🫣 What wild satirical ride on the Victorian Horror Bus! Imagine the Bronte sisters unleashed & unhinged.
Loved it as a spoof! 😳
🫣 What wild satirical ride on the Victorian Horror Bus! Imagine the Bronte sisters unleashed & unhinged.
Loved it as a spoof! 😳
What? No! She couldn't possibly!
Just absolutely spot on horror-satire. Recommending this one to all the unhinged girlies with a twinkle in my eye!
I loved this! It‘s funny and vicious and violent and so tongue in cheek that I couldn‘t stop listening to the audiobook. The author names all the characters the funniest names - Ms. Manners, Mr. Pounds, etc - and it just felt very Dickensian. It‘s also really short and definitely could be read/listened to in a day. Highly recommend! 🌟🌟🌟🌟🌟
What an unhinged governess! Quick horror novella featuring Winifred who is a little more murderous than a governess perhaps should be. I loved the underlying themes of class and what it meant/means to be a woman both in current day and in the past. It‘s just a wonderfully dark ride.
This book was….weird. Which is part of the reason I‘m picking it. It was almost like satirical horror? Is that a thing? Honestly not sure, I‘m not a horror queen myself. Easy to read though, laugh-out-loud in some parts as well! (12)
⭐️: 3.5/5
One of my favorite reads this year!
It's a short little horror read that is gruesome and funny all at the same time. The writing is perfect for this story, and the creepy atmosphere left me unhinged, which I love because it makes the read more intense.
There are lots of triggers in this one, though, so it's definitely not for everyone. But for my fellow horror loving, slightly demented readers, you should read this one. 😁🖤
A quick read full of vivid imagery and gallows humor. The narrator is Winifred Notty, basically a 19th century woman version of Patrick Bateman, whose psychopathy is kinda relatable. lol Classism, sexism, child abandonment, child abuse, child murder, using an outhouse in winter and having to wipe with newspaper, would drive anyone mad, right? Right?! 😉😈
CW: graphic descriptions of violence and murder of animals, babies and children.
Picked up Victorian Psycho from the library and just started reading it - I‘m a sucker for a governess in a creepy setting - and I observed there are black-and-white illustrations included, but no credit for their source. Anyone know where to find those if not on the copyright page or on the inside of the back jacket?
With a fun Victorian style, this gruesome little horror novel makes for a quick & darkly entertaining read! Winifred Notty arrives at Ensor House to act as the governess for the two Pounds children— but it‘s quickly clear her past may hide the real reason she took the job. It‘s a dark story with some black humor & a “naughty” sense of fun. Some parts follow predictable paths & it‘s filled with deaths (including infants, so beware) but original!
I enjoyed this tale a lot. It was as funny as it was depraved. A typical novel about a governess is turned upside down into twisted revenge. Feito's keen use of imagery was as excellent as it was disgusting in parts. 4.5 stars.
An amusing, twisted, sanguinary, little tale with plenty to say about class, this is a must-read.
This book, while dark and definitely gruesome in many parts, was also written really well and was absolutely hilarious throughout most of the book. I read this one in one sitting and I really enjoyed the writing style of the author and how the whole book took on an almost poetic feel due to the descriptions and language that was used. Definitely an amazing horror book, and one I will read again.
“The shade is 'Mummy Brown.' If mummified Egyptians had known they were fated to be pulverized to produce an umber for such a mediocre painter, they surely would have chosen other burial options.“ 😆
“Her left eye wanders, and I wish I were possessed of a compass to determine to which cardinal direction the eye points most often.”
I almost spat out my drink 😂😂😂
I got this book as an ARC in a giveaway and decided to read it