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Here One Moment
Here One Moment | Liane Moriarty
If you knew when you were going to die, what would you do differently? It all begins on a flight from Hobart to Sydney. The flight will be smooth. It will land safely. Everyone who gets on the plane will get off the plane. But almost all of them will be changed forever. Because on this ordinary flight, something extraordinary happens. 'A lady', unremarkable until she isn't, predicts how and when many of the passengers are going to die. For some, death is far in the future; for others, it is very close. A brilliantly constructed story that looks at free will and destiny, grief and love, and the endless struggle to maintain certainty and control in an uncertain world. Liane Moriarty is a modern-day Jane Austen who humorously skewers social mores while spinning a web of mystery and asking profound, universal questions. Praise for Liane Moriarty: 'Liane Moriarty produces novels that are miracles of structure as well as human insight' Sydney Morning Herald 'Moriarty is brilliant at her craft, all the time cranking up the suspense' The Age
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Here One Moment | Liane Moriarty
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I‘m excited to join @ChaoticMissAdventures for the #10BeforeTheEnd readathon! Here are the 10 I‘m hoping to get finished!

BookmarkTavern I have heard such good things about The Starless Sea! Can‘t wait to see your thoughts! 12h
ChaoticMissAdventures Excited to hear what you think about Amor Towels!! I absolutely love his writing. Best of luck on this great list 🍀 6h
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Here One Moment | Liane Moriarty
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Here One Moment | Liane Moriarty
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A big fat book about predestination vs. making your own choices and the grief that shapes us. It felt a bit like The Measure and Lessons in Chemistry combined. Cherry is the main character & she‘s hard to know at first, but she grew on me. It runs long & there are so many characters, but it was a perfect vacation read. Save it for when you have time to sink into the story & appreciate the layers. It‘s a satisfying read if you can give it the time.

Here One Moment | Liane Moriarty
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I would have liked to spend more time with the passengers. I just didn‘t really like Cherry or her story for the first half of the book! So I could have done with less Cherry and more with Allegra, Paula, and Leo in particular.

AvidReader25 I‘m 20% in and feeling that same thing about Cherry. I‘ll hang in there! 2w
janeycanuck @AvidReader25 things started shifting for me with Cherry when she got her first job. So if you still aren‘t liking her at that point, just skim her bits. Though, the book becomes more and more about her the further in you get. 2w
AvidReader25 @janeycanuck Thanks for the encouragement! I‘m 70% in and loving it now. 2w
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Here One Moment | Liane Moriarty
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This tagged book is among my favorite Moriarty books so it wins the grid, but dang I read two fascinating memoirs in this 3x3.

5* = Loved It, want to shout out loud about this book! I do/will own/keep a physical copy. A+
4*= I liked it, would love to discuss. Solid B
3*=Meh, no need to discuss. Avg C
2*=Nope D
1*=DNF F

Leftcoastzen The Friday Afternoon Club is absolutely fantastic! It is a keeper 2w
Amiable I‘m on the wait list at the library for the new Moriarty book —impatiently waiting, I should say! Also read “Here After” a few months ago and I agree —it‘s a powerful memoir. (edited) 2w
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Here One Moment | Liane Moriarty
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Wow!! This was a really great read! I didn‘t really enjoy Liane Moriarty‘s last 2 books but this one is definitely a winner! I couldn‘t put it down! Such an interesting and unique storyline. On an ordinary flight between Hobart and Sydney a woman stands up and walks through the cabin and one by one tells each passenger what age they‘ll die and cause of their deaths. The book then deals with the subsequent fall out of these predictions. Brilliant!

Here One Moment | Liane Moriarty
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It took me a while to get into this book but I really enjoyed it by the end. I love reading stories with changing character perspectives every chapter and this one really pulled the threads together in the second half

Here One Moment | Liane Moriarty
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I‘m always excited to read how Liane Moriarty gathers her cast of characters for a story, and this may be among my favorites. I‘ve read quite a few stories where the characters learn their date, if not cause, of death, Even when like the stories overall, they can sometimes sit a bit heavy. This didn‘t, and I think because she doesn‘t leave the reader with some big moral dilemma to consider. It‘s just a fun story.

Here One Moment | Liane Moriarty
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I think this is my favorite Moriarty read! She masterfully explores how people might react when given a glimpse of their fate—do they fight it, embrace it, or ignore it entirely? The pacing is sharp, the character development is rich, and the story just kept me wanting to read, while wondering what I would do in their shoes. Another UNPUTDOWNABLE read for the year!

Here One Moment | Liane Moriarty
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I‘m a big fan of Liane Moriarty, and this may be her most gorgeous, profound book yet. She‘s such a keen observer of human nature and culture. Can she actually see inside people‘s minds?! She had me smiling, tearing up, and philosophizing. As always, the impeccable audiobook narration adds even more texture to the lovingly rendered characters. I adored every word. 🎧

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Here One Moment | Liane Moriarty
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Death isn't taboo, but a natural part of life that should make us aware not cower in fear. And this book makes you face your mortality and take measure of how you're living your life.

I love how Moriarity can weave small coincidences into stories of connections.


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Here One Moment | Liane Moriarty
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"Later, not a single person will recall seeing the lady board the flight at Hobart Airport."


ShyBookOwl Ooh, intriguing! 4w
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Here One Moment | Liane Moriarty

What a relief to finally sink my teeth into a new Liane Moriarty book. I loved this story. It had such great lines that I'd read over twice for sheer delight. The plot and theme kept me engrossed and, of course, thinking... would I want to know when and how I die? Still undecided, but these characters and all the different ways they grappled with the aftermath were each a study in entertaining psychology.

Here One Moment | Liane Moriarty
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I went into this blind and am glad I did, so I would reveal any of the plot. Suffice it to say, it‘s about mortality and living to the fullest and I absolutely loved it. My mom did, too. I think it‘s my favorite of Moriarty‘s so far and I love her books.

squirrelbrain I applied for this on NG but didn‘t get it. 🙄 Maybe I should use one of my Libro.fm vouchers for it?! 1mo
Hooked_on_books @squirrelbrain It‘s so worth using one of your vouchers! It‘s just so good. It has a really interesting structure and such a compelling story, slowly unfolding over the book. 1mo
squirrelbrain That‘s a definite then Holly! ☺️ Did you get my email after you sent me a birthday gift? I think my email is playing up at the mo, depending on what device I‘m on and I didn‘t want you to think I‘d not thanked you. 🤪 1mo
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Hooked_on_books @squirrelbrain Yes, I did! I‘m sorry I haven‘t responded. We had a hurricane rip past us at the end of August and it caused a lot of damage to our shade houses. I‘ve been so busy with repair that my head isn‘t quite screwed on. 1mo
squirrelbrain Oh no, that‘s awful Holly! Hope you are all OK. Don‘t worry about replying - I was just worried you thought I was being rude! 😮‍💨 1mo
Hooked_on_books @squirrelbrain You never need to worry about me thinking you‘re rude. I‘ve seen so much evidence to the contrary that I could never think that! And we‘re fine, but it‘s been pretty disheartening. But you can‘t fight Mother Nature, so it is what it is! 4w
squirrelbrain ❤️❤️❤️ 4w
squirrelbrain I just went to get this on Libro.fm and it‘s not out for another 3 days here! 🤪 I shall have to find something else in the meantime…. Going to have a look for the rom-com-looking end of the world one as well! 4w
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Here One Moment | Liane Moriarty
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Moriarty‘s latest makes for a compelling, character-driven read. A delayed flight brings out the worst in many travelers, but a routine Hobart/Sydney flight turns into something remarkable when a lady walks down the aisle, pronouncing the age of death & cause of death for each of her fellow passengers. Alternating between the “Death Lady‘s” life story & the aftermath for a selection of the recipients of her predictions, it‘s soon hard to put down!

Here One Moment | Liane Moriarty
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Cooking up some gravy and meatballs for tonight's family dinner, and starting this new one. A love a quiet Sunday!!!

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Here One Moment | Liane Moriarty
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"Later, not a single person will recall seeing the lady board the flight at Hobart Airport.


CSeydel Ohhhhh I can‘t wait to read this! 1mo
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Here One Moment | Liane Moriarty
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My new book for the weekend 🤓

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Here One Moment | Liane Moriarty
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So lovely to be back in a Liane Moriarty world. This book gave me much to think about and I ended up reading whole sections to my husband. Obviously the butterfly effect in play with the cover is so enticing but it's the story, each character, that just draws a reader in. I can't wait for the rest of the world to get their hands on this book.

TheBookgeekFrau My pre-ordered copy should be here this weekend. Can't. Wait! 1mo
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Here One Moment | Liane Moriarty
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What a treat to read the latest from one of my fave authors a bit early! 🫶🏻✨🥰

Moriarty is so handy at creating a cast of full-fleshed characters, weaving together their stories expertly. This novel focuses on destiny versus free will, personal fears, main character syndrome, and “coincidences”. By the end, I was quite fond of several characters. To me, this is a return to peak form for this author. 💖

Melismatic My thanks to Crown Publishing for this ARC! This novel will be on shelves next Tuesday - September 10th! 1mo
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Here One Moment | Liane Moriarty
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August recap. My goal of 100 books in 2024 is starting to look like it‘s out of reach if I don‘t queue up some novellas but so many chunks are stealing my interest these days. 🤷🏻‍♀️

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Here One Moment | Liane Moriarty
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The amount of serotonin I felt when I saw approval for the latest Liane Moriarty novel on NetGalley!! She‘s an auto-read for me. Excited to dive in. 🦋

Here One Moment | Liane Moriarty
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This story is about life, death, risk and choosing to make the moments count. It illustrates that the actions of others have ripple effects. While the book revolves around lot of different and interesting characters, it is easy to follow and a very entertaining read. Cherry (the main character) was wonderfully developed. I loved it and it has risen to my favorite by this author. Thanks to NetGalley for the digital advanced reading copy. 5/5!

Here One Moment | Liane Moriarty
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Who is looking forward to reading this??? A go to author me! Can't find on libby yet, I'll have to check for physical copy at my library!
@BarbaraBB @Alwaysbeenaloverofbooks @Eggs @Librarybelle @Read4life @Andrew65 @TheSpineView @dabbe

Librarybelle I was excited to see this! 5mo
Alwaysbeenaloverofbooks Me 🙋🏻‍♀️ 5mo
Crazeedi @Librarybelle me too!! 5mo
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Crazeedi @Alwaysbeenaloverofbooks I figured you would love! 5mo
dabbe 🤩🤩🤩 5mo
Eggs 💙🦋🩵 5mo
TheBookgeekFrau Oooo very excited to see this! 5mo
Hooked_on_books Oh yeah, I‘ll read anything from her! 5mo
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