This is my lap-friend, Zig.
This is my lap-friend, Zig.
The Hubs and I spent a glorious hour playing with the kitties of Zoomies Cat Cafe. Paisley is the oldest at 9, but also the sweetest and most head boopiest. There were also 2 boy kitties that are super attached to each other and napped curled around one another. Plus lots of other kitties not shown. If you're in #RVA and want to pet kitties, this is the place to go (message me too, bc why would you go without me?).
Such a cute sweet quick read. If you are a cat lover this a must read.
I saw this on the shelf at the library and had to grab it. It is written in the cat's perspective. Cute, cute cute!😻
#bookmail. Who it takes will probably go into the collection at work. The other... I have an patron from my last library who will love it.
Only at page 5 but looks promising! Told from the perspective of Molly the cat.