So very complicated. I think I have let too much time go by since reading the second book. This is certainly a metaphysical series.
So very complicated. I think I have let too much time go by since reading the second book. This is certainly a metaphysical series.
I am inexplicably, mildly obsessed with this series. A solid third installment.
I was only about an hour into this, the third in a series that I had previously enjoyed, but I was clearly not in the mood. Ophelia decided to undertake a dangerous journey on her own, without any companions. I decided that if she was going to be so foolish, I wouldn‘t go with her either.
It took a bit longer to become involved in this particular storyline as there are few interactions with beloved side characters. The story became more complex, perhaps unnecessarily so.
Argh. These books. They are my life now. I‘ve turned into a pathetic pile of mush who looks up Ophelia and thorn drawings on Pinterest. I‘d been wanting to read this for so so long, that I found the first half annoying and painful. But stick it out because it gets SO GOOD. Man, Babel is a brutal ark. You thought the pole was bad. 😳 ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️
The third book in The Mirror Visitor quartet. 3 years have passed since the ending of the last book. I love following Ophelia and Thorn on their journey, at the same time we also meet again Aunt Rosaline, Archibald and Berenilde.
With each book the world is expanding and I feel like Dabos always knows where she was taking her story.
I‘m looking forward to the fourth book, but at the same time I‘ll be sf when this story is over.
#ForeverNovember Day 16: My weekend read, skillet cookie sundae with ice cream and a #CozyBeverage - frozen strawberry margarita (non-alcoholic) to be precise. 💕
[…] Good luck.”
“Luck doesn‘t exist,” Octavio chipped in, coldly. “We alone are the authors of our destiny. But that,” he added, in a hushed voice, “Apprentice Eulalia already knows.”
📚 Continue the chapter a day reading of Northanger Abbey. #PemberLittens
📚 Read The Memory of Babel #DoubleSpin
📚 On Friday on SavidgeReads channel on YouTube and Instagram, he‘ll start a buddy read of Lady Audley‘s Secret that I thought I should join.
If I have time for more, I might read a comic or two.
This last week I read The Murder at the Vicarage #agathacristieclubR2 and third book in the Amulet series, I finished Anne of Green Gables #KindredSpiritsBuddyRead, I started reading Northanger Abbey a chapter a day #PemperLittens and I‘ve just started reading the third book in The Mirror Visitor series.
#WordsOfOctober Day 26: We find the mountain here in Al Ain to be quite #enchanting, so we make a weekend pilgrimage of it. Teenage daughter‘s photo is likewise trez #enchanting. 💕💕
#WordsOfOctober Day 24: A reader will definitely feel #energetic after a cup of Aged Sumatra coffee, and lots of chocolates. My weekend is devoted to the third book in the Mirror Visitor quartet fantasy series.
#FallFinds Day 24: This fantasy series is coming from #France and translated from the French - perfect for our #ReadIntl2020 reading theme.
Onto book 3 of the Mirror Visitor.
This third instalment was just fantastic! Some readers felt it didn‘t have the same spark as the first two due to the different location. I disagree, it was a great continuation and I loved exploring more of the wonderful universe in this series. The relationship of the protagonists continued to be a slow build but was amazing! Now I am so anxious waiting for the fourth translation!!
I have been so impatient for this book! I can‘t wait to just sit here and read!
A differenza dei primi due mi è piaciuto un po‘ meno, sarà una cosa mia forse, ma non mi ha fatta impazzire, si è un po‘ spezzata la magia.
The adventures of Ophelia (the girl who can read items) continue! She is looking for someone who turned out to be the most desirable!
OK, I read the third book, but many secrets remained unsolved! ?? The fourth book hasn't been published yet! ? It's so terrible to suffer the anticipation of what the end of the story will be!
"To be worthy does not mean to win!" #christelledabos
📃The only serious mistake is the one that can't be fixed📃 #christelledabos
I finished the third book of this saga this night and it conforms me I love this books. It's not a "coup de cœur" as the second book but it's a good reading, addictive, with an interesting story. Now, I'm waiting for the next book ^^
A great book ! A story full of adventures, and the end is so unsustainable ! Can't wait to know the rest ! ?????
Un livre génial ! Une histoire pleine de péripéties, une fin insoutenable ! Je ne peux pas attendre pour connaître la suite de l'histoire ! Vivement la sortie du prochain tome ! ?????
"La seule véritable erreur est celle qu'on ne corrige pas".
The only true mistake is that one we don't correct ???
Je ne pensais pas que ça démarrerai sur les chapeaux de roues ! ?
I didn't think that it will start on the hats !
Finally I'm starting the third book of a series written by an incredible French author, Christelle Dabos 😍
It's the perfect combination between Harry Potter and Howl's moving castle !
#booklover #lapassemiroir #lamemoiredebabel #christelledabos