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We Should Hang Out Sometime
We Should Hang Out Sometime: Embarrassingly, a true story | Josh Sundquist
When I was twenty-five years old, it came to my attention that I had never had a girlfriend. At the time, I was actually under the impression that I was in a relationship, so this bit of news came as something of a shock.Why was Josh still single? To find out, he tracked down each of the girls he had tried to date since middle school and asked them straight up: What went wrong?The results of Josh's semiscientific investigation are in your hands. From a disastrous Putt-Putt date involving a backward prosthetic foot, to his introduction to CFD (Close Fast Dancing), and a misguided "grand gesture" at a Miss America pageant, this story is about looking for love--or at least a girlfriend--in all the wrong places.Poignant, relatable, and totally hilarious, this memoir is for anyone who has ever wondered, "Is there something wrong with me?" (Spoiler Alert: the answer is no.)
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TL;DR: Guy with unresolved issues and creepy tendencies figures out that he's not a prize!
Apparently I picked up a hard copy of this for $1 at a used book sale a few years ago and it was lingering in the bottom of a TBR pile. I'm trying to use books I already own for this year's challenges when possible, and this was available on audio, so here we are. If this focused on the author's experiences since losing a leg to cancer at 9 years old ⬇️

Kelly_the_Bookish_Sidekick and some motivations mixed into some fun stories, thing would be strong. The intro was promising, Josh was engaging, and I was curious how this guy made it to about 25 years old without having had a girlfriend. However, the focus of the book was to assess the past missed opportunities, interview the ladies, and come up with a hypothesis. The meat of this book was creepy and cringey. After highlighting his history with each of the five women, ⬇️ 3y
Kelly_the_Bookish_Sidekick ome of whom he went out with but never actually dated, he sets out to invite them out to coffee for an interview. He's thrown off when they women seem to actually try to have meaningful dialogue and not just being treated like a prospective employee. It also appears that once he is rejected, they all lost touch. Is he not capable to remaining friends if there is no chance at touching a boob? Perhaps not.
Most predatory sentence in the book? ⬇️
Kelly_the_Bookish_Sidekick "If I really want to find you on Facebook, no number of privacy settings is going to stop me." Yeah, Josh might be a good motivational speaker for those with physical disabilities, but I'm curious who gave a greenlight to this book.
#BookSpin for May #BookSpinBingo @TheAromaofBooks #Pop21 #WrittenByAnOnlinePersonality
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TheAromaofBooks Oh my!! 3y
Megabooks This sounds terrible!! Stalking is not sexy! 3y
marleed I finally read this from my TBR, as well. To be sure when parting with stacks of physical books last month (to make room for others), this was an easy one to let go. 3y
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For me personally, this a so-so because it‘s a self-help memoir to which I‘m not the intended audience, didn‘t relate to the content, nor self-deprecation. However, I‘ll go drop my copy in an LFL because for a younger audience who never quite gets their heart‘s desire, I think this could be a helpful read.

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If you ever need to feel better about your dating life, or lack thereof, this is the book for you! #dating

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Josh goes through an experiment to answer why he didn't have a girlfriend. A true story of Josh Sundquist (or at least that is what it says in the book)

It's a cute and sometimes funny book to read.

Texreader ❤️😻 4y
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I really like Josh Sundquist. He is really funny and very good at making you comfortable in cringeworthy situations. His writing is concise and he really is brave to share all of his experiences from cancer to dating issues.


Extremely relatable for teens who are in a funk when trying to find relationships. It‘s funny, and really reaches out to the fellas who felt insecure about themselves.

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This book was so good. Relatable and funny and light hearted and self-deprecating. Some parts were so cringe level awkward that you just wanted to pull Josh from his book and shake him by the shoulders! Definitely recommend for a short, easy to read memoir.

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It's been a heckuva week. Lavender Epsom bath with a book and wine should help 🛁 🍷 📖 I'm really digging this book. He's so awkwardly funny and relatable!

Julies_Bookshelf_Adventures Wine and books always help! 🍷💛📚🖤 6y
LoverofLit @HufflepuffGirl90 Always ❤⚡ 6y
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"...but that's the funny thing about awkwardness: you can never tell how much of it is in your head and how much of it is real. Because if you ask the other person if it's real - that is, if she feels it, too - then automatically it is. Because discussing awkwardness is always, well, awkward."

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Went to the dollar store for Easter stuff, came home with this. I just can‘t resist a good deal on a book!

wanderinglynn I haven‘t read the book, but I‘ve watched some of his YouTube videos. He‘s an interesting fellow who has super creative Halloween costumes. 7y
BridgetteM @wanderinglynn I just Googled his Halloween costumes. Thanks for the tip! Made my night 😂 7y
wanderinglynn My pleasure! 😀 7y
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• this one sounds entertaining; the synopsis alone gave me the chuckles. on the TBR it goes! •

#books #TBR #toberead #relationships

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An interesting book, but not my favorite.

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While this memoir claims to be awkward adventures in dating the only awkward part is how much of a "nice guy" complex Sundquist had. When a girl is not into him he wants to punish her, or writes her off as only pretending to be interested in order to stoke her own ego. This makes him seem like an incredible douche. Yes, he is an amusing writer and does redeem himself slightly by the end, but he never apologizes for his gross actions. Eww.

callielafleur Yikes, I hope you have something good to read after this. 7y
rachelsbrittain Yikes yikes yikes that is super gross 7y
GondorGirl @callielafleur I've started listening to Ta-Nehisi's 7y
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I loved this so much. ❤️

GondorGirl And the audio book is available now from my library... download! Thanks for the suggestion! 7y
Ashley_Nicoletto @GondorGirl That's great! I hope you enjoy! 7y
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A quirky and relatable story about a young man trying to navigate the awkward and unforgiving headache that is dating. Would recommend this book for anyone! #WeShouldHangOutSometime #JoshSundquist #januaryreads


I'll admit it, I only picked up this book because of the quirky cover. I bought it because he drew charts and diagrams throughout the book, to illustrate his points. This was a fun book about relationships.

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25? ✅ Single? ✅ Terribly awkward which leads to a lifetime of forever alone? ✅

This could be the book for you!

Josh Sundquist, Paralympic athlete and motivational speaker finds himself 25 and forever alone, so he decides to explore it, scientifically.

He writes with humor (& graphs for math minded individuals) as he explores all of his former flames to figure out what went wrong.

Caution: book contains cringeworthy awkwardness

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I love Josh Sundquist's sense of humor! 😂

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Time for something (hopefully) a little more light-hearted.

Bradleygirl Yes! This is on my long-term TBR 7y
AllenTStClair @Bradleygirl I'll let you know what I think! 😀 7y
AllenTStClair @Bradleygirl This was a definite must! So funny and charming and utterly relatable. 7y
Bradleygirl @AllenStClair Aw great, that's good to know! I'll bump this one up. 7y
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There is a store called Books-a-million here and I HAD to go in. All of the bargain priced books were buy 2 get 1 free. None were over $5 and the paperbacks were $2 and change. I could have kept buying.
Lets just keep piling on the #tbr

Everything in this hotel is an awful color so I had to go with b&w even though these have some beautiful colors.

Graciouswarriorprincess I love BAM and my closest one now is 70 minutes away. 7y
vicgreentoriafield @Graciouswarriorprincess is it the Pinehurst one? That's the one I'm staying by. Now I feel like the triangle is really missing out. 7y
tpixie I've been wanting to read the bones season ever since it got out in 2013 #bookhaul 🎉📚🎉 7y
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I really like Josh Sundquist, but I couldn't get behind this book. I was not a fan of how he talked about the women he was interested in-not that he was a dick to them, but that he put them on this perfect pedestal. Part of this was probably because of his youth and immaturity, but I never felt like he got out of that. It was still funny, and I'm sure a lot of people will like it. I just didn't.

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It's been a long time since I've had a full reading lunch! Unfortunately neither my photography nor my lunch looks as nice as when @RealLifeReading does it.

RealLifeReading Your lunch looks good! 8y
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Fighting emotion with logic is like bringing a calculator to a knife fight 💯

MrBook 😂👍🏻 I like that. 8y
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Once I started, couldn't put it down. With all these books out there that depicts teens who find love easily, WSHOS really hit home with the fact that not everyone you crush on is going to feel the same way. It's tough. Loved the ending, too!


I really loved this book and all of its honest and relatable awkward moments and self-deprecating humor.

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I follow Josh on YouTube and decided it was high time I read his book and boy am I glad I did! As someone who aspires to write a novel similar to this (bucket list goal but I don't expect to be published ) I loved this book so much . I surprisingly liked the math jokes and graphs too!

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Apparently this ARC isn't on Litsy yet?? But Josh Sundquist's new book LOVE AND FIRST SIGHT is adorable. I love getting to know stories through non-sighted perspectives, and this one was very well done.

Victoria I loved We Should Hang Out...! 8y
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Sweet read. His memoir of his boyish "inadequacies " led to many bouts of laughter and "awwwww" moments. He is a FUNNY guy. I'm now stalking him on FB and can't wait to read his next piece!

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A student brought this to me today! Can't wait to dig into it and share conversation with her!

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Matching Red Carpet style to book covers! Had so much fun doing this last night!

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