Currently reading. #9 in the series.
All I can say is 😱🤯😱🤯
This is becoming one of my favorite series ever. I stayed up way too late last night to finish this. Going to have to jump right in to the next book because of the way this ended...
5 âââââ
Phantom is not the typical Harry Hole novel, going in a slightly different direction than his previous books. Harry Hole is 3 years sober 🎉🎉, and back in Oslo working to solve a crime his son is believed to have committed.
Phantom is all about addiction; the devastation of drugs and the ends people will go to, to fulfill their cravings. And it ends on a serious cliffhanger.
#pop19 #writtenbyamusician
Did the twice daily walk to and from school today, and one power yoga class. Hoping to reach my daily 10,000 step goal by the end of the night while putting away laundry. 😃 Didn‘t listen to my #audiobook today, but I did spend a lot of time reading the tagged book.
And had a really great sleep last night! I almost never get that much sleep.
It‘s Friday afternoon, 2 hours till school pick-up and I am plopping on the couch and not getting up until 2:45! Let‘s see how much progress I can make on my #currentread.
I am really liking this one, mainly because Nesbø brought Rakel and Oleg back into the story. #seriesread
Lazy day lunch with a GF English muffin and lox. I‘m craving bagels, and needed some kind of substitute so I don‘t raid Maya‘s bagel supply. ? #booksandlunch
Back to Jo Nesbø! #seriesread
It's a while since my last journey into the world of harry hole. This was ok for a holiday read as harry returns to oslo when his former lovers son is accused of a murder. the plot was good but towards the end i simply couldn't believe his survival skills.
#nfaboutacountryyoudliketovisit #octobermostanticipated #uncannyoctober
Last night i took a photo of four books i have lined up for October including the next in the harry hole series in much anticipation of The Snowman with fassbender. Then i noticed the four books are from Sweden and Russia definitely places i want to visit.
"We're prisioners of... things. Of who we are." #book #booklovers #bookworm #jonesbo #phantom #harryhole #norway
I've been listening to this audiobook for a couple of weeks. Kind of slow-moving and the multiple POV are a little confusing when the narrator doesn't use different voices.
Pasta & Books | My two big lovesðŸðŸ“šðŸ’• Hope I can finish this one tonight! #pastaandbooks
First things first: after work reading session☕ï¸ðŸ“–
After graduating, finding a job and a new apartment, moving to another city, starting to work and meeting a lot of new faces all in only one month I'm finally back with my books 📖 🎉 Missed my Sundays in bed with a good read - and of course Litsy! #happytobeback #JoNesbo #crimenovel