1. Hogwarts
2.The Best Years Of Our Lives
3. Having my children
4. All Littens- you and you and you....
I borrowed this from my sister in law so long ago...hoping to read this next month. #imeverywoman #fiercefeb
It is really hard wrapping for #secretsantagoespostal #summersolsticebookexchange with a fussy teething six-month-old in hand, but I made it! And I realized my box has a theme.... #wellbehavedwomenseldommakehistory
Well-behaved women seldom make history. --Laurel Thatcher Ulrich #womensmarch
I love this saying. I also love it's the title of her book. ✨
Elizabeth Cady Stanton was a woman after my own heart!
"It seemed to me that every book taught the 'divinely ordained' headship of man, but my mind never yielded to this popular heresy." I think I like Elizabeth Cady Stanton.
"While some women contemplate the demise of feminism, others seem to have only just discovered it." Thinking about my kiddos at school.
Since I've gotten pretty into my fiction audiobook, I thought I'd start a nonfiction in print.