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In mezzo scorre il fiume | Norman McLean
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A River Runs Through It | Norman Maclean, Barry Moser
A River Runs Through It | Norman Maclean, Barry Moser
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Eggs Excellent 👌🏼 5mo
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A River Runs Through It | Norman Maclean, Barry Moser
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“My father was very sure about certain matters pertaining to the universe. To him, all good things—trout as well as eternal salvation—come by grace and grace comes by art and art does not come easy.”

Beautiful book 🥲

#Pantone2023 @Clwojick

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A River Runs Through It | Norman Maclean, Barry Moser
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This is a picture from the first time I hiked on a little path in the woods that‘s just around the corner from me, in October 2014. I don‘t know why I didn‘t discover it earlier!

Since then I‘ve returned many times in different times of the year and different times of day, in all kinds of moods and all kinds of weather. The soundtrack could be music or podcasts or silence. The river itself has different moods too.

#LitsySummerCamp #Hike #Day5

Kenyazero Looks like a beautiful path! 3y
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A River Runs Through It | Norman Maclean, Barry Moser
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1. Nope. (I am reading 3 different translations of Petrarch simultaneously. But I don‘t think that counts)
2. A minor one
3. Done

Thanks @LitStephanie for the tag, and @MoonWitch94 for the #thoughtfulthursday

@labfs39 @Currey - want to play?

Scochrane26 One of my favorite books ever. 3y
Graywacke @Scochrane26 nice to find another fan. It‘s such a beautiful book. The first time I read it, I was in college and it seemed then like the best thing i had ever read at that point. It‘s one of my special-to-me books. 3y
MoonWitch94 I love the tagged book! It really is beautiful. Thanks for playing 📚☺️🌿 3y
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A River Runs Through It | Norman Maclean, Barry Moser
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#7days7books Day 4 (one day late)

Seven books that left a deep impression on me and changed me.

When I left the college campuses, this was my definitive favorite and perfect book. Heavy on nature and with all the important elements communicated between the lines. It‘s a beautiful semi-nonfictional story (and not a bad movie)

@batsy gets the blame for starting me on this. Not sure who hasn‘t been tagged. @RidgewayGirl - interested to share?

Tamra Have you dared to watch the film? I have seen it and I think I tried the audio book and then bailed. I can‘t recall why. I liked the movie for the scenery shots. Our favorite vacation landscape. 😁 4y
Graywacke @Tamra i really liked the film. Maclean was involved to a degree. Ages are changed. The brothers in their semi-mature 30‘s become hormonal college-age kids. But it captures many aspects of the books. And i liked Brad Pitt in it, thought his beautiful face helped it. The book probably takes some patience. I haven‘t read it in a while. (edited) 4y
Tamra @Graywacke yes, I didn‘t enjoy the hormonal college kid angle, I never do. 4y
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Graywacke @Tamra what‘s funny is it‘s not in the book at all. In the book Norman is married and has been awhile and it explores their relationship a little along the way. In the movie he meets his wife. 4y
Tamra @Graywacke that‘s odd. I wonder why the screen writer decided to go that direction. Maybe to appeal to a broader audience. 4y
Graywacke @Tamra i read about this years ago in a Smithsonian magazine - that article is where I first learned of the book. Anyway, Robert Redford persuaded Maclean that it was necessary for the movie to work to make them younger and rework Norman‘s relationship for some romantic element. Of course, I don‘t remember the whole article, but it warmed me to Maclean and Redford. 4y
RidgewayGirl I‘ll give it a go! Will have to give it some thought. 4y
Graywacke @RidgewayGirl I‘m curious. 🙂 4y
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A River Runs Through It | Norman Maclean, Barry Moser
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This novella is my first red to finish in 2020, read along with Close Reads Podcast. Beautiful! ❤️ {January 1, 2020}

A River Runs Through It | Norman Maclean, Barry Moser
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Day 1 #7days7covers No explanation. #covercrush

Tanisha_A Love it. 😍 5y
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A River Runs Through It | Norman Maclean, Barry Moser
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#GetMovin #River @eanderson @Cinfhen
Never read the book but I have seen the movie.

Cinfhen Seems to be the popular response regarding this book, although those who have read it have loved it!! 6y
GripLitGrl @Cinfhen I had the popular choice of the day it happens I'm in sync with a lot of folks today😉 6y
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A River Runs Through It | Norman Maclean, Barry Moser
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Amazing story!!

A River Runs Through It | Norman Maclean, Barry Moser
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1. Me at about ages 3 and 7
2. Kitties! We rescued three baby kitties and took in my friend‘s cat as well. We went from 0 to 4 cats in the span of 10 days. 😂
3. A River Runs Through It for a class at school
4. What‘s brown and sticky? A stick. Hahahaha
5. Probably about a half hour, more when I‘m not in school @MinDea #humpdaypost

2BR02B Congrats on your new kitties! ❤ 7y
MinDea Sticky 😄😄😂 7y
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A River Runs Through It | Norman Maclean, Barry Moser
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Books_Wine_Repeat 😍😍😍 7y
readinginthedark 😯❤️🎉📚 7y
shawnmooney @Books_Wine_Repeat @readinginthedark I forgot the link to the full article but have added it now. ❤️ 7y
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Books_Wine_Repeat @shawnmooney Thanks for sharing! The pics are awesome! 7y
LeahBergen So cool. 7y
Lindy They all are glowing! That is the part that really astounds me. 7y
Soubhiville Very cool! 7y
MayJasper Blimey 7y
drokka Were people meant to take the books? Is this the same group who built the book Parthenon in Germany? 7y
shawnmooney @drokka I only know what's in the article but it's a good question! 7y
Suet624 That is fantastic!! 7y
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A River Runs Through It | Norman Maclean, Barry Moser
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"At the time I did not know that stories of life are more often like rivers than books"

#RockinMay #TheRiver #Fishing #VintageFinds #IToldMyHusbandIWouldUseThese

ValerieAndBooks I like your arrangement! Cool boxes and lures. 7y
Cinfhen Great photo and fantastic quote! LOVE THIS POST ❤️❤️ 7y
Jess_Read_This @ValerieAndBooks Thank you! I was glad to be able to use them after catching some flack from my husband when I bought them at a yard sale.. lol. He wanted to know what I was going to do w them... Two years later, I found a use. 😂 7y
Jess_Read_This @Cinfhen Thank you!! I really want to read the book now. I've seen the movie a few times and I'm thinking this book will be so much better based on the quotes I read from it. 7y
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A River Runs Through It | Norman Maclean, Barry Moser
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Just finished up some late night reading for my American Landscapes class. A good read but not something I would have picked up on my own.

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A River Runs Through It | Norman Maclean, Barry Moser
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The writing is poetic and beautiful, this is true. However, there was so much about fly fishing that I sometimes got a little distracted. I was able to see and understand all the layers of the story and the characters, though. It was worth reading once.

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A River Runs Through It | Norman Maclean, Barry Moser

"It is those we live with and love and should know who elude us."

A River Runs Through It | Norman Maclean, Barry Moser

"... but you can love completely without complete understanding."

A River Runs Through It | Norman Maclean, Barry Moser

"Help," he said, "is giving part of yourself to somebody who comes to accept it willingly and needs it badly."

A River Runs Through It | Norman Maclean, Barry Moser

Sunrise is the time to feel that you will be able to find out how to help somebody close to you who you think needs help even if he doesn't think so. At sunrise everything is luminous but not clear.

A River Runs Through It | Norman Maclean, Barry Moser

I had already heard more than I wanted. Maybe one of our ultimate troubles was that I never wanted to hear too much about [him].

A River Runs Through It | Norman Maclean, Barry Moser

That's how you know when you have thought too much -- when you become a dialogue between You'll probably lose and You're sure to lose.

A River Runs Through It | Norman Maclean, Barry Moser

... because, as someone often forced to think, I know that often I would not see a thing unless I thought of it first.

A River Runs Through It | Norman Maclean, Barry Moser

Since it was no great thing either way, I finally decided to forget it, and, as you see, I didn't.

A River Runs Through It | Norman Maclean, Barry Moser

Perhaps we always wondered which of us was tougher, but, if boyhood questions aren't answered before a certain point in time, they can't ever be raised again.

A River Runs Through It | Norman Maclean, Barry Moser
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My boss suggested I give this a go. And he knows his stuff. So I listened.

A River Runs Through It | Norman Maclean, Barry Moser

It is those we live with and love and should know who elude us.

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A River Runs Through It | Norman Maclean, Barry Moser
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Just finishing Kaputt and thinking of heading straight into A River Runs Through it. All in the spirit of #readathon, which I only recently became aware. Photo of bedside stack included.

A River Runs Through It | Norman Maclean, Barry Moser
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I am haunted by waters. Great summer read!

eve this book is so so so so good 8y
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