#TwoforTuesday @TheSpineView
1. I don't! I usually have a list of books I want and I buy from that. My husband, on the other hand, is a perfect book shopper- and always ends up getting great books that I love too!
2. Coffee! Only coffee forever!
#TwoforTuesday @TheSpineView
1. I don't! I usually have a list of books I want and I buy from that. My husband, on the other hand, is a perfect book shopper- and always ends up getting great books that I love too!
2. Coffee! Only coffee forever!
This book caused such a scandal when it was released in the 60s. I remember it was verboten in our house—not for kids! It was actually written by a man, Donald Bain, though it was touted as a memoir by two “airline stewardesses. The “stews” were written as lusty and insatiable sex babes (naturally, in the male mind!). When I thought of the song, “No Sugar Tonight” I thought of this book...no sugar, and just no 🚫 to the book as well!
#ReadingResolutions #planes ✈️ So I watched some cheesy movies on cable this weekend & 'View From the Top' made me think of this book. It's another one that I snuck off of my parents bookshelf & read WAY too young. 😱A quite salacious look at the life of two airline 'stewardesses' (it was published in 1967) in the golden age of air travel. A bestseller & really sexist, it turned out not to be a memoir by 2 women, but fiction written by a man.🙄
Hot or cold tea is my reading drink.
1. Both, but tend to buy bagged
2. Both, but mostly buy decaffeinated
3. Earl Grey, Chai, peppermint
4. Lemon, licorice, or anything too fruity or floral
5. Ground, though I do pods for pod specific drinks
6. Light
7. Yes, I prefer it
8. Yes, though not at home since my coffee is already flavored
Bonus. Flavors I like: Vanilla, Carmel, Cinnamon. Flavors to avoid: Hazelnut, mocha. Also, I can't do anything with artificial sweeteners.
I stole this compilation. 😁
1. Both!
2. Either, though see below...
3. Earl grey and all its variations
4. I don't like rooibos, actually. 😳 I tend not to like greens, but if it's sweet enough...
And love cocoa too!
Tea #muglove @TheKidUpstairs
1. I use both
2. Both
3. Green tea, peach or other fruit, spearmint, spice...
4. Nope, bring em on!
1. Ground or whole bean
2. Light or medium (I love dark, but it hurts me)
3. Some, no mint coffee please
4. Sometimes I'll use caramel syrup
Coffee‘s turn!:
1️⃣We buy whole bean at Costco. 2️⃣ Dark like my soul 3️⃣ Sometimes. It easily gets too sweet for me, but I like pumpkin lattes and peppermint mochas. 4️⃣ Nah, I‘m mostly a purist. Except for cream. I love me some cream.
Tea Questions:
1️⃣ Either, although I usually end up using bags for convenience. 2️⃣ Usually caffeinated, but there are some herbal teas I like 3️⃣ My very favorite is Earl Grey, but there is an herbal one called Bengal Spice that I love, too 4️⃣ I don‘t like peach or apricot or mango flavors #muglove
I'm glad we don't actually have to live up to these, because I love tea and reading all times of the day! 😀 #bookishwouldyourather