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La hermana perdida (Las Siete Hermanas 7)
La hermana perdida (Las Siete Hermanas 7) | Lucinda Riley
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La esperada resolucin al misterio de la sptima hermana de la aclamada saga best seller de Lucinda Riley. Siete hermanas, siete destinos, un padre con un pasado misterioso. Cada una de las seis hermanas D'Aplise ha realizado ya su propio e increble viaje para conocer sus orgenes, pero todava queda una pregunta a la que no han hallado respuesta:quin es y dnde se encuentra la sptima hermana? Solo cuentan con una pista: la imagen de un extrao anillo de esmeraldas en forma de estrella. La bsqueda para encontrar a la hermana perdida las llevar por todo el planeta, de Nueva Zelanda a Canad, Inglaterra, Francia e Irlanda, en su misin de reunir por fin a la familia. Y, al hacerlo, poco a poco irn descubriendo una historia de amor, fuerza y sacrificio que comenz hace casi un siglo, cuando otras valientes mujeres arriesgaron todo lo que tenan para cambiar el mundo que las rodeaba. La crtica ha dicho: La hermana perdida es un cuidado relato romntico cuya habilidad para entrelazar sus tramas combinando ambientes histricos y actuales es excelente. La intriga y la tensin estn presentes hasta la ltima pgina. Mujer Hoy Me han gustado todas las entregas de la serie, absolutamente ninguna me ha decepcionado. Y esta no ha sido ninguna excepcin. El estilo, muy gil,hace que las ms de setecientas pginas se lean cmoda y rpidamente. Muy recomendable. Blog Libros que hay que leer Sobre la serie Las Siete Hermanas han dicho: Riley es una experta contadora de relatos romnticos que entreteje con habilidad la historia con la ficcin. Booklist Una pizca de misterio, un poco de romance, algo de ficcin histrica y muchodrama familiar en una historia maravillosa. Una apuesta segura para fans de Kate Morton, Kristin Hannah o Maeve Binchy. Library Journal Lucinda Riley es una de las autoras ms reconocidas de ficcin histrica. Su habilidadpara entrelazar sus tramas combinando ambientes histricos y actuales es excelente. Historical Novel Society Lucinda Riley ha escrito una saga familiar muy bien construida, absorbente y emocionante, perfectamente ambientada tanto histrica como culturalmente... Fascinar tanto a las lectoras que busquen romance como a las aficionadas a la ficcin histrica. Library Journal
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The Missing Sister | Lucinda Riley
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I'm so glad that I already own Atlas, and can start to read it right after I finish this - very short - review.

I did not like Merry McDougal, she just rubbed me the wrong way from the get-go. So for a long while I didn't read more than 10 pages a week. But as the story took form and my brain figured out what was literally only revealed on the last few pages my interests picked up.

Enchanted_Bibliophile I could see where this was going and I was hoping for more information on the big mystery.
I still feel half of adult Merry's story could have been cut and we still would have had a great book. Nuala and little Merry were such brave women, I felt that it didn't compare to the Merry we get to see as an adult, and her unwillingness to talk about anything just drove me nuts.
Enchanted_Bibliophile At the end of each sister's book I felt I knew that sister and why she became the woman she was. With the missing sisters, I just didn't find that closure. 2mo
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The Missing Sister | Lucinda Riley
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I finally finished The Missing Sister in The Seven Sisters series by Lucinda Riley!! These books are all sooo good. I appreciated this particular one because my ancestors are from Ireland and lived through the times documented. I loved having all the sisters involved in this one. I can‘t wait to read the final book!! #BookSpin #BFC #SeriesLove24 #Buzzword2024 #JumpStart24 #ReadAway24 #BookChain

TheAromaofBooks Woohoo!!! 9mo
DieAReader 🥳Great! 9mo
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The Missing Sister | Lucinda Riley
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I'm finally at the last book in my re-reading journey. Next up - the final puzzle piece and conclusion to this epic tale. I can't wait!!!

The Missing Sister | Lucinda Riley
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@ozma.of.oz #sundayfunday
1 The final book in this beautiful series, and it's a chunkster!! And very small font too!
2 spring!
3 Reduce my physical book piles.

BookmarkTavern Good luck on 3! Thank you for posting! 3y
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The Missing Sister | Lucinda Riley
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@Andrew65 #NewYearSpecial #20in4
I'm starting this book because I can't wait any longer. But I'm sure I'll still be reading it when the #readathon begins. Thank you @Eggs for giving me this final installment, I'll be sad when it's done

Andrew65 I‘m holding off on reading this until I finish at school in April, sad that the series has finished and such a great author is no longer with us. 😢 3y
Crazeedi @Andrew65 well I have like 3 books started and they aren't doing anything for me, so I decided I'm not waiting, I need a book that I can disappear into! 3y
Andrew65 @Crazeedi Always the best feeling. 3y
Eggs A significant and memorable experience then! You are welcome ❤️ 3y
DarkMina I need to read it too. It will be sad for sure once I finish it. 3y
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The Missing Sister | Lucinda Riley
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Although, the dialogues were dull and the circumstances these characters found themselves in were unrealistic, and there are more questions raised in this book than were answered - I really liked this one - engaging story. Also, it was nice to catch up again with the six D‘Aplièse sisters. Can‘t wait for the final book!

The Missing Sister | Lucinda Riley

I savored every chapter of this book knowing that author Lucinda Riley has passed. I have read every book she has had published, an am sad that this is to be her last. I am beyond excited that she shared the details of the conclusion of this epic series with her son. I know he will make his beloved Mama proud when he pieces her ideas together with his own to conclude the series.

The Missing Sister | Lucinda Riley

The penultimate book in the wonderful Seven Sisters series. One of my favourite authors (RIP) although I am Irish and have lived here all my life I found it hard to escape into the story, perhaps because it was almost too close to home, but I love the voice she gave to those who fought so hard for Irish freedom in those difficult times. I am also excited to finally find out the secrets to be revealed in the final book.

The Missing Sister | Lucinda Riley
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Went for a joyous walk alone today to the local book swap. These were my spoils! The bottom one is a Father‘s Day present for my partner Stew. He is a sucker for a gorgeous book as am I. One of the many reasons I love him. My step daughter is a coeliac hence the gluten free book. I don‘t usually like Philippe Gregory but the blurb on this one sounded good. I always fill a bag at this place. It‘s a warm spring day here in Newcastle. Glorious!

RedxoHearts Sounds like a lovely day! 3y
wanderinglynn Great haul! And, I sent you an email about my swap. Let me know as soon as possible. 3y
Caroline2 I‘ve just started the Seven Sisters series and really enjoying it. 👍 3y
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The Missing Sister | Lucinda Riley
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“I remember exactly where I was and what I was doing when I saw my father die.”

The Missing Sister | Lucinda Riley
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#falltreasures #over500pages

Currently reading this. Love this series!

Eggs Looks so good!! 3y
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The Missing Sister | Lucinda Riley

What can I say... I'm a big Seven Sisters fan and this penultimate book in the series did not disappoint... And yes, there is a final 8th book to be released in 2022.

Nice bit of escapism and light easy reading for in between the heavier reads. Nice to explore the rural lifestyle in Ireland!

The Missing Sister | Lucinda Riley
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Alwaysbeenaloverofbooks Beautiful cover 📚❤️ 🌊 3y
Crazeedi Omg I can't wait to read this!!!! 3y
Crazeedi You knew she passed away last week? Cancer💔 3y
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Eggs Gorgeous 🧡🌊 👏🏻 3y
aperfectmjk I am not familiar with this author. I'll have to check her out. Sad about her passing. 😢 3y
DarkMina @crazeedi I saw your post about her passing. So sad. I am excited to read it too. Love this series! (edited) 3y
DarkMina @aperfectmjk This series is really good. The Missing Sister is the seventh book. 3y
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The Missing Sister | Lucinda Riley
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Writing this review with a very heavy heart as the passing of Lucinda Riley is still fresh in my mind and my heart 😥
This was, once again, a brilliant book.

The Missing Sister | Lucinda Riley
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I somehow missed the announcement from Lucinda Riley that there were going to be 8 books in the Seven Sisters series.

Here I thought I was reading the last one and was getting very worried the closer I got to the end of the book that questions weren't going to be answered.

I'm all for another book but, you guys, the author DIED last week! 😢

I am so sorry to hear of her passing and I really, really hope she finished the final book.

Yoricke_SouthAfrica I was so sad to hear of her passing. And so soon after the release of The Missing Sister. I've seen sites where the next book Atlas, The story of Pa Salt can be pre-ordered for Oct 2022. But, I'm not sure if that means it's completed? 3y
jdiehr @Yoricke_SouthAfrica I know! I haven't been able to get a definitive answer in my Google searches. 3y
Yoricke_SouthAfrica @jdiehr We'll probably have to wait and see. I still have so many questions and theories. 3y
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The Missing Sister | Lucinda Riley
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I have been waiting for the 7th book in The Seven Sisters Series for so long. Pre-ordered it, and now it is time. Finally. So Excited!!

jdiehr Me, too! 3y
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The Missing Sister | Lucinda Riley
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I have only pre-ordered a book twice. I can't tell you how excited I am for the last in The Seven Sisters series.

It looks thick enough that it might actually answer all my questions 😄📚

Alwaysbeenaloverofbooks Awesome photo! I‘ll have to look these up! 3y
DivineDiana Not familiar with this series, but I love books about sisters! Will research! 3y
jdiehr @DivineDiana @Alwaysbeenaloverofbooks Each book is modern day, historical, mystery and romance all rolled into one 😊 3y
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