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Blanche-Neige doit mourir
Blanche-Neige doit mourir: roman | Nele Neuhaus
Un soir pluvieux de novembre, une femme est pousse du haut d'un pont. Trs vite, l'enqute ramne Pia Kirchhoff et Oliver von Bodenstein vers le pass : des annes auparavant, deux jeunes filles avaient disparu dans ce mme petit village allemand. Sur la foi de maigres indices, un garon de vingt ans, Tobias Sartorius, avait t condamn dix ans de rclusion, mais il vient de sortir de prison. Alors que les enquteurs se heurtent un mur de silence, une autre jeune fille disparat et on accuse nouveau Tobias. Les preuves manquent, la police pitine et certains habitants semblent bien dcids prendre les choses en main. Dans ce deuxime roman du duo Kirchhoff-von Bodenstein, Nele Neuhaus construit une intrigue millimtre autour des non-dits et de l'atmosphre touffante d'un village o tous croient se connatre et s'pient. Elle dmonte magistralement les mcanismes d'une erreur judiciaire et analyse le fonctionnement des machines broyer les individus que sont parfois la justice et les prjugs.
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Snow White Must Die | Nele Neuhaus
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Starting my #bookspin finally 🤣 I already finished my #doublebookspin so now I‘ll have finished them both in time. Off to a good start! #bookspinbingo @TheAromaofBooks

TheAromaofBooks Yay!! Good luck!! 8mo
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Snow White Must Die | Nele Neuhaus
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Such a great challenge! Time to read some of those books I already own 🤣 I have set 3 goals for myself: 50, 75, and 80 books. I know I can hit 50, I‘m pretty sure I can hit 75. 80 is a stretch. I will only count books I bought prior to January 1, 2024. Who else is in? #readaway2024 #mounttbr @DieAReader @Andrew65 @GHABI4ROSES

Andrew65 Great to have you in with us, and like all great readathons ai like how you can set your own goals. I look forward to seeing what you read and good luck 😁 9mo
DieAReader Great to have you with us! Looking forward to seeing you reach all your goals❤️‍🔥😉 9mo
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Snow White Must Die | Nele Neuhaus

A complicated plot and a bit unrealistic but highly enjoyable all the same. I look forward to others by this author!

Snow White Must Die | Nele Neuhaus
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This book is amazing! I found the sequel at a bookstore in NYC a few years ago, not knowing it was a sequel. As soon as I realized it had a prequel book, I just had to read it! This summer I had some time in the mountains in Colorado to do some reading and wow, this book had so many twists - I absolutely loved it. If you are into murder mysteries/police investigations, you will love this book. I never had any idea how it was going to end 📖

Snow White Must Die | Nele Neuhaus
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Thinking outside the box! #SnowyCover #ANewChapter
Loved this book!

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Snow White Must Die | Nele Neuhaus
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Many #WomenInTranslation books I could mention, but Snow White Must Die by Nele Neuhaus in particular sticks in my mind. A wonderfully suspenseful crime and thriller book.

introvertedbooks What language is this translated from? I'm just curious. 6y
EadieB @Andrew65 Have to read this soon! 6y
Andrew65 @EadieB Loved this and hoping more have been translated now. 6y
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Snow White Must Die | Nele Neuhaus
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Loved this book, which was translated from German. I do need to get hold of others in the series. #MarchInBooks #FairyTale @maich

eanderson I read the Frozen Dead I may have to check this one out! 7y
Andrew65 @eanderson Not read that yet, will need to check it out. 7y
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Snow White Must Die | Nele Neuhaus
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Some of my favourite #foreignreads #readingresolutions

Snow White Must Die | Nele Neuhaus
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This one was a little...fine, I guess? The plot was overly complicated but the writing style makes it too easy to figure out most of the twists. And I‘m pretty sure everybody in the village was either arrested or dead by the end!

Snow White Must Die | Nele Neuhaus
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Just waiting for the next Harry Hole novel....

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Snow White Must Die | Nele Neuhaus

This is a translation from German and to be honest the translator could have done a better job. However overall I did enjoy it and it kept me gripped to the end even though the police procedure was a bit unrealistic

Snow White Must Die | Nele Neuhaus
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I had grabbed all three books from the library just in case and I'm glad I did. Snow White Must Die had creepy parts and what the heck is happening parts. I thought I had it all figured out but no, my explanation was far too simplistic. And I really liked the back stories of the detectives.

MrBook I haven't heard of the Snow White one. I have the Dorothy series. 😊 8y
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Snow White Must Die | Nele Neuhaus
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not my usual style of book, but I actually liked this mystery cop drama, it was actually quite a captivating book! I honestly couldn't put it down the story had so much mystery and you couldn't guess what what going to happen next. You guys should read it!

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Snow White Must Die | Nele Neuhaus
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I wanted to like this one more than I did. It had a good mystery and interesting premise but the execution was meh. I also thought the writing was rough on the line level, which may be due to the translation. I was a little disappointed but might still look at the second book.

Snow White Must Die | Nele Neuhaus
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Nothing like a little gruesome adult mystery to balance out all of the light, happy reads.

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I love #bluebooks . Here some of the new crime fiction novels I have on my #readinglist. #books #blue #crimefiction