She wouldn't get up, so she's in the picture. #nowreading
She wouldn't get up, so she's in the picture. #nowreading
Part of my haul from Bluestockings Bookstore in New York❤️
Something I just said out loud that would probably get me weird looks. Context: putting away a book on my shelf. "Where did I put the Transmigration of Bodies?" ?♀️
Rounding out Cinco de Mayo with a coffee, tres leches cake, and noir thriller by fantastic, Mexican author Yuri Herrera.
The top two are recent reads (both terrific), and the bottom two are from my TBR. #mexicanauthors (or of Mexican heritage in most cases, I believe Yuri Herrera is the only one who lives in Mexico and writes in Spanish)
Guys, I finished a book. In what seems like forever (maybe a week or so...) I finished a book. Also, the way it ends I need to know if there is going to be another one? It's sort of cliff-hangery but more open ended than a cliffhanger.
"A smile that said I'll always love you but my promises are in the pawnshop." There's a lot of sneaky little lines in here that I am just loving.
I've been having an incredibly weird reading month. I start books only to put them down and start a different one. I'm hoping that since this is a shorter novel I'll finish it.
The weather in Ohio is amazing this weekend, which means reading and drinking wine on my porch!
Love how the author plays with words and phrases mixing up all sorts of colloquialisms. @Lola this would be a translators nightmare! I forgot my kindle where I have the English version so I'll have to wait till I get home and look to see what the translator came up with, especially for "ñañaras"! I had to laugh, haven't heard that one in a while
Beneath the stars in plague-ridden Mexico, two warring crime families risk death to exchange the bodies they hold hostage of the other's loved ones while everyone else remains indoors. Herrera paints a stark contrast to Romeo & Juliet w/this novella, adding elements of noir & a deep undercurrent of social commentary on Mexico's violence. But he also explores family, the meaning of love, & how far we'll go to protect it. It reads like poetry. 🌃🌵
More excellent philosophical quotes from Yuri Herrera. Silence is powerful. 💜💜💜
Love this quote. 🌙✨✨
Herrera's writing reads like gritty poetry.
Saturday afternoon plans: editing, current read, and COFFEE. 📝📘☕️
I'm loving The Transmigration of Bodies. It takes place during a mysterious plague and has a very noir-like tone. It's supposed to have echoes of Romeo & Juliet & commentary on the violence currently happening in Mexico. 🌆🌵
#diversebooks #translatedbooks #latinxbooks #Mexico #booksnbucks
I enjoyed this noir style tale of a hit man pulled into a body exchange set in a world ravished by the effect of a major epidemic. At times I felt like this story was a bit disjointed, I'm not sure if that is due to writing quality or translation. Overall it was a quick enjoyable read.
So many great lines in this book! "The nouveau always have the lowdown on each other's riche." The fact that this is a work in translation makes these gems even more remarkable. Don't even get me started on the fantastic character names, ala the Redeemer on this page. (My favorite might be the Unruly).
My library didn't have this one so I requested that they purchase it via the library's website. They did and I was the first checkout. I tried to renew it today and I couldn't because two people now have it on hold. I've never been so happy to be unable to renew a library book 😊I'm going to read it tonight so I can return it tomorrow and get it to the next person in line. #LitsyLibraryLove
Starting a new book tonight. Also, I need to clean my nightstand.
My #fridayreads - looking forward to a weekend of reading after a long week of work!
Absolutely loved this book. Herrera can packs a lot into 100 pages but it does not feel overwhelming. It's brutal and gritty but human at its very core. Can't praise this book enough! Yuri Herrera has yet to disappoint. Can't wait to read more. 🌟🌟🌟🌟🌟
It's #Recommendsday!
Noir-esque speculative fiction and a work of translation. This tiny book will keep you entertained.
Herrera works some ergonomic words in his unique voice to create a gritty underworld where you always feel like you're on the edge(s) of something. And even if that doesn't interest you, do you really think you can resist a novella filled with characters with names like the Redeemer, the Neeyanderthal, Dolphin and the Unruly?? I didn't think so.
Up next. I loved Signs Preceding the End of the World, so I have high hopes for this one.
Just 20 pages in -- already as compelling as Signs Preceding the End of the World, but very different