I awoke to a snowy world! It‘s still coming down-we have a 2 hour delay at school. Just getting up to 4 inches. Our first snow! ❄️❄️
I awoke to a snowy world! It‘s still coming down-we have a 2 hour delay at school. Just getting up to 4 inches. Our first snow! ❄️❄️
Le sigh. It has never snowed this much here in February in Abbotsford. Can I blame it on #climatechange? When the Pacific Northwest/Lower Mainland gets snow, we get one big dump and we‘re done with it for the winter. This month has been so odd the last 2-3 weeks.
Well we made it back home, but the roads aren‘t great. I‘d guess there‘s a good 8 inches out there already.
I‘m having bad deja vu from last time this year... tulips and daffodils peaking up green sprouts, tons of snow bury, squash and freeze them off. No flowers, and my mom had a booted foot both times. At least it‘s not broken this year.
Nor‘easter hitting us harder than I expected! No clue we were to have snow. Wish I was home on my couch with my book and a cup of tea! #ratherbereading
It's been 60 degrees in Boise since like mid-January, and I woke up this morning to 5 inches of snow. 😭
It took me 3x as long to get to work because this city doesn't believe in snow plows, and when I got here the lights were off and doors were locked.
I've learned two things today:
1. Call the boss to see if there's a snow day
2. Don't doubt groundhogs
I'm now going to begin my trek home and curl up with a book ☕📖
I have all kinds of tea and hot cocoa in the house and my plan was to just get comfy and read all day, but first one must shovel the walk. Yay. ❄️❄️❄️⛄📚📚📚