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In 2016 for Christmas my very red republican brother gave me Hillary stuff, including Hillary TP, a Hillary dog chew toy, and a few other things. I did get a Hillary Funko Pop too though, which I kept.

This year he‘s getting Shade.

Yes, Sisters NEVER forget! 😈


Leelee08 💘💘💘 6y
GingerAntics I believe that‘s check and mate!!! Well played!!! 6y
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Librariana Your selection is really quite stellar, though 😊 6y
Riveted_Reader_Melissa @Librariana Because I doubt he‘d read them, although he might against his better judgement look at the pictures in this one. 6y
Riveted_Reader_Melissa @Librariana Actually I‘m wrong, he‘s probably read them and tell how brilliant Trump‘s decisions are in them. 6y
Purrsistently Bwahaha 6y
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Wyrd Sisters (Revised) | Terry Pratchett
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You tell them Esme! Don‘t push too far, because eventually we will push back!
#ImWithHer 🧙‍♀️


julesG 😂😂😂 6y
Tonton @Riveted_Reader_Melissa That‘s a rule I would follow!😎 6y
Moray_Reads Esme Weatherwax is the hero we all deserve ❤️🧙‍♀️ 6y
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Wyrd Sisters (Revised) | Terry Pratchett
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I‘m really feeling these witches today.#ImWithHer You show them Esme!


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#neverthelessshepersisted #imwithher #edbookfest ✊️✊🏻✊🏼✊🏽✊🏾✊🏿

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What Happened | Hillary Rodham Clinton
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Yesssss 🙌🏼 —in my experience as a woman in a male-dominated profession this is sadly very, very true. We need to change this!! 😡 #strongertogether

I am almost finished with this book. It has been difficult, but it has been worth it. 💙 #HRC #imwithher #whathappened #feminist #resist #supportwomen #thefutureisfemale #proudfeminist #feminism #imstillwithher #womensrights #currentlyreading #audiobook #mustread

keys_on_fire Some great points!!! 6y
Weaponxgirl That's great! The thing about children always annoys me too! We never hear men asked how they balance looking after the children with an important job, ugh 6y
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What Happened | Hillary Rodham Clinton
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🎧 Listening to more of #WhatHappened this morning and I had to stop to create this graphic and share it with you. To keep from tearing up😢, I had to balance this heartfelt quote with with her awesome wardrobe. 👩🏼‍💼 No one else can rock a colorful pantsuit quite like #HRC. I just love her. 😍 I love her poise, her eloquent words, her strength, and her awesome pantsuit collection. 🙌🏼 #imwithher 💙#imstillwithher #feminist #nastywoman 🙋🏻‍♀️

Andrea313 I just love her, too, and am so happy when other people voice their support. ❤ 6y
Jess7 Absolutely! You should have seen me during the campaign. I convinced my husband who is usually apathetic about politics to watch every debate with me, and on Election Day it was a proud moment for me when we both cast our votes for the first female US presidential candidate. My Facebook status that day was “Excited to witness history today. #imwithher ..” Unfortunately what happened later wasn‘t the history I was hoping for. @Andrea313 (edited) 6y
SexyCajun I listened to the audiobook and LOVED IT!!!! 6y
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Pamwurtzler That graphic is fabulous! #imstillwithher (edited) 6y
Jess7 Thank you @Pamwurtzler 😊🤗 That‘s great @SexyCajun - I‘m loving it so far! 6y
Vansa Didn't want to read the book because it was just too sad!! I love the graphic, super cool ! 6y
SleepyDragon Pantsuit rainbow. Hope your graphic goes viral. 6y
Jess7 Someone else created the rainbow and but I added to the quote :-) @NeesyBeth 🤗🤗 6y
sprainedbrain Like you, I haven‘t been ready for this book... My hold finally came in for the audiobook, so it may be time. #imstillwithher 6y
RidgewayGirl I love her and enjoyed hearing her tell the story in her own voice. #StillWithHer 6y
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What Happened | Hillary Rodham Clinton
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I bought the hardcover copy of #WhatHappened by #HRC when it first came out, but have yet to take the time to read it. Every time I think I am in the right headspace to tackle it, I end up doing something else. So I placed the #audiobook on hold with #overdrive several months ago... and it finally became available today! I hope listening to the audio will give me the push I need to start it. Have you read it? 💙📚

#HRC #imwithher #imstillwithher

Beachesnbooks I listened to this on audio even though I have the physical copy too and I honestly liked it a lot better on audio since Hillary reads it herself 6y
Jess7 That‘s good to know. I love that I own the book, and the end pages are beautiful, but I think I will prefer the audio book for most of it too. @Beachesnbooks . Plus, I think listening to it will actually make me start it finally. 🤗 6y
Jess7 I listened to the book she wrote about her time as Secretary of State a couple years ago and it was really good. Better on audio though bc it got into the weeds a bit with the foreign policy in China, etc. @Beachesnbooks 6y
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Traci1 I haven't read it yet, but I want to. I do think I'll get it on audio since she's the one reading it. 6y
Pamwurtzler I had to read it a chapter at a time. It was just so hard to read- depressing as heck. 6y
Christine I put it off for so long, but I did the audio and found it wonderful and comforting to hear her voice! 6y
Allydanielle88 I love this book. I can't wait to hear your thoughts. 6y
Christine11 I was kind of ambivalent towards her originally but I liked her a lot more after reading it - she had a lot of really interesting points to make and came across as smart and genuine. I bet the audio will be even better if it‘s her doing it! 😊 6y
amywithbooks I enjoyed it- and I also had to wait till I was ready for it! 6y
1001BooksPodcast I loved this book. And I learned that I keep track of my reading the same way as Bill Clinton which is pretty cool haha 6y
BookaholicNatty I have been wanting to read this too but felt the same exact way you did! I didn‘t realize she read the audio book herself. That may be the factor that pushes me to actually dive in. Glad you shared this! 6y
Jess7 You‘re welcome! I‘m excited about it. @BookaholicNatty that‘s interesting @1001BooksPodcast ; good to know @avgeyer That‘s cool @Christine11 - I‘ve heard she gets more personal in this book. Definitely will let you know thoughts when I finish @Allydanielle88 6y
Jess7 Great @Traci1 I hope you start it. I may have to take it in doses or I may devour it - probably will depend on how mad I get at Trump along the way. @Pamwurtzler 😂 6y
Traci1 I've sort of been putting it off because I didn't want to fall into that same pit of despair I was in at the end of 2016. 6y
Jess7 Understood. @Traci1 Maybe ease into it like @Pamwurtzler suggested. I could look at those end pages every day smile so long as I don‘t think about “what happened” after. 😞 6y
SleepyDragon I was actually told that it is even more powerful hearing it in her own voice. Enjoy the book. 6y
BarbaraTheBibliophage I read it right when it came out. I‘m not sure I could‘ve listened to her voice telling the story. It would‘ve been so much more emotional for me. But reading it was perfect and I‘m so glad I read it. I recommend balancing it with Donna Brazile‘s book 6y
Jess7 Update: I‘m loving it, but it‘s hard to listen to. I felt myself getting teary-eyed almost immediately. Woah, this is going to be long one. @BarbaraTheBibliophage @NeesyBeth @Traci1 @BookaholicNatty @1001BooksPodcast @avgeyer @Christine11 @Allydanielle88 @christine @Pamwurtzler @Beachesnbooks 6y
amywithbooks @Jess7 the first part was really rough- I was crying almost immediately. But it got easier as I kept reading! 6y
Jess7 Good to know. I love it, but I‘m at work reviewing contracts... all I need is to start crying when a colleague walks by my office. I‘m trying to keep it together. 🤷🏻‍♀️🤣🤞🏼 @avgeyer 6y
amywithbooks @Jess7 😂😂😂 I hope your colleagues are in the know about what books can do to a person! 6y
Jess7 Haha, probably not. I‘m a female attorney in a typical male-dominated office. 🤷🏻‍♀️ I think I am past the really hard part for now. @avgeyer 6y
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The Bell Jar | Sylvia Plath
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Wow. I had somehow anticipated i wouldn't like this classic, but on the contrary i am utterly in awe and love with Silvia Plath's description both depression and opression. Striking how little has changed since the 60s, contracaption and all... #imwithher #uterusesbeforeduderuses #litsyclassic

starlight97 I felt the same about this book :) 6y
Buechersuechtling Oh, das habe ich auch noch (auf Deutsch) hier liegen. In einer schönen Ausgabe mit blauen Buchschnitt. Ich bin sehr gespannt darauf, scheue mich aber – wahrscheinlich aus dem gleichen Grund wie du – davor, es zu beginnen. Außerdem ist mein Leben gerade anstrengend genug, deswegen weiß ich nicht, ob das zu diesem Zeitpunkt tatsächlich die richtige Lektüre ist. 6y
Heideschrampf @Buechersuechtling ja, das verstehe ich. Aber als jemand, der selbst mit der psyche zu kämpfen hat tat es gut so viel verständniss zu finden, und das auch noch ohne das ganze warum/weshalb/woher zu zerkleinern. Dazu ist es auch noch ziemlich poetisch geschrieben, also vom stil sehr angenehm und eher ironisch als deprimierend 6y
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What Happened | Hillary Rodham Clinton
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Been listening to this audio book (my first audiobook by the way) and damn is it powerful! I have even more respect for her and her strength. She is a true #heroine . #imwithher #feminism #downwithsexism #ampersand2018 #quotsyfeb18 #dark