Next up from my graphic novel library haul. #anthonybourdain #hungryghosts #hardcover #food #recipes #ghoststories #spooky #libraryborrow
Next up from my graphic novel library haul. #anthonybourdain #hungryghosts #hardcover #food #recipes #ghoststories #spooky #libraryborrow
Bourdain‘s graphic novel collaborator, Joel Rose, finished this two years after Tony‘s death. The artwork in this exploration of Japanese food-related horror tales was excellent, but the copy felt unfinished. I plan to try his other graphic novels on #hoopla that were finished before his death. This one is available there, too, but I took advantage of my library‘s hard copy. Between a pick and a so-so.
I was leaning towards a so-so rating. I felt like the stories could have used more space to grow. The different styles of artwork worked well for me. I went with a pick because Bourdain explained that he wanted to pay homage to the pre-comics code era of Tales From the Crypt et al. It definitely fits the bill. I wish he knew how much we appreciated him. I found this because I was looking for Kitchen Confidential on Scrib‘d. This was a nice bonus.
I found the stories themselves interesting and creepy, but the art doesn‘t work for me.
In this video not only do I review "Hungry Ghosts" by Anthony Bourdain and Joel Rose, but I also explain how to play 100 candles!
#auldlangreads #januaryfinale
I have 3 more books in progress but still a great month of reading to start off the new year.
Bourdains graphic novel is an interesting take on dining, with spirits that will make you squeal. Each story has it's own artist, and several of the stories really worked for me. The Pirates, Deep were good. The creepiest one, for me, was Boil In The Belly
This includes recipes and a guide to the spirits behind the horror in this book.
Not great,not bad...recommend for a quick fun read.
#teamslaughter #scarathon @Clwojick
6 pts.
Bringing together so many things I love, this checks a lot of boxes: Bourdain, Japan, horror, art, food, etc. The stories are about as scary as you could expect, falling short of true terror, disturbing while remaining a fun, visually-entertaining read. I wish Bourdain had allowed himself more time to develop these tales, maybe making the original run 6 issues instead of only 4. Of course, I also simply wish Bourdain had allowed himself more time.
Ok, I promise that this is the last graphic novel for #MayMadnessWeek3 #graphicnovel challenge! 😁
Drawing from Japanese mythologies of yokai, yorei and obake, Anthony Bourdain cooked up eight terrifying tales of fear & food from around the world in Hungry Ghosts. Great artwork, enjoyed the stories but they're not scary for me.
Rating: 3🌟
@Clwojick @TheReadingMermaid @RadicalReader
This one im keeping alongside Mr .Bourdains last cookbook. The artwork in this collection of horror stories was great. Definitely not for the faint of heart! Good read. 3 stars
This was awesome. If anyone out there can recommend more like this, please let me know.
@kellyann28 this is one of the most thoughtful gifts I've ever received. Literally brought tears to my eyes. Thank you so much. Merry Christmas!! Cant wait to dive in and cook some of these recipes. And the new home for my brushes is so awesome! ❤️❤️❤️#christmasbookswap 🎄🎄🎄
Tom yum noodle soup, grilled hamachi kama, and a weird comic about an old Japanese parlor game where guests tell ghost stories. This was Anthony Bourdain‘s last work before his death
I've been a fan of Bourdain for a while now. I love his show Parts Unknown and Kitchen Confidential is one of my favorite books. Ever since his passing I'm even more determined to read the rest of his books because I still can't get enough of him. I'm on the last leg of my year long self inflicted book buying ban so I couldn't buy this book for myself. Buuuut I was able to buy it as a gift for a friend and flip through it before wrapping it 😏
I wept at that dedication. 😭
For anyone who doesn't know about this comic book, in January 2018 Anthony Bourdain teamed up with a bunch of writers & artists & Dark Horse to create this comic book about spooky Japanese-themed ghost stories related to food, lust, and gluttony. He included a recipe for every story. This trade collection wasn't published until after his death. Haven't read any comic like this before & I recommend!!
It‘s all I can do to keep from trying read while driving. #AnthonyBourdain you are missed. The world is undoubtedly darker without you.
Wicked ghost stories and soon to be tried recipes, what is there for me not to like?! Anthony always intrigued me and these stories further that intrigue. Probably not for everyone, but definitely for me.