Found this interesting. Some of C.S. Lewis's arguments could be difficult to follow. While I might not agree with every point, I still found the book thought-provoking.
Found this interesting. Some of C.S. Lewis's arguments could be difficult to follow. While I might not agree with every point, I still found the book thought-provoking.
I've been working my way through this. Besides the "Narnia" series, it's the first C.S. Lewis book I've read.
I feel like every review of Lewis nonfiction for me could be the same: it takes some work, but it's worth it.
You can trust Lewis to build (and build and build) an argument in a way that is logical, philosophical, and tongue-in-cheek and then bring you to a conclusion that has you more sure than ever of Christ and God's goodness.
This book was written 84 years ago, but its message is timeless.
“Not many years ago when I was an atheist, if anyone had asked me, ‘Why do you not believe in God?‘ my reply would have run something like this: ‘Look at the universe we live in.‘”
“Your soul has a curious shape because it is a hollow made to fit a particular swelling in the infinite contours of the Divine substance, or a key to unlock one of the doors in the house with many mansions.”
-Heaven, pg. 152
I cannot recommend this book enough...
It was very difficult to process the philosophical themes in the earlier chapters but by the end of the book, I was enthralled. C. S. Lewis provides insightful knowledge on what it means to be selfless and to love God fully and committed to him. It amazes me how someone could possess this kind of wisdom.
This book is my favorite book by Lewis right after Mere Christianity. He never ceases to blow my mind with his ability to dig deep into a subject.
I'm not religious, for a lot of reasons. But at one point, I decided to read some theology to help make sense of my mixed feelings. Ironically, this book is one of the things that helped me come to terms with being a non-believer. #thoughtprovoking #aprilbookshowers
It's crunch time! 😱 I fly to New York early in the morning to visit my boyfriend for 2 weeks, and I still have a fair amount of stitching to do on this bookmark before wrapping it! It's part of my boyfriend's Christmas present. I think I'll finish The Problem of Pain tonight while stitching! #audiobooks #audiostitching #litsystitchers
I'm cross-stitching a Borg cube while listening to some theology. 😆 I've snuck a heart into the pattern since this will be a bookmark for my boyfriend! I keep wishing I could argue with C.S. Lewis on some of his points...
#audiostitching #audiobooks #theology #christianity #religion
Here's my #currentlyreading stack 📚 I usually read a non-fiction and a fiction book at the same time.
The real problem is not why some pious, humble, believing people suffer, but why some do not.
"If the universe is so bad, or even half so bad, how on earth did human beings ever come to attribute it to the activity of a wise and good Creator?"
"We are not merely imperfect creatures who must be improved: we are... rebels who must lay down our arms." CS Lewis