Puddles is modelling his highway “doggles”, and it‘s too funny not to share. 😂
Puddles is modelling his highway “doggles”, and it‘s too funny not to share. 😂
It‘s National Puppy Day, so here‘s a picture of me and my boy Puddles! #MarchMadness
Puddles recently had his “snip and clip”, so he hasn‘t been allowed to go out to race in the snow until his stitches are all dissolved. So, our spoiled little boy has been getting indoor snow deliveries. 😂
Our little Puddles has more toys than I can count, and a good chunk of them are Halloween themed. This skull popcorn one is definitely a favourite! #Scarathlon
I feel like I‘ve done next to no reading since getting this little monster. He‘s a handful, but it‘s been so fun! #apugnamedpuddles 🖤
The perfect (quick) bedtime story!