak, but Liu‘s characters are sacrificed to this and are just so flat and shallow. That would be fine if it weren‘t for the ridiculously misogynistic way he writes about women. Add to that the popular opinion that it‘s a real slog to get to the pay off…I won‘t be reading the last one.
This one is definitely my favorite from the whole trilogy. There are so many fascinating concepts and ideas. This book broke me, opened my eyes made me angry and was really thought provoking. I don't think I'll ever forget it.
Check your our discussion about it in our episode 6 of our podcast: https://bit.ly/3KA0JTZ
finally finished this book. I think I liked it better than the first one. I'm so excited for the show.
I struggled a lot to get into this book, because at times it can be quite dense, and there are times when the writing to describe women is...less than ideal. However, when the plot started to take shape, I could not put it down. It's truly an interesting timeline and story that takes place across this book and the first, I've never read anything like it. I'm intrigued by what could be in the final book, as the ending was quite good for this one.
In the end, I loved this one as much as I did love the first one. I am no frequent reader of this kind of sci-fi literature (I guess, @Jari-chan called it “western sci-fiâ€) but I loved all the ideas, twists and turns Lui put in his story. 😃 I admit, I sometimes had difficulties keeping the characters apart but that only has to do with me being unfamiliar with Asian names.
I immediately started listening to the third, and sadly, last part.
2021 was a really odd reading year for me. I didn‘t read a lot and I read quite a few books that I wouldn‘t usually pick up but somehow they worked.
Different from the first book, but still very interesting. Unlike The Three Body Problem, The Dark Forest gives the reader a lot more information about what's going on. It is about humanity's reaction to the events of the first book. Broken into sections of time rather than chapters makes the timeline of the book very clear (but also makes it even easier than normal to read WAY too late into the night). Definitely recommend.
They had discovered that the language of the eyes that Zhuang Yan had dreamed up was now a reality, or maybe loving humans had always possessed this language. When they looked at each other, a richness of meaning poured from their eyes just as the clouds poured from the cloud well created by the gravitational beam, endless and unceasing.
Human civilisation has a history of just five thousand years, yet we cherish life and freedom so highly. There must be civilisations in the universe with a history of billions of years. What sort of morality do they possess? Is there any point to that question?
In the cold expanse of the universe, all carbon-based life shared a common destiny, one that might take billions of years to cultivate, but a destiny that cultivated feelings of love that transcended time and space
I didn‘t think The Dark Forest could possibly be better than The Three-Body Problem. I was wrong. I was entertained, I was educated, I was moved and I cried. I felt alive reading this book. I have recommended these to all my reading friends. I hope they do read them because humanity will only improve the more people who do. LOVE THIS BOOK â¤ï¸
I did manage my pile after all. Even though I sometimes felt like I'm about to hit a reading slump... Happily, I've still had some great books mixed with a lot of 3 star reads. Now on to the July books.
The first book left me a bit confused, and I wasn't sure about really continuing this trilogy. That's why it took hubbie to tell me, to read the second installment. And he did right. This part is less confusing, maybe because all the game elements are done, and the story focuses on humanity's will to survive. Liu brings some fresh air into the western sci-fi genre, and I hope there will be more by him and other writers ⬇
I stole this from Jari-chan and Alwaysbeenaloverofbooks. I love this quote! 📚â¤ï¸âœ¨
My paper books for this month. Reading some ebooks as well, so this pile isn't that big right now 😅
Another great book in a trilogy that is proving to be a good workout for my computer-fi fiction brain. Rock hard sci-fi yet again, this time concerning faster than light travel and inter-planetary relations. A fantastic continuation of the trilogy. I couldn‘t stop listening, can‘t wait till the library get the third book as an audio book!
âï¸ âï¸ âï¸ âï¸ âï¸ A great sequel to the Three Body problem and a thoroughly enjoyable hard science fiction read. It brings in physics, astronomy and philosophy (and lots of it) but also spends quite a bit of time alternating between the message of desperation and that of hope. It gets inside the human soul and explores some of the darkest corners. A five star read for sure.
My last book of 2021 AND first book of 2021 will be the same - The Dark Forest by Coxon Liu. I‘ve had very little time to read lately 😕 and it‘s a book that‘s long (a bit over 500 pages) and not a quick read at all. So worth it though! I‘m really enjoying it. #lastfirst
Calling Cixin Liu's work "cerebral" is an understatement. The Dark Forest is the sequel to The Three-Body Problem. It's a bit of a slog but it picks up when it jumps into the future. The ending is deeply compelling, a philosophical meditation on the nature of scarcity and competition.
For those of you that read the first book with the #BBBBC book club last month, book 2 is on kindle sale in the US today.
Umm.....in a situation where other humans are committing murder, arson, robbery- I find it surprising that the characters want the government to stop... A wholly consensual orgy? Cixin Liu's a bit of a prude!!
Faridabad??😂😂😂The nearest port to Faridabad is 1400 kilometres away!!! Clearly there was some 17th century Fitzcarraldo type lurking around India. Or Cixin Liu did some bizarre Google search, and his editors couldn't be bothered.
The second in this series (after The Three-Body Problem) tackled some serious metaphysical questions and also definitely answers the Fermi paradox, and does so over a 200+ year time jump. Darker and more cerebral than its predecesor, in a good way.
1.5/5â The ideas are interesting (like an alien species whose thoughts are completely transparent and how that affects alien/human understanding). But the story draaaaaaaaaaags. And wanders into long tangents (like imaginary characters coming to life for their writers). The tightness of the first book's writing that kept me invested despite not understanding a whole lot of the physics was completely absent in this book.
If you want a light fun read that will not leave you feeling like your soul has been stripped bare, do not read this book. If you want slow read full of space battles, engineering solutions/problems, human/alien psychology and possible strategies against an alien race who thinks of humans as bugs, read this brilliant book. I am exhausted.
One down, two to go! Three Body was excellent! #CixinLiu #RemembranceofEarthsPast #TheThreeBodyProblem #TheDarkForest #DeathsEnd #scifi #sff #specfic #speculativefiction
I was really enjoying this book until there was a very predatory romance. I found the power imbalance and the uncritical presentation of a really rape situation uncomfortable, so be warned!
?This next #staffpick is from Main Floor bookseller Tony! ? "The second book in Cixin Liu‘s 'Remembrance Of Earth‘s Past' Trilogy, 'The Dark Forest' expands upon the foundation established in 'The Three Body Problem' with deeper characters and somehow an even grander scope. 'The Dark Forest' is a brilliant piece of sci-fi literature and a must-read for any serious sci-fi nerd like myself!"