“You can‘t cut off the strings of your puppet and still expect it to move for you.”
“You can‘t cut off the strings of your puppet and still expect it to move for you.”
“If you tried, you could shine brighter than the fucking sun. Instead, you‘ve chosen to sit back and wither.”
“Does it really matter if your cage is solid gold when you aren‘t allowed to leave it? A cage is a cage, no matter how gilded.”
“Words are like stories…They change as they are passed from mouth to mouth; their meanings stretch or truncate to fit what needs to be said.”
“There was nothing worse than having to feel sorry for people who had wronged you. You don‘t want lottery winds for your enemies, but you don‘t want tragedies for them either. Then they fit the upper hand. Damn those Delaneys.”
“To the ones who don‘t run with the popular crowd, the ones who get caught reading under their desks, the ones who feel like they never get invited, included, or represented. Get your leathers. We have dragons to ride.”
“You never know what your last words are going to be, so try to choose them all wisely.”
“‘I‘m patient‘, he murmured. ‘A man can‘t rush worship.‘ And gods, that was what he was doing. Worshipping. He moved over me like his hands had moved over the piano keys, as if my every sigh or moan of pleasure was a symphony to be composed.”
“‘And you won‘t do it for something trite as power or as easily satiable as greed,‘ he promises in a whisper, ‘but for the most illogical of mortal emotions—love. Or you‘ll die.‘”
“One generation to change the text. One generation chooses to teach that text. The next grows, and the lie becomes history.”
“Life is too short to miss the lightning strike and too long to live it alone.”
“That the beginning and the end may have been chosen for us, the string already spun, but the middle had always been left undetermined, to be woven and shaped by us.”
“Our task is to pay attention…To listen to the stories. We want all political backgrounds, all religious attitudes. The illiterate and the elite. Every ideology. Interview everyone. Learn about their lives. I need the best minds here to help.”
“‘I‘d spend a lifetime at the tip of your blade, and it would have been worth it.‘”
“A dead lover can never break your heart.”
“‘That‘s the key isn‘t it? To know the darkness will always remain, but how you choose to face it, handle it…that‘s the most important part. To not let it consume. To focus upon the good, the things that fill you with wonder.‘”
“And in the end, though, we‘d saved each other. All of us had.”
“It‘s a rare person to face who they are and not run from it - not be broken by it.”
“‘It‘s hard.‘
‘What is?‘
‘Being alive.‘ Arthur agreed. ‘But perhaps that‘s the point:the trials and tribulations of life weigh heavily upon us, but we find people to help lighten the load.‘”
“What I saw in his stare made my heart skip. It was utter devotion. I clasped his cool cheeks. ‘How did I get so lucky to have your love?‘
‘You weren‘t lucky, liessa.‘ Ash‘s lips brushed mine. ‘I was.‘”
“There are good days and hard days for me—even now. Don‘t let the hard days win.”
“I‘m nothing without you, liessa…And there will be nothing without you.”
“It took me a long while to realize that Rhysand, whether he knew it or not, had effectively kept me from shattering completely.”
“I never wanted to love. Not until you, liessa.”
“A home isn‘t always the house we live in. It‘s also the people we choose to surround ourselves with.”
“‘You are the heir to the lands and seas, skies and realms. A Queen instead of a King. You are the Primal of Life.‘”
“Friendships take minutes to make, moments to break, years to repair.”
“Words are a weapon stronger than he knows. And songs are even greater. The words wake the mind. The melody wakes the heart. I come from a people of song and dance. I don‘t need him to tell me the power of words.”
“That‘s what it takes to catch your prey. Patience. We can all learn a lot from the soft-shelled turtle.”
“A world where people loved and valued books and learning so much that they were willing to die for them. Can you imagine what such a civilization was like?”
“I spent my whole life being nervous up until I realized that life happens in between the beats of our own heart, and if it thumps too fast, there is no space for us to live.”
“History is a merciless judge. It lays bare our tragic blunders and foolish missteps and exposes our most intimate secrets, wielding the power of hindsight like an arrogant detective who seems to know the end of the mystery from the outset.”
“I believe that any human being is capable of terrible things if you push them hard enough.”
“I had to do what I did. After all, I would do anything for my mom.”
“There was no retracing her steps. Once she had been, there was no way back. Every departure irreversible.”
“Lost is not a hopeless place to be. It is a place of patience, of waiting. Lost does not mean gone for ever. Lost is a bridge between worlds, where the pain of our past can be transformed into power. You have always held the key to this special place, but now you are ready to unlock the door.”
“This is the problem with knowledge: it‘s inexhaustible craving. The madness inherent in knowing there is only more to know. It‘s a problem of morality, of seeing the invariable end from the immovable beginning, of determining that the more you try to fix it, the more beginnings there are to discover, the more ways to reach the same unavoidable end.”
“Light is only possible through dialogue between cultures, not through rejection of one or the other.”
“People always craved power - that was a constant of humanity, a truer rule than any law of physics. If they weren‘t given power, they took it. And however lofty and moral their foundational creed, people historically did not choose to give it away.”
“‘Violence, remember it‘s only the body that‘s fragile. You are unbreakable.‘”
“The problem with knowledge, is its inexhaustible craving. The more of it you have, the less you feel you know.”
“For you, a thousand times over.”
“Naturally, as humans, we are drawn to each other—our lives become centered around family, friends, significant others, and even acquaintances. And, I believed, between every human being, there was an invisible string, linking people together.”
“To seek vengeance and power instead of cowering when the world punishes you. That‘s what they think evil is, do they not?”
“‘Nothing disappears anymore,‘ shrugged Cadman. ‘Everything is somewhere. All that‘s private becomes public in the end.‘”
“‘Fascinating. You look all frail and breakable, but you‘re really a violent little thing, aren‘t you?‘”
“The circus arrives without warning. No announcements precede it. It is simply there, when yesterday it was not.”
“If someone asks you how you are, you are meant to say FINE. You are not meant to say that you cried yourself to sleep last night because you hadn‘t spoken to another person for two consecutive days. FINE is what you say.”