My #FriendsPick and #ReadBannedBook reads for February.
My #FriendsPick and #ReadBannedBook reads for February.
Out of 200 reads in 2024- Horrorstör beat my December favorite for its imprint on my mind of how truly unique it was. However, you can‘t beat the master of Horror so Fairy Tale won that round. Then it was a battle of world building which Fairy Tale did the best in to make it to the finals. This was a challenge so I looked at which book stuck with me the most and I it was really no contest to make One Puzzling Afternoon my best read of 2024! ??
My bracket up to date. I struggled between Schizo, Lethal Licorice, and When Calls the heart. However, the tagged may have my heart this year. We will see how November plays out.
I loved July‘s best book! It‘s in the Semifinals! It was hard decision though with The Only One Left.
5✨ I got this one from #OUABC and like many of the books from them it‘s one of the most beautiful books I‘ve read. We follow Edie in 2018 as an elderly woman who we discover has trouble with her memory. Certain moments spark her memory of 1951 and her friend Lucy that disappeared. She is more determined than ever to find out what happened to her before it‘s too late. My heart broke for Edie as I rediscovered her past as well as her future.
Edie's school friend Lucy vanished in 1951, 67 years ago. Edie sees her outside the post office. She knows that she needs to find out what happened to Lucy, but it's been so long and her memory isn't what it used to be.
A story about the second sight, dementia, being independent, growing up in the years after WWII and doing what is right even decades later.
#wondrouswednesday @Eggs
It's difficult choosing one favourite. Here are my favourite British UF characters ?
? - Madeline "Max" Maxwell
? - Peter Grant
Currently reading about octogenarian Edie, who has dementia and maybe the second sight. She sees a girl she went to school with, who vanished in 1951. With the help of her granddaughter Edie wants to find out what happened to the girl.
So I kinda get the name of the book, but I don‘t. It floats between post ww2 1951 and present 2018. The setting is a fictional town somewhere in the UK. Edie can‘t remember what happened to her best friend, and she thinks people will take her more seriously if she can remember. she‘s got dementia. I enjoyed this read. I wouldn‘t call it uplifting though. It‘s more bittersweet but still a good read. If you enjoy mysteries then this is a good one 4U
These two books from my shelves involve a #MissingPerson & have main characters with dementia. I read Elizabeth is Missing several years ago & have the tagged book waiting in an #OUABC box. I think I need to be in the right mood to read it.
3.5 ⭐️-was a difficult read. In terms both of Eddie‘s past horrid life and present time dementia. Split timelines are not a favorite, and these mixed chapters showed how Eddie thought she was in both timelines at once. Great job uncovering past secrets as present Eddie remembered. I was confused where we were going, which is part the story, thou I still had trouble following. Felt like an insight to how dementia affects independents.
In dual timelines (1951 & 2018) we follow the clues as Edie, now in the early stages of dementia, tries to work out what happened to her best friend all those years ago. Both storylines are well done and Edie is a well developed character in both timelines. Lucy's story in '51 is infuriating due to the various men in her life while Edie's '18 storyline is heartbreaking as she, and her family, suffer through her worsening dementia. ⬇️
#OUABC Once Upon a Book Club November 2023 Monthly Box (Pieces of the Past)
historical • mystery • emotional • sad • 4.5 Stars
One Puzzling Afternoon is a dual-timeline novel that balances heartfelt tenderness with a suspenseful mystery. Ederly Edie Green attempts to uncover the clues behind her best friend's disappearance in 1951 before the truth is lost in her memory forever.
I kept your secret Lucy. I've kept it for more than sixty years...
This was a really enjoyable read with a good mystery woven in. Edie, who is in her late 80s and suffering from dementia, sees her friend Lucy outside the post office one day looking just as she did 60 years ago. But how could that be? Lucy went missing and was never found but Edie knows she can solve the mystery even as her mind begins to fail her. Told in 2 different timelines the truth of Lucy‘s disappearance slowly falls into place.
If you like an interesting mystery book I'd recommend this one. It goes between two timelines in the life of Edie. Edie in her 80s with Alzeheimers and 1950s Edie with her friend Lucy. She's held on to many secrets for her friend that went missing and her family for many years. She forgets a lot now but is determined to find what really happened to Lucy. It follows the timelines as she has moments of clarity that help her to put pieces together.
This is the story of a woman with dementia who knows she must tell someone the truth about her friend that went missing when she was 15. It is told in two time periods, 2018 and 1951, and is set in the UK. I appreciated the realistic and poignant representation of suffering with dementia, the representation of British life in 1951, and the mystery itself. The story was neither very dark nor humorous, but felt like more of a cozy mystery. 3.75/5
Waiting for my bag so I can get to the Nancy Drew Book Con! Tomorrow we go to Ogunquit and Friday is Salem! 🧙🏻
Finally figured out my Netgalley issue and now I‘m playing catch up 🤣
This is a lovely, poignant and engaging little mystery. It deals with the subject of dementia in a sensitive and subtle way. I really liked Edie, it was quite sad to travel this journey with her in her search for the truth but it gave a great insight into this devastating condition. It‘s beautifully written and a joy to read with some wonderfully drawn characters. Highly recommended. #Pigeonhole