My November #bookspin ! Some repeats from last month, as always, because I can‘t ever get to everything that I want to read! #doublespin #bookspinbingo
My November #bookspin ! Some repeats from last month, as always, because I can‘t ever get to everything that I want to read! #doublespin #bookspinbingo
Birthday twins today: @Kelly_the_Bookish_Sidekick and @Tattooedteacher !! Let‘s give them all the Litsy Love! We hope you have a very merry birthday full of things and people you hold dear. #LitsyLoveBirthdayCrew #LitsyLoveBirthdays
#November #bookspinbingo list @thearomaofbooks
Want to try out a genre list this month while dedicating spots for #nonfictionnovember
Here‘s my November TBR! The Red Tent I am trying to finish this week to send back to @TheReadingMermaid for the end of our #lmpbc round. Sorry I‘m running behind!
I‘m really bad at reading challenges, but I‘m toying around with the idea of declaring 2019 #theyearofnowhitemen so I might need to clear my tbr shelf of male white authors I actually do want to read before then-mostly Anthony Bourdain.
Since I never read what I think I will, I‘m leaving my goals more open ended. Looking forward to the Miami Book Fair.