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All Fall Down
All Fall Down: A Novel | Jennifer Weiner
"Allison Weiss has a great job...a handsome husband...an adorable daughter...and a secret. Allison Weiss is a typical working mother, trying to balance a business, aging parents, a demanding daughter, and a marriage. But when the website she develops takes off, she finds herself challenged to the point of being completely overwhelmed. Her husband's becoming distant, her daughter's acting spoiled, her father is dealing with early Alzheimer's, and her mother's barely dealing at all. As she struggles to hold her home and work life together, and meet all of the needs of the people around her, Allison finds that the painkillers she was prescribed for a back injury help her deal with more than just physical discomfort--they help her feel calm and get her through her increasingly hectic days. Sure, she worries a bit that the bottles seem to empty a bit faster each week, but it's not like she's some Hollywood starlet partying all night, or a homeless person who's lost everything. It's not as if she has an actual problem. However, when Allison's use gets to the point that she can no longer control--or hide--it, she ends up in a world she never thought she'd experience outside of a movie theater: rehab. Amid the teenage heroin addicts, the alcoholic grandmothers, the barely-trained "recovery coaches," and the counselors who seem to believe that one mode of recovery fits all, Allison struggles to get her life back on track, even as she's convincing herself that she's not as bad off as the women around her. With a sparkling comedic touch and tender, true-to-life characterizations, All Fall Down is a tale of empowerment and redemption and Jennifer Weiner's richest, most absorbing and timely story yet"--
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All Fall Down: A Novel | Jennifer Weiner
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I‘m a die-hard Jenn fan, but this one wasn‘t my favorite. It was hard to hear about the main characters struggles, her justifications, her selfishness. My brother is an addict. There‘s lots of resentments there. Maybe that‘s why I had such a hard time sympathizing with her. Either way, this is a common story, and one that should be told. #bookspin #doublespin

All Fall Down: A Novel | Jennifer Weiner
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I am on the fence about this book..... I was angry 98% of the time with the main character, yet I think that's the point.... UGH! I enjoyed the ending to some degree, but also felt I was left hanging....

All Fall Down: A Novel | Jennifer Weiner
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What a book!
Throughout the book I was so annoyed with the main character. She was very thoughtless and many other names...... but as it all tied together I felt comfort and happiness for her!
The struggles are real in this world 🌎😪

All Fall Down: A Novel | Jennifer Weiner
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Finally got myself a Library card! My husband is excited.... all the money we will save from me not purchasing EVERY book I want to read... lol....
Now I get to do BOOK CLUB with my BestFriend and her coworker who live in Edmonton and I'm in Ontario! 😍🤓

kmiller20 So excited that we can do this with you!! 🥰 4y
Krystle13 @kmiller20 Me too!!!! 4y
Cpg Good for you!!! Smart move! I love checking out ebooks! Even though there‘s usually a wait on the popular titles/authors- I‘m cheap like that!!! 😹 Lol! And there‘s always plenty of not as “in demand” to read without a wait. 3y
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All Fall Down: A Novel | Jennifer Weiner
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This was a pretty easy read on a difficult subject. It describes Allison‘s subtle descent into addiction and how she finally came to terms with it. ⭐️⭐️⭐️

All Fall Down: A Novel | Jennifer Weiner

Easy read

All Fall Down: A Novel | Jennifer Weiner
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The story of a woman, wife, mother, daughter who on the outside has everything but falls into addiction with pain medication and struggles to find her way back up again.. It could happen to anyone... Sadly I‘ve dealt with this in my own family and see it everyday in the er... 💔💔💔


Judybskt I have this in my tbr stack. 6y
Alwaysbeenaloverofbooks @Judybskt I like all of her books 📚 6y
RadicalReader @Alwaysbeenaloverofbooks gorgeous book cover can‘t wait to check out this novel myself be sure to check out this amazing wonderful riveting catapult chapter novel 6y
Alwaysbeenaloverofbooks @RadicalReader that “one” sounds good!!! 6y
Crazeedi Stacking 6y
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All Fall Down: A Novel | Jennifer Weiner
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I‘m not sure what to say ... I‘m glad I can say I‘ve read one of Weiner‘s books 📚 and I found the subject matter interesting enough but I found the characters single-dimensional and often annoying. But I really enjoyed the #LMPBC and #GroupK experience a lot - it‘s a blast! @BurghBookAddict

Burghbookaddict Most of the characters annoyed the crap out of me too! 6y
Tomigirl44 @BurghBookAddict I loved your comments - I was often literally lol as I read them 😂 6y
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All Fall Down: A Novel | Jennifer Weiner
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This arrived today - thanks @BurghBookAddict - a bright spot in the day as I could start on a new #LMPBC #GroupK book 📖 One chapter read so far and it‘s such fun reading the other comments.

All Fall Down: A Novel | Jennifer Weiner
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I‘ve always loved Jennifer Weiner books because she is willing to write fiction that resonates with the average woman‘s experiences and realities. This book touched on prescription addiction in an upper class family. A worthwhile read. #chicklit #summer

All Fall Down: A Novel | Jennifer Weiner
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Current Reads❤❤

All Fall Down: A Novel | Jennifer Weiner
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This is my brother, with his son. They are both gone now, my brother directly as a result of drug use, and the baby because he had the horrible luck to be born into a bad situation. They are just two of many more than my family's share of losses due to drug or alcohol abuse. I don't drink or do drugs - ever - so I'm always looking for books that can help me understand. This one was amazing. Five stars. Ten stars. All. The. Stars. #currentread

MrBook 😔 7y
GypsyKat 💜 7y
monkeygirlsmama 😢❤️ 7y
See All 6 Comments
BarbaraBB How sad. Wish you lots of luck 🍀 7y
[DELETED] 3803335244 My heart goes out to you. ❤️ 7y
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All Fall Down: A Novel | Jennifer Weiner
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This book... wow... an incredibly real look at how quickly someone can spiral down into addiction. Almost 2 years ago I had a friend overdose on heroin and not a day goes by that I wonder if I couldn't have done more for him! I have a feeling that this book will stay with me for some time to come!

LittlePixels My family has had more than its share of people with addiction problems (including 4 deaths due to drugs). This book looks right in my wheelhouse. 7y
Kshakal @LittlePixels this book would definitely be in your wheelhouse... I am so sorry that you and your family has had to deal with addiction in such a major way 7y
LittlePixels I just started this last night, and I'm loving it already! 7y
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All Fall Down: A Novel | Jennifer Weiner
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I work in the medical field and sadly I see this everyday... Such a huge problem in our society!! 😓😰

A great novel about a woman who seems to have the perfect life getting addicted to pain pills...

JenReadsAlot I know what you mean..... 7y
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All Fall Down: A Novel | Jennifer Weiner
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I should be productive today but I am just not feeling it today so being lazy and reading it is!

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All Fall Down: A Novel | Jennifer Weiner
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This one came highly recommended and so far so good! 😀

All Fall Down: A Novel | Jennifer Weiner
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I thought this was a PERFECT description of how easy you can spiral into addiction. Some of my clients have explained this scenario to me-except for them it leads to heroin use because it's cheaper than pills on the street. I wish I would have known it was abridged though... I would have liked to listen/read the whole thing!

LittlePixels I'm just starting this, and your list made me quickly go check to see if mine is abridged, too (it isn't). Why do they still do that?! 7y
elisebarker @LittlePixels I don't know, but it's so annoying!!! 7y
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All Fall Down: A Novel | Jennifer Weiner
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All about the blue today! It's my favorite color but isn't too plentiful on my shelves. #shadesofblue #somethingforsept #septphotochallenge

DebinHawaii Pretty! 💙📘 8y
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All Fall Down: A Novel | Jennifer Weiner
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I contained myself at B&N yesterday 👎🏻 but planning to possibly go back tomorrow 🤗🤓

All Fall Down: A Novel | Jennifer Weiner
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"How close to slipping over the edge is the average wife and mother? Everything looks nice and pretty on the outside, but can we truly ever know what‘s going on in someone‘s head?" Reviewed by Thalia http://bit.ly/2bj6ebg

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All Fall Down: A Novel | Jennifer Weiner
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I really loved this book. It was my first Jennifer Weiner book definitely going to read more by her!!!

All Fall Down: A Novel | Jennifer Weiner
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Really good so far.

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All Fall Down: A Novel | Jennifer Weiner
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I really liked this book. The story was extremely compelling. I could feel what the characters felt. I really liked the way she wrote this and it was different for her style which I also really enjoyed. I definitely recommend this one. It's a great book for those of us who feel the stress of every day and need something to relate to.

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All Fall Down: A Novel | Jennifer Weiner
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So-so. The addiction part delivers: self-justification, desperation, lies. But the recovery part is weak. She admits she's an addict: Cured! Some therapy, yoga, a dog, and all is well. No humility. No insight. No character change. In this niche, M Keyes is stronger.

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All Fall Down: A Novel | Jennifer Weiner

My mom recommended this book because she felt like I had a lot in common with the main character - an overly stressed mom who turns to pills to cope with life. I need to have a talk with my mother apparently!!!!

SusanInTiburon But she said it with love ... 😅 8y
TheBookishleigh @Susanintiburon - at least she didn't say it with an intervention!!! 8y
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