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Ines of My Soul
Ines of My Soul: A Novel | Isabel Allende
20 posts | 34 read | 2 reading | 9 to read
Born into a poor family in Spain, Ins, a seamstress, finds herself condemned to a life of hard work without reward or hope for the future. It is the sixteenth century, the beginning of the Spanish conquest of the Americas, and when her shiftless husband disappears to the New World, Ins uses the opportunity to search for him as an excuse to flee her stifling homeland and seek adventure. After her treacherous journey takes her to Peru, she learns that her husband has died in battle. Soon she begins a fiery love affair with a man who will change the course of her life: Pedro de Valdivia, war hero and field marshal to the famed Francisco Pizarro. Valdivia's dream is to succeed where other Spaniards have failed: to become the conquerer of Chile. The natives of Chile are fearsome warriors, and the land is rumored to be barren of gold, but this suits Valdivia, who seeks only honor and glory. Together the lovers Ins Surez and Pedro de Valdivia will build the new city of Santiago, and they will wage a bloody, ruthless war against the indigenous Chileansthe fierce local Indians led by the chief Michimalonko, and the even fiercer Mapuche from the south. The horrific struggle will change them forever, pulling each of them toward their separate destinies. Ins of My Soul is a work of breathtaking scope: meticulously researched, it engagingly dramatizes the known events of Ins Surez's life, crafting them into a novel full of the narrative brilliance and passion readers have come to expect from Isabel Allende.
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Ines of My Soul: A Novel | Isabel Allende
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Here are all the books I‘ve read with SOUL in the title!




JamieArc I really liked Every Soul A Star ⭐️ 8mo
Eggs @JamieArc Me too! 8mo
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Ines of My Soul: A Novel | Isabel Allende
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This was an ok read, while I enjoyed the parts about the war and events in Chile, I found much of the story to be rather long winded. #AuthorAMonth #BookSpinBingo

TheAromaofBooks Great progress!!! 3y
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Ines of My Soul: A Novel | Isabel Allende
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Ines Suárez was born in 1507, and by the time she died, in 1580, she had journeyed to the New World, become the lover of the first governor of Chile and defended the city of Santiago…an amazing story. But Allende‘s version feels distant and academic. An audio read for me

#authoramonth2021 @Soubhiville
#bookspinbingo @TheAromaofBooks

TheAromaofBooks Woohoo!! 3y
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Ines of My Soul: A Novel | Isabel Allende
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Isabel Allende, what else to say, probably at one of her best book at least among the ones I read. #2020

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I wonder if I would be enjoying this more if it weren't required reading for a workshop. I swear it's a miracle I graduated from high school and college considering how much I hate being made to read something. 😂😂😂

Cathythoughts I‘m not a fan of hers. But you could be forced to read worse. That is one strange looking cover though 😮. 💕💕 6y
Sace @Cathythoughts oh I love the author, just something about being made to read it makes me feel like it's a slog when it isn't. It's actually been on my TBR for a while. 😂 6y
ephemeralwaltz Very cool cover! 6y
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Ins del alma ma | Isabel Allende
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I'm sort of starting to wonder if I've lost my ability to read in Spanish. Just reading feels like death by a thousand cuts. Audiobook is fine. Audiobook while following along is also fine. Just don't ask me to sit and read print only. This feels weird to me.

Andrea4 Que extraño! 6y
TheBookAddict Oh my, I felt the same way when I started back reading in Spanish. I hadn‘t read anything longer than a couple of pages since I was a kid, so when I picked up a novel a few years ago I struggled a bit. 6y
Sace @Andrea4 right? 6y
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Sace @TheBookAddict this makes me feel better. When I just read I find myself translating for some reason, but if I'm listening I don't translate. What the hell? 6y
TheBookAddict @RestlessFickleBookHoarder lol, yep you‘re not alone. you probably just need to get back in groove. Give your brain some time to get used to it again. I‘m a very slow reader when it comes to reading in Spanish and I‘m sure it‘s because I don‘t do it very often. Btw, I loved this audiobook. I love Allende‘s stories and I love the narrators for her books. I also listened to La Casa de los Espíritus and it was wonderful. 6y
Sace @TheBookAddict ha! I'm a slow reader in English too. I read House in English decades ago but I've always been meaning to read it in Spanish. I'll add the audio to my wish list. I've been trying to read Spanish more regularly. 6y
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Ines of My Soul: A Novel | Isabel Allende

I reread this on vacation and it was more incredible than I remember. Ines Suarez was brave and passionate and rebellious and sexy and problematic...and Isabel Allende is a masterful storyteller who holds onto all her complexity.

Ines of My Soul: A Novel | Isabel Allende
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And that means I've finally finished the 2017 #ReadHarder challenge! (17 days into 2018) Must do better this year.

DebbieGrillo I'd call that a win! 6y
arlenefinnigan @DebbieGrillo thank you! I did lose more than 17 days to house hunting/buying/moving last year, so I'm cutting myself some slack. 6y
rockpools 🎉🎉🎉🎉🍷 6y
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Ines of My Soul: A Novel | Isabel Allende
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Interesting read. Beautifully written but I found it a bit of a slog to keep up with the cast of characters and the historical scope. It felt a bit uncomfortable reading from the PoV of a coloniser - it's great to have a strong female protagonist, but are we supposed to be rooting for her when she's playing a leading role in taking Chile from the native people? The novel is honest about the brutality & hypocrisy of the conquistadors though.

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Ines of My Soul: A Novel | Isabel Allende
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After a hectic few days Christmassing (and before going back to work tomorrow 😔), feet up on the couch while 'im indoors makes my second Christmas dinner. Good times. #love #SeasonsReadings2017 @RealLifeReading #WonderfulTonight #DecDays @Cinfhen

Velvetfur Oohh I have one of her books, 'Aphrodite', it's on my TBR pile, I'll get round to it one day! Are you enjoying this one? 7y
arlenefinnigan @Velvetfur yeah, I'm struggling to follow it a little bit cos I always struggle slightly with historical fiction but it's beautifully written. 7y
Cinfhen Does sound like a wonderful night! 7y
TheAnitaAlvarez I loved Allende‘s take on Inés de Suárez in this book! 7y
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Ines of My Soul: A Novel | Isabel Allende
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Sat outside in sub zero temperature reading about the Venezuelan jungle, with this little fella for company.

Ms_T How sweet! 7y
erzascarletbookgasm Beautiful! 7y
RebelReader I love birds and this one is a beauty! 7y
diovival Adorbs! 7y
arlenefinnigan @Ms_T @erzascarletbookgasm @RebelReader @diovival ta all. We're lucky enough to have quite impressive birdlife in Oldham. 7y
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Ines of My Soul: A Novel | Isabel Allende
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#ReadHarder challenge 23: a book set in Central or South America, written by a Central or South American author #WomenInTranslation

Ines of My Soul: A Novel | Isabel Allende
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Although I found it fascinating while I was reading it, I was never keen to pick it up again when I stopped, and have to admit to being glad to reach the end.

This is the story of Inés Suarez, who followed her husband to the New World, becoming a conquistadora, founder, and gobenadora of Santiago de Nuevo Extramadura, Chile. And of the men she loved, and the very brutal times they lived through.

Another for #readharder.

Leniverse That sounds like it ought to be quite interesting! It's a pity it didn't grab you. 7y
rockpools @Leniverse It is good, and an interesting perspective of a strong, independent, passionate woman. But I just never quite sunk into it. And maybe I should just stop trying to read war stories, which I seem to be doing a lot this year. Almost definitely a not the book, it's me situation 🤷🏻‍♀️ 7y
Leniverse Aha. Sounds like maybe it's time for a change of genre/theme, yes! 7y
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Ines of My Soul: A Novel | Isabel Allende
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It always seems to take me a few attempts to get into Allende's novels. She writes pure story, and you might just get to know the characters during the journey. But I'm hooked now.

This will be my book set in Central or South America written by a Central or South American author for #readharder.

GatheringBooks loved her house of the spirits. did you know that she also has a YA series set in the amazon. fascinating. 7y
rockpools @GatheringBooks Yes! House of the Spirits is one of my favourites- I'd completely forgotten about the YA series though. I really enjoyed them too - I think the second one was set in Nepal or the Himalayas. 7y
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Ines of My Soul: A Novel | Isabel Allende
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It is a fresh perspective for me. I usually read about being colonized because of our history–not from the eyes of the colonizers. Inés Suárez wrote about her love and adventures from Spain to Peru and Chile. Her manuscripts were for her daughter to read. These were mostly ignored by historians for centuries; mainly because of her gender. The autobiographical book was woven by intuition of Isabel Allende, meticulously crafted and researched.

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Ines of My Soul: A Novel | Isabel Allende
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@LibrarianRyan The left hand side of the left hand side pages is more faded than the rest of the text. It drives me bonkers!

ErickaS_Flyleafunfurled That would make me insane 8y
Kimzey Weird! 😮 8y
LibrarianRyan Oh yeah. My copy of had lots of faded words and then blue dust on other pages (the entire book is printed in blue ink). Annoyed me to no end. 8y
[DELETED] 3323341091 oh...that would drive me bonkers. 8y
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Ines of My Soul: A Novel | Isabel Allende
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These are a few of my favourite things

Joanne1 Definitely. I haven't read anything by Isabel Allende for such a long time. Must remedy that soon. 8y
ErickaS_Flyleafunfurled Ive never read her (but have several in my TBR). Which should I start with? 8y
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Ines of My Soul: A Novel | Isabel Allende
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When things are tough, it's the little things that make me smile.

quirkyreader I like the bag. 8y
MarticaMustRead My favorite Latin American author, enjoy! 8y
BookishTrish @quirkyreader Thanks!!!!! I'm still in love with it and it's years old. 8y
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DebinHawaii Great photo! The bright color can't help but bring a smile! ❤️😀 8y
Cinfhen Your purse and book are perfectly coordinated ❤️ 8y
LeahBergen 👍🏼👍🏼 8y
MrsCappuccina The bag!!!!!!!! 💕💕💕💕❤️️ 8y
rubyslippersreads ❤️❤️❤️ Kate ♠️! 8y
[DELETED] 3517561138 Oh your bag!! Is there an emoji for green with envy? 😄 8y
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Ines of My Soul: A Novel | Isabel Allende
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My #bookmail came air mail that counts, right? #planestrainsandautomobiles #postadaynov16

Ines of My Soul: A Novel | Isabel Allende
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Isabel Allende's writing is lovely and immersive, as always, but I didn't want to spend 300+ pages immersed in rampant colonialism from the perspective of a character who agrees some of the conquistadors' actions were unjust but isn't much inclined to question the outcome. I bailed on page 125.

BethFishReads I love her it haven't read this one. Bummer on bailing 8y
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