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Magicians' Guild: The Black Magician Trilogy Book 1
Magicians' Guild: The Black Magician Trilogy Book 1 | Trudi Canavan
"We should expect this young woman to be more powerful than our average novice, possibly even more powerful than the average magician."This year, like every other, the magicians of Imardin gather to purge the city of undesirables. Cloaked in the protection of their sorcery, they move with no fear of the vagrants and miscreants who despise them and their work--until one enraged girl, barely more than a child, hurls a stone at the hated invaders . . . and effortlessly penetrates their magical shield.What the Magicians' Guild has long dreaded has finally come to pass. There is someone outside their ranks who possesses a raw power beyond imagining, an untrained mage who must be found and schooled before she destroys herself and her city with a force she cannot yet control.
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The Magician's Guild | Trudi Canavan
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I can't believe it's already close to the November #BookSpin draw! New to my list this month is the tagged and Severance. I hope to get more caught up on my back log this month because I've started using my BookSpin picks as my commute audio where available from the library.

The Magician's Guild | Trudi Canavan
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It's that time of the year to plan/find reading challenges for the next year. 😄📚 I'm hoping to read a new series or two from the TBR pile, and reread some old ones.

What are your reading challenges for 2022? 🤔

The Magician's Guild | Trudi Canavan
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I loved the bitter feud between street kids and magicians at the heart of this story.

#fantasy #sorcery #magic

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This book frustrated me a little because I got a bit bored with the chase for Sonea and the series of stupid and obvious mistakes she was making. I was more interested in the other characters, so I was most interested in the final sections of the book after the typical 'misunderstandings that could be corrected by a single conversation' had ceased. It's not the worst book I've read but there was room for improvement

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Onto a new series, I don‘t know anything about it so I hope it turns out to be good! 🙊

johncadams Read this last week. Liked it. Hope you do too! 4y
Mishu94 @johncadams ooooh! So far it‘s okay, I‘m just like a 100 pages through 4y
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Found this book on my journey to read more female Australian fantasy authors. A great fun read, I definitely reccomend

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The Magician's Guild was ok, but not amazing or even particularly memorable. It's your stock-and-trade fantasy with a predictable plot and genetic world-building. Mostly it suffers from under developed characters who lack depth and complexity. But I liked the premise, and there were hints of a darker and more interesting story to come.

#fantasy #highfantasy #magicschool

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But one get one free on #audible always gets me 🤦🏻‍♂️😂 I‘ve read #magiciansguild but cannot remember one thing about it 🤔 don‘t know if that‘s a good or a bad thing. Anyone read either of these ☝🏻☝🏻☝🏻 #fantasy

Lucy_Anywhere I've just finished The Magician's Guild, and I'm not surprised you remember nothing about it. I enjoyed it while reading it, but there's nothing special about it 5y
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What's your favourite school in fantasy? One of mine is definitely The Magicians' Guild. Love this series - so many different cultures and a long history to discover ❤

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@DivaDiane #feedareader thankyou so much for the recipes & books - I'm looking forward to trying the banana bread & reading the books! I'm going to get some post it notes in a bit & go through the low carb book to find some recipes to try out in the new year!

@TricksyTails @MinDea

DivaDiane Oh, I‘m so glad you got it before Christmas. Again, sorry for the massive delay! 6y
DivaDiane PS: the banana bread is my grandmother‘s recipe and it‘s really the best. The important part is the milk/vinegar mix and putting the bicarbonate of soda in it for a nice science experiment. Also, let the bananas get black and squishy. Even if the skin gets moldy, the bananas will be fine. It takes a couple of weeks, but it makes the best banana bread!! 6y
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A fun fantasy read. Never read this author before but this was a great book to start with. I'm looking forward to reading more about these fun characters and seeing the world explored more.

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⚀ Scooby Doo (I blame this show for giving me my love of mystery novels)
⚁ Crookshanks!
⚂ I'm torn between Transfiguration, Potions & Defence Against the Dark Arts
⚃ Harry Potter (of course!)
⚄ Listening to my favourite music/wearing make up

#magicalmonday @Seekingtardis

aprilpohren Ohhhh!!! I adore Scooby Doo!!!! 6y
Seekingtardis Makeup can seriously make you feel magical! Totally agree 😍 especially if you have a unicorn pallet! 6y
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The Magician's Guild | Trudi Canavan
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@robinb #alltherightstuffgiveaway
These three are ones I always recommend. I couldn't put any of them down and look forward to reading them again every time.
Thank you!!! 💜💛💙

robinb Thanks for entering/sharing! Station Eleven is on my TBR, and I‘ll definitely check out the other two... thanks for the recs! 😊❤️ 7y
Djspens I liked Bird Box but rarely recommend it because I seem to like the weird stuff that none of my friends enjoy 🤪 Their loss!!! 7y
TCLinrow @Djspens I tend to recommend it anyway. Some of my friends enjoyed it, even though it's not their usual read ☺ I have no filter for book recommendations though... if I like it, they hear about it 🙄 7y
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There are many negative reviews on goodreads and I understand (most) of their arguments. It is definitely not high-class literature but the book has some features which distinguish it from other YA novels and made me love it, such as the lack of a weird lovestory, the logical behaviour of the characters and that Sonea is not instantly good at everything. But most importantly, this is a catching story and I can't wait to read the sequel.

BookNAround Love that bookmark! 7y
SilversReviews Beautiful bookmark. 7y
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Moony Oh, I read the sequel first and I love it. Die Triologie steht schon lange auf meiner Wunschliste. 7y
buecherwurm @Moony Ich werde dann berichten😉 7y
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The Magician's Guild | Trudi Canavan
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#riotgrams #someoneelsesbooks just so happens that one of my current reads is on loan from a friend! #borrowedbook

The Magician's Guild | Trudi Canavan
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Haha has anyone else ever read a book, and then found out you have been saying a characters name wrong.

Also this is the second time I am reading this series 😂😂😅😅

#littens #themagiciansguild

Utopiyll I haven't read this series in ages but I remember loving it! I'm going to have to read these again soon! 7y
kimlovesbooks @Utopiyll I know, i read this year's ago and I forgot how good it was, and the good thing is I can't really remember what happens, so it's like I'm reading it again for the first time. 😊😊 7y
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Finished crosstalk it was a really interesting story, highly recommend it.

Now to start this trilogy, I haven't read this series in years. Hopefully I will enjoy it, as much as I did the first time.

Also wish me luck, I'm going back to work for the first time in 3 weeks tomorrow because of my anxiety!! I'm so nervous I feel kind of sick.


cobwebmoth Sending positive thoughts and hugs! 7y
kimlovesbooks @cobwebmoth thanks lovely! X 7y
Sace Good luck and positive vibes are heading your way! 7y
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Mimi28 Wishing you good luck and calming thoughts 7y
kimlovesbooks @Mimi28 thanks xx 7y
AmandaL Good luck 🍀💕 7y
kimlovesbooks @AmandaL thanks xx 7y
UwannaPublishme Hope you're doing awesome and feeling peaceful at work! 🤗💕 7y
LazyOwl Good luck 7y
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My husband said this was a good book to read especially as I loved The Night Circus. It is indeed a good book, well written and I liked the story but,in the end,it reminded me of The Night Circus. In fact some parts were VERY similar. I would read the next in the series but not yet.

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This book was a slow burner and I felt that Canavan tells the reader a lot, rather than shows which is a little annoying. However, it picked up towards the end and set up events well for the next book.

Elisa Agreed! The book dragged a bit at first, but it was worth sticking with. The rest of the trilogy is very good — book 3 was my absolute favorite out of the three! 7y
Bookworm-Bobbie @Elisa that's good to know. I wasn't sure whether to continue right away, but I think I will! Thanks 😁👍 7y
Elisa @Bookworm-Bobbie sure! ? I don't disagree with the "telling a lot" bit — but somehow it pays off, especially in the last book. She spends a lot of time setting up the stage in the first book, but then the story comes alive and you're not left to wonder where things are happening because she detailed the world so well. I hope you enjoy the rest! I did, and the whole trilogy is on my "keeper" shelf now ? (edited) 7y
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Urgh! Why is this taking so long to read? 🤔

Melissa_J Love the mug 😊 7y
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I've written off my plans today so I can do this 📚🌞

MyBookLife Oh, good call!! 😍 7y
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I love a good glossary! Especially when it starts with payment for an assassination. I think I'm going to like this book. 😁😆

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This series has been on my peripheral for a little while. Today my friend said that he loved them because they were the first books he read that had a gay character and it gave him courage. After that recommendation, how could I not buy them? ❤️

Bibliogeekery What a lovely recommendation! ❤️ #queerbooks 7y
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Just about to start this.. my husband says it's great ..😊

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This book surprised me. As a rule, I find adult fantasy to be overwrought and pretentious, but this has just the right amount of magic and world-building without being exhausting. The characters were truly wonderful and their relationships felt rich without being plagued with the needless and repetitive tropes often found in period fantasies.
Similar vibes: Circle of Magic series

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Getting ready to start The Black Magician Trilogy. This was leant to me by a friend so I expect it to be ✨magical✨#ignoremychippednails

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This trilogy was #publishedinthe2000s and I hope to finally get around to reading it this year. #readjanuary

missevievelyn Ooh I've read the first two books in that series and reread them last year so that I can finally read book 3! They're lots of fun 😊 8y
LazyOwl I've read these, I quite enjoyed 8y
annkuch13 @missevievelyn @LazyOwl Oh! That's good to hear! 8y
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I really liked this book. Someone said it was a Harry Potter copycat but I just don't see it. The writing is completely different, as are the circumstances. Surely it would be unfair to refer to every book about someone who finds that they have powers as "inspired by Harry Potter", wouldn't it? Especially when they don't really share much at all.
I quite liked the world building here and found it an interesting and entertaining read. ⭐️⭐️⭐️?

TheLondonBookworm Ugh I hate it when people do that! There's always more to a book than it being the next HP or Hunger Games 8y
Elisa @TheLondonBookworm absolutely true! I won't deny that there are books out there that are a bit too close for my liking, but this isn't one of them. This is good in its own right IMO. 8y
TheLondonBookworm @Elisa Total agreement! And as you go along it gets better!!!! The spin off of this series that follows Dannyl I think his name was is brilliant :) 8y
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Elisa @TheLondonBookworm Oooh I didn't even know there was a spin-off! Will have to check it out after I am done! Does it talk about his adventures as ambassador in the other kingdoms? 8y
TheLondonBookworm @Elisa YES!!! Amongst other things 😉 8y
Elisa @TheLondonBookworm that sounds really fun! Thank you for telling me about it!!! 😘😘 8y
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This book is so good. And a great way to distract one from the fact that you are in a hospital, keeping company to a loved one who is getting treatment. Thank god for good books for making reality more bearable when it is difficult. #thankyoubooks #gratefulbibliophile

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So excited to have found this on the only book swap website in Switzerland! The other two books in the trilogy are just waiting for me 😁

TheLondonBookworm Loooooove these books 😍 8y
Elisa @TheLondonBookworm good to know! I have only just started but I have high hopes 😊 8y
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Feeling very satisfied getting to the end of a brilliant readathon and enjoying the view of my lovely bookshelves (or a few of many 😂) coincidently it is difficult to pick a single book when posting a #shelfie @24in48 @Litsy #24in48

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