Too slow, too vague, and very little resolution. It felt incongruent to the time in which it was set.
Too slow, too vague, and very little resolution. It felt incongruent to the time in which it was set.
Little Free Library scores from Southport, NC. It‘s been so lovely visiting my brother ❤️ he‘s still my hero, even though we‘re all grown up 😭I snagged him a copy of A Man Called Ove— what a great selection! These two look like tearjerkers too
When she entered a room that he occupied,or he entered an orchard row in which she worked,they did not greet each other with words but touched an appendage of the other with their eyes, and could tell by the others expression or posture if they were pleased or discomfited or bothered,or if they were sated by the day's weather or by the other's presence.
He had shielded her from so much already.Whatevee speech he directed at her, whatever he asked her to do, could bring a myriad of consequences.Oh he was tired of thinking about it all.How his words and deeds affected her trajectory.She watched him.The girl ,as ever,had this particular effect on him.He spoke things to her, when she solicited them,that he was unaware of even himself.Opinions.Long- held beliefs and judgements.
Mostly she learned from watching him.She watched him in everything she did,she was his shadow in the trees.
From the time she was a small girl,she wanted to be alone.The sound of other people's voices grated on her nerves.To interact with others who were Talmadge or Talmadge's father or sister,was torture to her.It subtracted days from her life.And so they walked;to find a place that would annihilate her,a place to be her home, and the home for her children.A place to show her children:and you belong to the earth, and the earth is hard.
A wonderfully sad book of grief and the things that go left unsaid.
The storytelling in this book speaks to your heart. Sometimes the words make you smile, sometimes the words break your heart. But it's my favorite kind of book because it speaks of the truths of humanity, regardless of genre.
⭐️⭐️⭐️ 1/2. This is somewhere between a so-so and a pick I think. I‘ve had a physical copy for many years but finally listened to the audiobook. The narrator was exceptional, and I loved the first half of the book. It then became a bit too slow in my opinion and less compelling. It‘s beautifully and thoughtfully written. Overall I‘m glad I finally read it!
Book: (The) Orchardist
Author: Oscar Wilde
Movie: Out of Sight
TV Show: (The) Outsider
Singer or Band: Our Lady Peace (I liked one album!)
Song: Out of My Head by Fastball
This is one of the very few books that made me ache that it was over. It's a book about a good, unremarkable man and the orphans he takes in. It also paints a vivid picture of actual life in the West in what popular culture tries to frame as romantic and exciting. Heroin addiction, child sexual slavery, isolation, the struggle for survival, technology moving too fast for humans to catch up, love that has nothing to do with blood. A beautiful book.
Beautiful writing, slow, thoughtful, and a little rambley. I do love the PNW
Although the writing flowed nicely, I really didn‘t find a story here. Life in an orchard over seasons and years. There were characters that had potentially interesting storylines, but the stories just never happened or fizzled out.
I‘ve been doing most of my reading via audiobook or a few pages here and there of a print book. I actually took the time to pretty much read this straight through. #underwhelmed 2/5🍎s
FEATURING: The Orchardist by Amanda Coplin
I can't give enough praise for this book. It was touching, tender, brilliantly written, mesmerizing, and one you will remember long after you turn the last page.
THE ORCHARDIST is not an uplifting book but the prose and the storyline are so exceptional that regardless of the book's mood it instantly grips you.
REVIEW: https://tinyurl.com/y4mrul5o
Oh Torie it was so much fun playing find the bookmarks! 😂 Some were handmade too! The setting of this book is perfect in my opinion and I look forward to reading it. Thank you so much @TorieStorieS ❤️
Outside this morning for only about 1/2 hour, too hot for me and the pups. Started reading at 630 until 8 then had to run errands 1/2 way through the orchardist great recommendation. Off to a 60 bday party but getting right back at it when I get home managed about 6 hours so far #24in48
A touching, tender book....have you read this one?
Talmadge lived alone in his family home until one day two girls arrived.
The book follows Talmadge through the stages of the girls' lives and how their being present in his life helped him be happy as well as allow him to experience the “heartache” of their growing up and his being a concerned parent.
Review: https://bit.ly/2DMYDyy
Read my 3-star review of The Orchardist by Amanda Coplin
Oh, what a beautiful book! I'm so sad that I just finished it! This is a quiet, deeply introverted novel that still manages to be driven by shocking, traumatic events. I absolutely loved this one: the landscape and atmosphere she conjures, the characters, and the relationship between them.
It's the last week of classes before final exams and I am all caught up on grading for the time being, so I am enjoying my book under my nice, new, warm blanket that came in the mail from Amazon today. 😊
Some books in acid green for @LibrarianRyan 💜💜💜 and a rainbow 🌈 #bookcolortag for @ReadingEnvy @4thhouseontheleft @MaleficentBookDragon @shawnmooney and @JSW 😊😊😊 (surprise me!)
"He regarded the world - objects right in front of his face - as if from a great distance. For when he moved on the earth he also moved in other realms. In certain seasons, in certain shades, memories alighted on him like sharp-taloned birds..."
#maybookflowers #fruit I read this one several years ago for a book group. Although I sometimes became frustrated with the MC, overall this was a beautiful book to get lost in.
My #readathon prize came yesterday! I'm all heart eyes and TBR piles. 😍📚😍📚😍
The library book sale gives me so much joy! Less than $10 for the whole bunch!
"When one was born, death was right there waiting for you, right there in the room."
I was not really looking forward to this book when my fiction book group chose it, but I quite like it now. Only about 20 pages in.
That lovely yet incredibly difficult moment when you approach your TBR stack. Today's little jewel - The Orchardist.
I've read some disappointed reviews about this one, but I really liked it! There isn't a lot of dialogue in this one but the story still moves along smoothly. Talmadge is a lone man who crosses patches with two young girls. Their lives and struggles effect him in a way that changes his entire life. It's a great read for this time of year. You'll feel like you're in the orchard right with these characters.
Nothing makes me happier than reading at a brewery with my future husband. 😍
This feels like a pretty accurate representation of the book: Why are we born? What does anything mean? Will we ever know the hows and whos of the world? Will this book ever end? Orchard, orchardist, fruit, description of the natural world, the end.
Vacation reading. 90% of this very long, ponderous, light-on-dialogue book is characters asking themselves questions, no answers ever revealed.
Deliciously sad, historically enlightening. WA state, early 1900s, 2 pregnant girls are found pilfering fruit in the orchard of a solitary yet gentle man. So begins a heartbreaking decades-long story of a "family". Rich love for nature + one of the fiercest craziest girl characters ever.