Current stack
I finished Part 1 of My Struggle Book 1 and needed a break. KOK is as intense as the way he looks! 😏 So I‘m back to 19th century France with Zola. I don‘t think this is a stroll-in-the-park kind of read, either 😅
Spending time with Nana, immersing myself in her exciting life, along with my friend, dear Ms. Vodka.
Aren‘t cocktails and chronicles of interesting characters the very best combination?🥂
An old Random House - Modern Library edition of Emile Zola's “Nana“. Originally published in 1880, the story describes interactions between the Parisian demimonde and upper classes.
First book of the year. As always, I love Zola‘s writing - no one depicts characters and events more vividly - but this book about a prostitute who decimates the lives and fortunes of every man she comes in contact with was a bit less complex than some of his other books I‘ve read. Still awesome but start with Germinal.
Enjoying a couple more days of vacation!
Today, members of my family gathered in Madera, CA to celebrate my grandmother‘s 90th birthday. We threw her a surprise party, thankfully nobody spoiled it. This is a photo of my Nana with the grandkids and one great-grandkid who were able to make it.
Today, members of my family gathered in Madera, CA to celebrate my grandmother‘s 90th birthday. We threw her a surprise party, thankfully nobody spoiled it. This is a photo of my Nana with the grandkids and one great-grandkid who were able to make it.
Equal opportunity promiscuity. Augie and Nana. #promiscuous #heatofjuly
@Lynnsoprano is being the most awesome nana to kitty granddaughter and human granddaughter. She‘s not getting much reading done though 😂 #HappyThanksgiving (dad is just focused on the TV 😂😂😂)
The Modern Library manages to be classy even with #nakedspines. #autumnreads @Tiffy_Reads
Boring. Way too many people living their decadent lives in 19th century Paris. I wasn't interested in one of them. Read diagonally, impatient... So maybe I missed why this book is so famous. #1001books
"... A society that welcomes in its bosom, elbow to elbow, big names and big scandals, pushed by the same thirst of enjoyment".
Nana' welcomes in his arms all the Parisian society, and with a vigorous hug crushes, reduces it to dust. Yet no one can do without that Venus, bursting spoiled little girl, who wants everything and everything destroyed. An existence of whims and obsessions, kisses and caresses, slaps and kicks, life and death.
#bookstack one of my fav corners of the apartment. Some of them not yet read. How many worlds!!!