This is the cover of my childhood, though I own a different edition.
#ChristmasCheer “Secrets“ #WinterGames Team #XmasChaCha
This is the cover of my childhood, though I own a different edition.
#ChristmasCheer “Secrets“ #WinterGames Team #XmasChaCha
I loved loved loved boarding school books, and this was the best, full of memorable situations and details. The Ice Cream cone costumes! The bunk beds! I can't be too sorry Nordstrom didn't write anything else, since she edited so many classic children's books.
Other fun books: Little Men, Witch Week, Apples Every Day (more YA), A Little Princess.
Going through old boxed is a trip down memory lane. I loved this book as a kid! It made a huge impression on me and what friendships look like. I was super into secret languages and club houses with hidden places.
Two of my favorites from when I was little no longer even have their covers because I read them so often (The Secret Language and Freddy the Detective). #welllovedreads #riotgrams
Just like @Liberty , I was always really careful with my books (and even made library cards for all of them). I apparently only let one trusted "library" user sign out my books. See above. ?
My #setinaschool pick can also double as my #FunFridayPhoto. 😄 #booktober #middlegrade
Most of my books are #usedbooks #rescuebooks , but I also "rescued" this vintage photo of an unknown book lover from an antique store. I don't know who this little girl is, but I thought she'd be happy in a houseful of books. ??❤️ #augustphotochallenge #augustofpages #day18