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I collezionisti | David Baldacci
A due passi dalla sede del potere a Washington, si sta dipanando una trama complessa nella quale interessi nazionali, malavita e corruzione politica si sovrappongono fino all'imprevedibile finale, che appare non molto distante da una possibile realt...
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The Collectors | David Baldacci
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Annabelle is a beautiful stranger with a mysterious past, planning the heist of the century - two short cons to fund a long con, then a life of unashamed luxury, incognito in a foreign land. Unfortunately, however, things don't go according to plan. I liked the characters, the short chapters and the plot. A quick and easy read with some humor. The cons were enjoyable & Annabelle a favorite character. This 2nd book in series is highly recommended.

Andrew65 Great review, agree about Annabelle. 5y
EadieB @Andrew65 Thanks! 5y
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The Collectors | David Baldacci
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Bern a stressful week, school where I am Principal fully open until Friday. Announcement 5 pm Wednesday it was closing on Friday to reopen Monday as a care facility for very vunerable children and children of Critical workers fighting Coronavirus. Then non-stop work for four days ready for tomorrow. Now achieved it but meant little reading time. Only managed 1 book finished, and 1024 pages read, most in the first half of the week.

BookishMe Thank you for keeping the children safe, within your capabilities. I am sure its a demanding time for you and your team. Hang in there 👏🏽👏🏽 5y
Andrew65 @BookishMe Thanks, a challenging time and rewarding. Made me and my team consider what is really important. (edited) 5y
BookishMe True... Being introspective can bring clarity! 5y
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LiteraryinPA 💜💜💜Thanks for what you‘re doing. 5y
BookwormM Well done for going in are you working during the Easter holiday? My mum is a teacher and her school is staying open all Easter 5y
Cinfhen Best of luck Andrew!!! 🙌🏻❣️#MakingLitsyProud 5y
Andrew65 Thanks @LiteraryinLititz @BookwormM @Cinfhen Day 1 down. 👍😊 (edited) 5y
Andrew65 @BookwormM We‘ve been asked to consider Easter. Still considering and seeing if any demand. Will be making that decision later this week. Such a rapidly evolving situation that two weeks seems a long way away. 5y
JaclynW ❤ Take care. It's a tough time right now. 5y
Andrew65 @JaclynW Thanks, yes it is for all of us but we will get through this. 🥰 (edited) 5y
JaclynW @Andrew65 For sure.🥰 5y
Centique All the best to you and your team Andrew. Such a vital role you are taking on 🙌🙌 5y
Andrew65 @Centique Thanks, overall a good first week, the issues will come as people succumb to illness and trying to cover the two week Easter vacation and still phasing people off for time away. 5y
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The Collectors | David Baldacci
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Starting The Collectors for a Group Read on Librarything. Bad news is I seem to have picked up a bit of a bug. Feeling very heady over the weekend and having to clear my throat a few times Friday night and Saturday. The odd cough but not whilst sitting down resting and no cough today and throat better. Normally just put it down to a winter bug, but who knows within the times we are in.

AlaMich The big question would be whether you have a fever? 5y
Andrew65 @AlaMich not particularly, or not to the touch. 5y
AlaMich 👍 5y
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Andrew65 @AlaMich Thanks for asking. 😊 5y
mcipher Feel better! I hope it‘s nothing and it passes quickly. 💕 5y
Andrew65 @mcipher Thanks, me too. 😊 5y
OutsmartYourShelf Hope you feel better soon, @Andrew65 5y
CocoReads Feel better! 5y
ScientistSam Hope you feel better soon, and that you're well stocked on books and food so you can stay at home. 5y
Andrew65 @ScientistSam Thanks, books I‘m okay for about 5 years at least 😂 Food enough to get by. 😊 5y
squirrelbrain Get well soon! 5y
Andrew65 @squirrelbrain Thanks 😊 5y
Kelly_the_Bookish_Sidekick It's that time of year. I hope it's just a light cold and you feel better soon! 5y
Andrew65 @Kelly_the_Bookish_Sidekick Thanks, me too. 😊 (edited) 5y
TrishB Hope you‘re feeling better soon. It‘s very hard to judge isn‘t it! 5y
Andrew65 @TrishB Yes impossible and our brain goes into overload. Thanks 😊 To be honest a lot of us won‘t know if we have the mild form whether we had it or something else, especially as not testing many now. (edited) 5y
IamIamIam Fingers crossed! We've got allergies going on that freaked everyone out but everything is blooming really early this year so hope that's all it is! 5y
Andrew65 @IamIamIam All very worrying and making us all paranoid! Good point, hay fever season is about to start. 5y
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The Collectors | David Baldacci
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Schedule for the Librarything Group Read of The Collectors by David Baldacci, this is the second book in the Camel Club Series.

EadieB @Andrew65 Thanks! 5y
Andrew65 @EadieB Be great to get back to a group read, at the moment we can all do with some distraction! 5y
EadieB @Andrew65 I agree! Coronavirus Group Read! 5y
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Andrew65 @EadieB Sounds good to me, beat the virus with a group read! 5y
Tove_Reads Was just thinking that a group read or two wouldn‘t be a bad idea. Isn‘t there a readathon coming up as well? 5y
Andrew65 @Tove_Reads Two readathons coming up. #24in48 next weekend and then #24B4Monday the following weekend (27th - 29th). We may need a few community reads to get through this nightmare of a period. And we were all worried about Brexit!!! 5y
Tove_Reads We just need to figure out the reads. I guess you‘re now reading what you have at home or can get as ebooks from the library? 5y
Andrew65 @Tove_Reads Yes, although still working as schools surprisingly still open. 5y
Tove_Reads What books would be have waiting to be read? Many, yes, but something many people would have at hands. 5y
Andrew65 @Tove_Reads That‘s the tricky question! 5y
Tove_Reads Trying to think of what we‘ve been talking about... do you have? 5y
Andrew65 @Tove_Reads This is one I wanted to read for a while. My cataloguing system says I own it but went to where it should be on the shelf and it isn‘t there. 😡 If I can‘t locate it, it is available cheaply for Kindle. 5y
Tove_Reads I remember you owning it as well! I have the whole trilogy! 5y
Andrew65 @Tove_Reads I bought the whole trilogy from Apple Books last night for Qb.99 which was a bargain. Book 2 and 3 are selling for Qc.99 each on Amazon. 5y
Tove_Reads Wow! Good deal! Ready when you are! What about @EadieB? 5y
Andrew65 @Tove_Reads Imagine it will be next weekend for me as got group read this week and school still open. 5y
EadieB @Tove_Reads I ordered the trilogy from my bookswappers. Have to wait for them to mail the books to me. I'll let you know when I get the first book. @Andrew65 5y
Tove_Reads @eadieb 👍🏽 5y
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The Collectors | David Baldacci
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Currently reading!!

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The Collectors | David Baldacci
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1. Souls 💀
2. All three are ok by me
3. Thrift shops and the library

Valink 😂🤣😂 7y
ReadingVampire Souls! 😂🤣😂😅 7y
MelAnn Souls 🤣😂🤣 Thanks so much for participating! 7y
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The Collectors | David Baldacci
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I have been blessed recently with sweet customers lately! :-) Look what a lady brought me today! ♡♡♡

No_One Did you get a bracelet? Wow! Beautiful! 🙂 7y
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The Collectors | David Baldacci
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This book is pure entertainment not too challenging and fast to read. Just fun.