I did some outdoor reading on this 23° day. THE ART OF CHARLIE CHAN HOCK CHYE is a #blameitonLitsy title, and it‘s excellent so far.
I did some outdoor reading on this 23° day. THE ART OF CHARLIE CHAN HOCK CHYE is a #blameitonLitsy title, and it‘s excellent so far.
Made my last library haul for a while. Our case numbers are high and vaccine distribution‘s so slow it could be weeks yet before it‘s my turn. I don‘t feel comfortable going in anyplace until I‘ve got some protection.
It‘s a durned good haul, right? I‘m especially excited for the tagged book, Talia Hibbert‘s latest, and my first Adriana Herrera, fresh out of the processing centre!
#SpringSentiments Day 14: There appears to be a #Stupefied expression in this man‘s face. One of the most fascinating and brilliant graphic novels coming from Singapore. Make sure you find this and read it! Recommend unreservedly. Delightfully subversive.
If you are interested in Singapore‘s history, this book is for you. This graphic novel is super impressive; I‘m surprised that it got an okay to get published. The Government doesn‘t usually allow such open criticism. Although it made me feel like watching Inception the movie, I must admit that Sonny Liew is a genius in this multi-layered work 👍🏻
Animal Farm? 🤔 It‘s interesting how Sonny Liew places this section in his famous comic
An absolute must read classic of Sony Liew's sharp take on Singapore's history uniquely weaved into the biography of a comics artist and skillfully incorporating the history of comics as well. The illustration styles were varied and beautiful.
An excellent intro for me to the power, and nuance of graphic novels. Sonny Liew draws to life a talented and liberal Singaporean Comic artist, Charlie, who goes through many historical transitions both in his life and in his art. Not only do you get a radical perspective on Lee Kuan Yew, you get a subtly sad tone for a life spent drawing comics that did not bring either political change nor personal success. #readaroundtheworld #singapore
A have not read many graphic novels but this one about the long life of a Singaporean comic artist is so layered. Our author, Sonny Liew draws the character Charlie through his life, the history of the island but also through his many artistic styles. As Charlie matures and ages his drawing goes through transitions also so you see all the comic book styles in one story. Plus I am learning Singaporean history. #readaroundtheworld #singapore
Day26 #FallIntoBooks #lesserknowncomics I struggled with this prompt because I have only read a handful of comics/graphic novels & most are pretty well known. Then I remembered this one about the story of Singapore told through the drawings of a fictional cartoonist. I've posted about it before but needs must. 😆Both the artwork and the telling of history are stellar.
#anditsaugust day 21: #seniorcitizens
The stars of these books are senior citizens. If you haven't read Charlie Chan yet, I'd highly recommend it! Love the way Sonny Liew told this tale
Saw this pop up mini bookstore of SingLit (Singapore Literature) at the mall earlier today. I took note of some titles that looked interesting but didn't buy anything since I still have so many books in my TBR pile.
#riotgrams #comics Years ago I traveled to Singapore regularly for work and so when I saw this graphic novel at the library, I grabbed it up. The author weaves modern Singaporean history into the life of a fictional comic book artist in such a brilliant & gorgeous way. Even if you don't know much about Singapore's history & political climate (I'm no expert) just the 300+ pages of comic panels & drawings are a thrill to behold. Amazing.📚👍
Day19 #readjanuary #endpapers I was discouraged w/the lack of cool endpapers in the books on my shelves but this library find saved the day. I'd seen @RealLifeReading post about this one & the cover blurb calls it "Part graphic novel, part art book, part narrative essay" about the history of Singapore through the eyes of a fictional comic book artist. Love the comic-style endpapers & having spent time in Singapore, I find the subject interesting.
#readjanuary day 8: #titleswithapropername
Some of my favourite books have proper name-titles (although to be honest I bought the Huckleberry Finn just because it was pretty and matches the rest of my Puffin classics collection! 😂)
I may be from Asia (Singapore born & bred) but it's only in recent years that I've been reading more from this region. Singapore is a former British settlement w a lot of US influence so I grew up reading Enid Blyton, Sweet Valley High, Christopher Pike etc. On our yearly visits to Singapore I've seen more and more books written & published in Singapore both for adults and kids. Yay! 🇸🇬 Here the bottom 6 books are fr Sg #somethingforsept
Ok so today's #augustphotochallenge topic was rather stressful. How to put all of one's faves in one photo?? I'm trying to fit in as many covers as possible in this one!! And had to use a few first in series to stand for the whole series. Also I realize a lot of them are fantasy. Do you spot any of your faves here? #bookphotochallenge #alltimefavebooks #augustofpages
Time for our next Shelf Talker!
Meet Sharlene ( @RealLifeReading ) who is originally from Singapore and now living in America. Check out Litsy's Instagram or Facebook page for the full interview! #ShelfTalker
Fun Friday Photo - As I'm from Southeast Asia, I like to read books set in Southeast Asia (and written by Southeast Asians). Also note completely appropriate tank top modeled by my 5yo and all the stickers he added to my photo.
Packing for a four-day trip with my mother-in-law. Books are my insulation.
My Book Club (Gathering Readers) in my institution (National Institute of Education, Nanyang Technological University) discussing a graphic novel that is like no other of its kind. Sonny Liew is a genius.
One of the best books ever about Singapore. Fantastic art reflecting the styles of the time. It is ambitious - an alternate history, a biography of a fictional comic book artist, a history of Singapore's past. But it works. And it is just brilliant. ❤️
This book is a masterpiece. Sonny Liew juxtaposes Charlie Chan Hock Chye's own work against Singaporean history. It's fascinating and beautiful.