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Acheron | Sherrilyn Kenyon
28 posts | 84 read | 19 to read
Eleven thousand years ago, a god was born. Cursed into the body of a human, Acheron spent a lifetime of shame. But the strongest steel is forged from the fires of helle Acheron's human death unleashed an unspeakable horror that almost destroyed the earth. Then, brought back against his will, he became the sole defender of mankind. Only it was never that simple. For centuries, Acheron has fought for our survival and hidden a past he'll do anything to keep concealed. Until a lone woman who refuses to be intimidated by him threatens his very existence. Now his survivale"and ourse"hinges on hers, and old enemies reawaken and unite to kill them both. War has never been more deadly...or more fun.
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Acheron | Sherrilyn Kenyon
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Lizpixie I freaking LOVE this movie!!!🪽😈 8mo
Klou Great choice!!! 7mo
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Acheron | Sherrilyn Kenyon
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Acheron and Artemis

Day 16: Love/Hate relationship


TheKidUpstairs ❤💗❤💗 3y
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Acheron | Sherrilyn Kenyon
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Acheron | Sherrilyn Kenyon
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Acheron | Sherrilyn Kenyon
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Acheron | Sherrilyn Kenyon
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For my Kenyon fans! But also just funny!! 🥰😂

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Acheron | Sherrilyn Kenyon
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#wondrouswednesday @Eggs

1. Sherrilyn Kenyon

2. Tacos and bookstores, then home for drinks and binge watching of some British comedy series.

3. If it is a real world setting, New Orleans. If it is a fantasy setting, then I would have to choose Middle Earth.

Thanks for the tag @Bklover !

Eggs Thanks for joining in 👏🏻📚🤗👏🏻 4y
Bklover ❤️tacos and bookstores!!!❤️ 4y
Jgotham That night out sounds amazing! 4y
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Acheron | Sherrilyn Kenyon
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This book made me cry. It was horrible what Acheron endured throughout his life. Can I just say how much I hate Artemis? Yes there are many terrible people in his life, but everything she did to him just seemed the worst to me. The only thing I didn't like is every time I had to put this book down to participate in life. Lol She creates such a fascinating rich world in her books. I loved this book! ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐ #sherrilynkenyon #darkhunterseries

Acheron | Sherrilyn Kenyon
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Listening to the audiobook. Acheron is my favorite character, but there are so many good characters in this series. #sherrilynkenyon

Acheron | Sherrilyn Kenyon
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I needed to read a romance for my reading challenge this year so I‘m rereading this book from high school. It still makes me uncomfortable 😅 #romance

Acheron | Sherrilyn Kenyon
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1. I love that most of the Dark-Hunter series is in New Orleans.
2. It was like being in a humid volcano.
3. This one was totally my fault. Once, on @cobwebmoth and my anniversary, we went out for a fun day to enjoy some shopping and a nice dinner together. We ended up at one of the worst Ollies stores ever, and I drove home without taking her out for dinner. Yes, I actually forgot to take my wife to dinner on our anniversary date. (still sorry😢)

TK421 4. No pets. 2 gremlins. #friyayintro @howjessreads 5y
BethM Pertaining to 1- how have you felt about the recent installments and have you been following her IRL drama? 5y
TK421 @BethM I still need to read the last 2 books in the series, but I've enjoyed it up til now. Acheron and Styxx are my favorite 2 in the series. You get such a huge difference of perspective. Her real life drama is crazy! Her husband is such a scumbag! 5y
BethM I‘m at the same point as you. The two prior to that didn‘t feel as good as the rest have. 5y
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Acheron | Sherrilyn Kenyon
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Friyay a day late 😃
1. Britney Spears
2. Fall 🎃
3. Paranormal Romance
4. Pizza
5. Will do!
#FriyayIntro @howjessreads

Erofan I'm guilty too! I like Britney Spears too! 🎶💃 5y
RvnclawWhovian I love me some OG Britney Spears 5y
CatGV Ohhh yissss! Britney Spears :D Fall is awesome. What do you enjoy in paranormal romance? (this is not mean! It's a genuine question as I don't read much of this genre). Pizza's always good. :)
InkedBookworm13 @CatGV I read the Dark Hunter series & The Black Dagger Brotherhood. I love them both for the storylines. Each of these series has probably 20 books, so you really get to know each character while there is an overall story going on too. I also like how indepth the authors get with the history of the species. Both of these series just happen to be in the romance genre but I'm more into the actual story. There's one BDB book I skip the love scenes😳 5y
InkedBookworm13 @Erofan @RvnclawWhovian I tried so hard not to like her so the longest time but she got me with Toxic. After that I secretly started liking some of her stuff (womanizer, gimme more, work bitch) 🤫 5y
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Acheron | Sherrilyn Kenyon
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BookishMarginalia That‘s just so weird. 6y
cobwebmoth It makes me so upset because she's one of the nicest people I've ever met. 6y
BeansPage 😲😲😲😢😢😢 6y
ironkronous Ok I'm shocked and confused I've read all her dark hunter, chronicles of nick and league series to date and in the authors note in every single one she thanks her husband and sons for being so supportive...so what the hell? 6y
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Acheron | Sherrilyn Kenyon
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This series is good, but this book is AMAZING!!! Though the first almost 500 pages tried to break me, I loved this read!

Serotonin Didn‘t this author also wrote a YA series a while back with this same character? 🤔 6y
shaegeeksout @Serotonin Her YA series follows the character Nick Gautier from this series. I'm sure Acheron makes appearances though, as they are friends. 6y
Quirkybookworm He does like every book practically ! 6y
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Acheron | Sherrilyn Kenyon
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I don‘t know why Tor is dumping us in the middle of a series but.......they are. I guess this is book 14. I don‘t know if this series is filled with stand-alone books or what is going on because I haven‘t started reading this series. If anyone can clue me in, I‘d appreciate it.

Quirkybookworm Acheron is like THE main guy that all dark hunters rely on. This is the story of the leader. 6y
Quirkybookworm When you get a chance, pick up dark hunter novels to catch up. If it was me I‘d hold off so Acheron can still remain mysterious to you til you catch up. But that‘s just me 6y
Literary_Siren @Quirkybookworm Thank you! The bottom of the email said the next book is coming out August 28th and it‘s supposed to be the best jumping-in point. I don‘t believe them. Every reader knows the best jumping-in point is the beginning! 😂 6y
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Seekingtardis Oh good lord you can not jump in in the new book!! I have read the whole series, and love it, and I still get confused on the characters sometimes!! It‘s a wonderful series. 6y
Quirkybookworm So many characters, huh, @Seekingtardis ? I had to refresh my my memories on the main characters in Death Does Not Bargain. Lol 6y
Quirkybookworm @Literary_Siren been waiting for that book to come out since it‘s been a while since she‘s written on Dark Hunters. She‘s been busy w other series. 6y
Seekingtardis @Quirkybookworm I did not enjoy Deadmen Walking at all so I haven‘t read the second one yet. 6y
Crewgurl Love this series! You definitely need to start at the beginning for any of it to make sense though. You need the build up to this to appreciate this book. 6y
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Acheron | Sherrilyn Kenyon
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Just received the email, Acheron is free today from Tor.com eBook Club. 🤩

Acheron | Sherrilyn Kenyon
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Acheron | Sherrilyn Kenyon
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So after 2 years I finally got back into this series. This is Book 14 and it was awesome and actually worth the 700 plus page read. If you‘re a romance novel fan and like supernatural stuff and Greek mythology, this is definitely for you!

Acheron | Sherrilyn Kenyon
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My first Sherrilyn Kenyon + my latest 🍁 #romantsy

Lauren_reading Acheron ❤️❤️❤️ 7y
Books.and.Tea.Please Acheron is my favorite!!! Make sure you read Styxx for the other side of the story 😉 hope you enjoyed it! 7y
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Acheron | Sherrilyn Kenyon
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My hubby and I are rereading the same series but he is sooooo far ahead of me. Maybe this behemoth will slow him down. #marriedlife

WarpedSweetness I read this series up to this book! It is a really good series. 7y
JaimeDawn I read this series every year 7y
Seekingtardis @WarpedSweetness it gets so much better then it kind of fizzles then it picks back up again! 😍 7y
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Seekingtardis @JaimeDawn this is the first time I‘ve done a full reread. Mostly I go a couple books back then read to the new one. I‘ve been a little disappointed lately so I‘m like 3 books behind. 7y
litmuggle I love this series but really need to finish a reread myself. I don't like the pirate spin off though. 7y
Seekingtardis @litmuggle I haven‘t even tried the pirate one yet. I‘ve heard mixed reviews on it. 7y
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Acheron | Sherrilyn Kenyon
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#lyricalapril #whendovescry I grew up in a home with various forms of domestic violence so I don't have a lot of books that fit what this brings to mind aside from these two. Both were exquisite and the graphic violence was overshadowed by tremendous resilience. Acheron was emotionally taxing to read, but I was better prepared when it came to Styx. The best books give you all the feels though!

Cinfhen Thanks for sharing and posting ~ sending hugs 🤗 💞🕊 7y
BethM @Cinfhen 💕 7y
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Acheron | Sherrilyn Kenyon

Beautifully written and one of my favorite books ever!

DebinHawaii Welcome to Litsy!! 🎉📚👍😀 7y
DarkHuntress107 Thank you! I'm so happy I was introduced to this! 7y
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Acheron | Sherrilyn Kenyon
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I'd love to dress up as Simi- a hot sauce and shopping loving demon from Sherrilyn Kenyon's Dark Hunters. I love dressing up for work though so last year I was Wonder Woman and this year my whole kinder team is dressing up as a word wall (I'll be letter W) #characteriddressupas #teachersoflitsy #booktober

Sarahr875 😂😂I love the word wall idea. I love it so much. 8y
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Acheron | Sherrilyn Kenyon
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#octphotochallenge two of my all time favorites Acheron and his mommie Apollymi they are both kinda anti-heros and both are very flawed. I love the Dark-Hunter series by one of my very favorite authors Sherrilyn Kenyon 😍😍 @LibrarianRyan

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Acheron | Sherrilyn Kenyon
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Starting this today. SCARED TO DEATH but I need to know his story. God help me.

Sammidnightsun Wait till u read styxx then u will really cry x 8y
Andreeacristinne I 've enjoyed them both. Styxx story is another way of saying the truth always has more than one faces 8y
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Acheron | Sherrilyn Kenyon
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Acheron | Sherrilyn Kenyon

Love everything this lady writes

Andreeacristinne Me too. She has a way... 8y
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Acheron | Sherrilyn Kenyon
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Happy Pi day! 💟 3rd and 14th book from the Dark-Hunter series by Sherrilyn Kenyon!