I just finished this and I thought it was a beautiful yet emotional story about 2 sisters. I‘m not used to the writing style but it was pretty good. Maybe I could try more in the future
I just finished this and I thought it was a beautiful yet emotional story about 2 sisters. I‘m not used to the writing style but it was pretty good. Maybe I could try more in the future
Just started reading this. Didn‘t expect it to be told in verse format, so first time trying that
Really good book, it is a good pick for siblings and anybody in general.
You would think their lives are sad and depressing but, you got to be a conjoined twin to know how you live, and they are not depressed at all. #Sibling love goes a long way.
This is a amazing book. It has the poems placed perfectly to tell the story. You can feel the emotions throughout reading this book and it absolutely astonishing how good it is.
Tippi and Grace are twins. Conjoined twins. Joined at the hip and share one pair of legs. The girls are very expensive and is making them have to go to public school due from lack of money. They have met two new people Yasmeen and Jon; which Grace has fallen in love with. Later the sisters have decided to create a documentary for the money they need and while filming the girls become sick.
Tippi and Grace share everything, clothes, shoes, and even a body. Doctors appointments and therapy is all that lies ahead of them. But after they go broke, the sisters are forced to go to a rundown private school where they meet Jon and Yasmeen. They get the twins into some bad habits. If you like a sad, funny, and heartfelt book, this one is for you!
This is a book about conjoined sisters tipi and grace they were only supposed to live for 2 years they are now 16. For the first time have to go to school. They have to deal with stares, pictures, and bullies on the daily. However they met two friends jon and yasmene who help scare away the bullies but get tippi amd grace into some bad habits. If you enjoy books that deal with bullies and struggles of school this is a book for you.
I loved this story. You don‘t find conjoined twins as main characters ... well, ever. I liked both sisters — very different personalities. I liked the focus on their new friendships and how much they wanted to help the family, not be a burden.
I laughed often. I cried a little. I hugged the book hard.
#2019yanovelinverse #huggable
Started this just before lunch, plan to finish before sleep. Would have been a one-sitting read, but ... life.
I felt very indifferent about this most of the way, it wasn‘t until the last 1/4th of the book I actually got into it.
Cecelia Ahern put it perfectly - this has broken my heart and mended it.
A beautiful, educational, touching tale about the life of conjoined twins. Not a pitiful life, not The Worst Thing Ever, but certainly a struggle, and something that we as "normal" people need to respect.
'Isn't it funny what people worry about when their lives are going swimmingly?'
This was a beautiful and powerful and moving book told in verse. It is a quick read, but is also fully engrossing and emotional. I borrowed the ebook from my library on a whim and am totally glad I did. I haven‘t read many (if any) stories about conjoined twins before, and it was fascinating to read about this unique kind of relationship. The research Crossan did for this novel is also quite commendable.
A story about twin sisters who share half of their body since birth.
Their struggle, their happiness and daily life.
A coming of age story which will made you aw and cry a little bit.
You can read the whole 427 pages in one go because the chapters are short and the author used a different writing style. I would categorize it under YA but think that people who don‘t like the genre would also enjoy it.
Lovely poem on page 3...
We are.
And we are living.
Isn't that amazing?
How we manage
to be
at all.
#novemberbythenumbers page 3
@JoeStalksBeck @Tiffy_Reads
#openbook #one #sarahcrossan #poem #poetry #youngadult #bookworm #coffee #flowers #coffeeaddict #flowerpower #flowerbouquet #litsylove #litsyquote
Hello November!!
One is collection of young adult poetry. Today is November 1st and title One it's perfect to start new month. 😊
#Novemberbythenumbers Title One
@JoeStalksBeck @Tiffy_Reads
#one #sarahcrossan #youngadult #poetry #coffee #coffeetime #coffeeaddict #flowerpower #flowers #flowerbouquet #glasses #bookandglasses #bookandflowers #vogueeyewear #bookworm #booklover #bookaddict #litsylove
I read the entire book in one sitting. I was terrified to put it down. I couldn't.
As it went on, I could almost feel my own heart aching in response. The story is so powerful, I'm not even sure how to describe it. It made me want to reach out for my loved ones and never let go.
I think the most powerful thing I can say about this book is that it's the only book I've ever read in one sitting.
Full review on Movellas.
Oh my goodness. This book is truly something special. It is - on the surface - so simple, and so quick/easy to read. But WOW does it stick with you. Moved me beyond words. Beautiful.
Two hours well spent 😢❤️
Finally getting round to reading One! I've seen different covers for it, but this one's my favourite 😍
I love the idea and I also love how it feels real; the imperfection and all. The format of the book is unique; it's more like a collection of poetries but in the end, they told us a pinch of the story smoothly. Also, like the characters! None of them I'm a fond of as much, actually, but none of them I'm hating too. And the ending! I was spoiled a bit of it so I've predicted that already, sadly, but even that so, it's still saddening. 😭
Risetnya, penuturannya, kisah para tokohnya, bentuk paragrafnya yang unik, seperti barisan puisi (poetic) dengan judul-judul per sub bab yang berisi tulisan super singkat namun maknanya sangat dalam. Agak membantu pembaca yang mungkin baru mulai menyukai buku, atau yang sedang terkena reading slump dan butuh buku yang ringkas tetapi mampu mengembalikan semangat membaca. ❤️👍🏻
kami punya beberapa sepupu
yang menghargai kami
dan seorang adik perempuan yang sesekali bermain bersama kami.
tapi, teman?
dimana kami bisa menemukan teman?
Been a bit quiet as I've been working through the shortlist following this big news! Last year's winner was One by Sarah Crossan and this year will be such a toss up between so many wonderful books 😍😍😍😍
One is the story of conjoined twins Tippi and Grace and their lives with each other, and their loved ones around them. I was surprised that I liked this as much I did. Tippi and Grace are never treated as freaks or inspiration porn in the story. And while in most cases I am not a big fan of the novel told in poems theme I actually couldn't stop reading because I kept going with the flow. The ending is a bit predictable but still worth the read.
This was such a heartbreakingly beautiful book. I wasn't prepared for this at all. Honest, tender, shocking, soul bearing, brilliant.
I encourage anyone and everyone to read this. ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ 5/5 stars
Can't wait to read this one. Number in title #septphotochallenge #somethingforsept