I found nothing on my TBR at Half Price 😢, so I picked up these because it‘s a cardinal rule not to leave a bookstore empty handed.
I found nothing on my TBR at Half Price 😢, so I picked up these because it‘s a cardinal rule not to leave a bookstore empty handed.
So excited to read this from the roaring 30s, and it‘s based on a true story!!! 😍
I‘m reading this book because being confined to home made me peruse my bookshelves for exciting adventure. It took me a chapter to get into the swing of O Hara‘s style - mainly keeping the speaker straight 😃- but I ultimately I fell into the conversational pattern. I like the picture the book provides of the Great Depression and post era and find it synchronous to what‘s happening to the current economy in our country, not to mention the world.
“When I‘m tempted buy a dress because I think it‘s going to be handy, I think twice about it. Those handy dresses, so-called, I should say a woman won‘t get as much out of one of those as she will out of a really frivolous dress.”
This novel by John O‘Hara is supposedly based on the #truecrime case of Starr Faithfull, who was found washed-up in a beach with suspicious bruising. I believe Elizabeth Taylor was in the movie adaption. I read this many years ago but don‘t remember much; picked up this newer copy still TBR. #maylovesclassics
Some shiny new books. Looks like I‘ve got my Halloween reading all planned out with a few of these several months early without even thinking.
Morning reading 'n coffee on the patio, Fall Edition.
Me (in white), cousins, and aunt on beach in Glen Arbor. *sigh*
1. Traverse City/Glen Arbor, Michigan. So beautiful!! 🍒🍒🍒
2. Pasta of some variety
3. Back to Australia/New Zealand
4. Listening to The Brief Wondrous Life of Oscar Wao, about to start Butterfield 8.
5. I like all three for different reasons. Especially partial to mass market PBs for some strange reason.
Grabbed some Drop Caps from the Book Outlet recently. Who knows when I'll get to reading them but they will look good on the shelf until then!
#numberintitle #septemberphotochallenge #somethingforsept Late last night BUtterfield 8 was my immediate choice. One the same shelf were the other two bc it's a book-to-film area of my books. Note original title of Three Days... Was Six Days of the Condor. Not sure why they changed it for the movie.
There is a #PokemonABook hashtag going around, and I couldn't resist the challenge. So here's my contribution...BUTTERFREE 8 😋