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Miss Ranskill Comes Home
Miss Ranskill Comes Home | Barbara Euphan Todd
4 posts | 6 read | 6 to read
Tells the tale of a woman who goes on a cruise and is swept overboard. She lives for three years on a desert island before being rescued by a destroyer in 1943. When she returns to England it seems to her to have gone mad: she cannot buy clothes without 'coupons', and she is considered uncivilised if she walks barefoot or is late for meals.
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Miss Ranskill Comes Home | Barbara Euphan Todd
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I don‘t think I ever rated a #Persephone a so-so before, but this one just brought a bit too little.

It‘s a sweet enough story (a spinster falls overboard a cruise ship, strands on a desert island, is saved four years later and returns to England in the midst of WWII) but it just fell a bit flat.

#52bookclub23 #AuthorWithTheSameNameAsMe #192025 #1946 #UKRoadtrip #Devon

squirrelbrain That‘s a shame! It‘s not often that a Persephone falls a bit flat. 1y
LeahBergen Oh, darn. But look at you on that canal boat! 😍 1y
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BarbaraBB @LeahBergen I am not complaining 😉 but i wouldn‘t hurry up get this one if I were you! 1y
Cinfhen Actually sounds kind of fun 🤩 and I agree with @LeahBergen looks like you‘re relaxing with your man 😉 1y
Cathythoughts Great pic 👍🏻💙 1y
TrishB We‘re all loving the vibe of that pic though! 1y
Aimeesue I love Miss Ranskill ❤️ Sorry it didn‘t work for you. At least you got to read it in a fun spot in good company! 1y
Librarybelle It sounds like an interesting premise…too bad it fell flat! 1y
Suet624 Ummm, I love the plot! Bummer it didn‘t work. 1y
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Miss Ranskill Comes Home | Barbara Euphan Todd
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#WeeklyForecast 20/23

I am having the tagged book in progress and am enjoying it. I also hope to finish the #InternationalBooker shortlist before the prize will be announced on the 23th. So Standing Heavy and Whale will be next. In between I can‘t wait to read Small Pleasures, a lovely gift by the sweet @squirrelbrain 🤍

Cinfhen Good luck!! I didn‘t realize the award is being announced so soon. I‘m still hoping Still Born wins!!!! (edited) 1y
squirrelbrain It seems like Small Pleasures will be the kind of book you can dip into. I hope you enjoy. 😘 1y
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Miss Ranskill Comes Home | Barbara Euphan Todd
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A small collection of #womenwriters from my shelves for #somethingforsept #septphotochallenge

JPeterson Oh man, is that The Guild!?! I didn't realize that was in a readable format! 8y
Eyelit @JPeterson it's an additional story to the series... there are two comic continuations 😁 8y
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