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The Throwback Special: A Novel
The Throwback Special: A Novel | Chris Bachelder
A slyly profound and startlingly original novel about the psyche of the American male, The Throwback Special marks the return of one of the most acclaimed literary voices of his generation. Here is the absorbing story of twenty-two men who gather every fall to painstakingly reenact what ESPN called the most shocking play in NFL history and the Washington Redskins dubbed the Throwback Special: the November 1985 play in which the Redskins Joe Theismann had his leg horribly broken by Lawrence Taylor of the New York Giants live on Monday Night Football. With wit and great empathy, Chris Bachelder introduces us to Charles, a psychologist whose expertise is in high demand; George, a garrulous public librarian; Fat Michael, envied and despised by the others for being exquisitely fit; Jeff, a recently divorced man who has become a theorist of marriage; and many more. Over the course of a weekend, the men reveal their secret hopes, fears, and passions as they choose roles, spend a long night of the soul preparing for the play, and finally enact their bizarre ritual for what may be the last time. Along the way, mishaps, misunderstandings, and grievances pile up, and the comforting traditions holding the group together threaten to give way. The Throwback Special is a moving and comic tale filled with pitch-perfect observations about manhood, marriage, middle age, and the rituals we all enact as part of being alive.
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This is a tenderly funny look at a bunch of middle aged men who gather each year to reenact the football game where Joe Theismann‘s thigh was snapped. Bachelder did a great job of giving each man a distinct personality in a very short space. I rarely read a book that gives a group of men such emotional depth. #roll100

Ruthiella I loved this book and I don‘t even understand football as a game. 😂 9mo
Reggie They were all so neurotic in here. 9mo
PuddleJumper ❄️❄️ 9mo
Megabooks @Reggie they were, but I loved it! 9mo
Megabooks @Ruthiella I‘m not a football fan either, and it was just so good! 9mo
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I REALLY wanted to like this novel, in which a bunch of middle-aged men gather every year to recreate the play on Monday Night Football when Lawrence Taylor shattered the leg of Joe Theismann. But despite the deliciously strange plot, nothing much actually happens in this book.

The Throwback Special | Chris Bachelder
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The Throwback Special | Chris Bachelder
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I know baseball is usually meant by the term ballgame and spring training is also unique to it, but I am indifferent to all sports and football also has a ball, does it not? So my choice for today‘s prompt is the tagged book. I thought it was funny and insightful and it made me care, at least a little bit, about football 🏈.

#LitsySpringBreak ballgame

Alwaysbeenaloverofbooks I feel the same way!! 4y
Reggie Lol, I loved how neurotic all the guys were in here. This book was great. 4y
Ruthiella @Alwaysbeenaloverofbooks It‘s nice to not be alone! 😀 4y
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Ruthiella @Reggie Yes, I loved being in their heads! Such a funny book. 😀 4y
TheKidUpstairs Any ball counts! 4y
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Every year, 22 men meet at a hotel to re-enact a 1985 career-ending injury of Joe Theismann. The weekend is full of possibility and inevitability. By Saturday, a chosen “Theismann” will be cut down. The 22 try to find the exact moment between thriving and dying, but the weekend is about celebration—cramming into Room 432, understanding that our roads have fateful tragic ends and life‘s exciting unpredictability lies in how we connect with others.

Reggie I really liked this book and how neurotic some of the men were. 4y
BaBaBaBillyAndTheBooks Yeah. Agreed, Reggie. One of my favorite books I‘ve read recently 4y
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The Throwback Special | Chris Bachelder
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😂😂😂👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻 #Litsy Humor

Am I the only one who laments the significant absence of original films? There are some that pop up from time to time, but for the most part it‘s sequels, remakes, and off-shoots. 🙈

BennettBookworm I totally agree with you! 5y
IamIamIam I like to bring up the late 50s, early 60s when a large number of films were just remakes from the 30s and 40s. Even Hitchcock remade his own films! That's just the nature of film. Now books? I'm reading this and it's definitely a knockoff so far... so many stolen elements.. like father, like son! 5y
wanderinglynn 😂😂😂 5y
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annahenke Lol! 5y
TheBookDream Check your local indie theater. There‘s been some really interesting ones out. My faves so far this year have been The Dead Don‘t Die, All Is True, and Stan & Ollie. And honestly, I‘ve missed a lot of the indies I wanted to see due to time and money constraints. 5y
Ddzmini Nope no your not... I really hate that they have nothing original anymore and then they do get something good and the make sequels to the end of time 🙌🏽🙄 I mean really ... 😝🤣🤣🤣 5y
Hooked_on_books I read an interesting article not that long ago about how movies now are primarily made for Chinese audiences, since that‘s where the money is. Hence the sequels of movies that do well and the rarity of quiet or risky films. It‘s a big loss for audiences. 5y
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1️⃣popcorn 2️⃣ The Bell Jar 3️⃣ I would go to the “club basement” circa 1960‘s and read in my dad‘s lazy boy. Brings back fond memories. #throwbackThursday.

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I actually really liked this one. I think average men‘s insecurities and inner lives get lost in literature, and this book was so refreshing in that way. I will admit to getting several of the characters confused. Twenty-two is a lot to keep track of. 4.5⭐️ definitely recommend

@L_auren I think you wanted to know my thoughts??

L_auren Yes thanks!! Glad you liked it. I found this one difficult to focus on and didn‘t love it for me, but still was really impressed by it. I know that doesn‘t make a lot of sense lol 7y
L_auren The scene where the reenactment was through the eyes of the other guests was GENIUS 7y
Megabooks @L_auren Agreed on the spoiler. My favorite parts were the haircuts, throwing the shoes, and the lost closet where he got the hdmi cable. It‘s such a quirky little book! 7y
L_auren @Booksandcooks yes the haircut scene was great!!! I‘m glad you liked it 7y
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Should I read this on #tbt? Not right now. I‘m going to try to catch up on Litsy while #Henry sleeps. 👍🏻💜😊

manifestsanity It's so funny, sad, and absurd. I love this book. 7y
Megabooks @manifestsanity I‘m enjoying it so far! 7y
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Just a lazy girl with her lazy dog ❤️

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This was a ToB pick, and I really enjoyed it! I don't tend to stray toward sports books, but this was really more about the relationships and quirks/idiosyncrasies of 20 men who gather to relive a sports-based tradition every year. It is a quick read. At first, it seems a little difficult to keep everyone straight, but after a while, the more "main" characters shine through and you realize the details of the others aren't as important. ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️

Reggie I liked when the black character was hoping he didn't get picked too soon so he wouldn't have to pick the black athlete because what it might say about him. Lolol all the mental crisis going on. I did appreciate what the counselor told his friend about how we can't control what we think but we can control our actions. After his friend was almost happy his daughter got hurt. This book was pretty good. 7y
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Rarely have the inner thoughts of neurotic men been so well captured as in this book. In the books that I read, men do not see to have complex inner monologues, but in this book they do. Really enjoying it so far.

A group of strangers meet yearly to reenact the Thighsmeinn career-ending play. I won't show you how terribly his thigh snaps, but this is the aftermath.

BarbaraTheBibliophage I remember watching that play when it happened. Major horrible and gross. 😝 7y
8little_paws I really dug this book 7y
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LauraJ @BarbaraTheBibliophage I've seen it. Heartbreaking. 7y
L_auren I was JUST thinking about this book today. While I didn't love it, I was still super impressed by it! 7y
Avanders Oh I agree, I just finished today and really enjoyed it! 7y
Melkyl @BarbaraTheBibliophage I was watching that game when it happened too. It was awful. 7y
Megabooks @8little_paws I'm really loving it! 7y
Megabooks @BarbaraTheBibliophage @lauraj @Melwilk I can barely look at it! Terrible! 7y
Megabooks @Avanders Yes! 👍🏻👍🏻 7y
Megabooks @L_auren it is really well thought out! 7y
Mamashep I can still picture it all these years later! 7y
Megabooks @Mamashep I decided not to share the picture of the actual hit. Ahhhh! I feel so bad. His leg was just terrible!! I was too young to remember. 7y
Dogearedcopy OMG, I remember this so vividly! I grew up in WDC and as a die-hard Redskins fan. Odd bit of trivia: Any 'Skins fan will be able to tell you the name of at least one of the Giants who tackled Theismann on that play! 7y
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The best books I've finished this year. Throwback Special is my #favorite. #splashintosummerreads

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This book was beautiful in the most unassuming way. It was like Bachelder just had these words and said, "Here is my book, take it as you will." The weekend of the players of the Throwback Special are lonely, losing and gaining things in short spans of time. The book is written with such a strong sense of certainty that it really performs to a level that most books only dream of. I will be thinking of this one for a long time! 4.5/5

manifestsanity This book contains the greatest description of a continental breakfast I have ever read. 7y
Tcip @manifestsanity not only that but it really traps incredible viewpoints on marriage and fatherhood that don't agree with 100% but I can really sense that I know these men because of their views. The continental breakfast scene is a great example of how I felt about this book. He brings such a crazy spin on it that it's just there and you can accept it as it is but it will never change. 7y
minkyb Your review makes me eager to get to this! 7y
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The only night that I know my father cried as a Washington fan.

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One take on why the poor don't need the internet. Funny but not factual :)

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Not only is this football novel a fascinating glimpse into the middle aged male psyche, it includes the greatest description of a continental breakfast I have ever read. #GIVEAWAYSPORTS

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An utterly hilarious and morbidly beautiful satire of the male psyche. This is fantasy football as absurd myth where men must assume prescribed roles in a brutal cosmic farce. The writing is smartly crafted with probing insights. The descriptions induce lowbrow laughs but also sadness and bleak uncertainty. It is a glimpse into the minds of men and the tragic torch each generation passes to the next. Continental breakfast will never be the same.

seebiscan I've been wanting to read this--thanks for the review! 8y
8little_paws This is a fantastic write up!! 8y
Gezemice Great review! I should read this. I know some males who would fit this description - and sureky theit psyche is fascinating! 😁 8y
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And so it begins! 😁😁😁

RanaElizabeth And there goes my daily work productivity as I feverishly read all the comments...I love this time of year! 8y
HardcoverHearts Best version of March madness ever! 8y
merelybookish @RanaElizabeth yes. It sort of disrupts my usual morning routine. 8y
Zelma I just posted on my FB feed about this. It's one of my favorite times of year! I have evening plans to settle in for all the commentary. 👍😁 8y
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This book was very insightful into a group of seemingly random men united for one purpose. The men's stories were often sad but all were just trying to figure out life helping each other. Very realistic!

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Even if you're not a fan of football, an engrossing,funny read. Keen insights into the often ridiculous nature of masculinity&group behavior. The tale of 22 men*, amorphously lumped together (collection of them ultimately more of a character than the individuals) that have come together 16 straight years to reenact a single play.
*cast is rounded out by over sharing pizza guy, group that stole conference room,&hotel clerk who'd rather be bartender

Joshsandaker This is already in my TBR pile after hearing a recommendation from Joe Hill, but hearing it recommended again makes me think I need to tackle this one soon. 7y
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LeslieO I remember watching that game when Theismann broke his leg. Awful! But this sounds like a good premise. 8y
moraghastie_author @LeslieO 60 pages in so far and really enjoying it! 8y
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Tournament of Books, 10 out of 16 now finished. Jeesh, I don't know what to say about this book. Often humorous, often insightful, but ultimately I found it sad and uninspiring. I'm afraid I won't remember much about it in a month or so. #TOB17

Suet624 @outis, I know you're doing TOB too. did you read this one yet? If so, what did you think? 8y
outis @Suet624 I actually liked this one, not so much for the story itself, but for the emotional journey of the guys as a whole-their vulnerability & increasing self awareness, their barely acknowledged fear of an uncertain future & the comfort of being part of a group. But I admit that I can now only remember the names of 3 of the characters. 8y
Suet624 @outis I like your analysis and you're right. The sad part for me was that each of the characters seemed so fragile. And they did so many things they didn't want to do - remember the three smokers who had all quit smoking but didn't want to tell the others? (edited) 8y
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Yossarian I read this when it was serialized in The a Paris Review. The characters were all interchangeable -- all having the same Crisis of Masculinity. I couldn't tell anyone apart. 8y
Suet624 @Yossarian Crisis of Masculinity. Yes. 8y
Redheadrambles Nice review 8y
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There is a scene in this book that you watch unfold through the security camera screens at a hotel and it really feels like this panoramic, bird's eye view of the action is how the whole novel is structured. It's a neat concept and is well executed, but because of this distance it's hard to even tell the characters apart, let alone get close enough to care about any of them. #ToB2017

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I have no idea what I was expecting, but this was a charming book about a group of friends who get together every year to reenact the 1985 play that ended Joe Theisman's career. A fascinating look into male minds and the writing is full of clever and observant moments.

Megabooks I keep meaning to read this one. 8y
Ericmanciniwriter This book ended up being much stranger than I expected but it really stuck with me 8y
Laalaleighh 📚 8y
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Since it looks very much like my typical Friday night I thought I would join you guys in the #Litsypartyofone and look...I brought the Girl Scout cookies!!!!!!🤗

MamaGina Are you reading this for the Read Harder book challenge? Look forward to hearing your thoughts on this one🤓 8y
My_novel_obsession @MamaGina yes I'm using this as my book about sports. It's also on the shortlist for the Tournament of Books so I was intrigued enough to pick it up 8y
Crystalblu For a second I thought that was a book about Girl Scouts ;) 8y
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I loved this book so much. Hilarious and touching commentary on life, within a really unique setting. #tob2017

outis This one was such a great surprise! I loved it, too! 8y
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Omg...Jeff lives my husband's life! This book is a riot. Nutty, wonderful characters. #tob2017

Reggie The part that still stays with me is the counselor telling the Dad that we are only responsible for our actions not thoughts. And i laughed when the black guy stresses if he should pick Lawrence Taylors spot. 8y
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Back porch, living room couch, bed. Not pictured: doctors' office waiting rooms, staff lounge at work, our truck, city bus, restaurants, etc. etc. #riotgrams #whereiread

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"The family's pet cat slept twenty hours a day, and made it look easy." Haha I sympathize. My cats taunt me with their mad sleeping skills when I can't sleep. #tob2017

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Forget Civil War reenactments, this group of friends reenacts the fateful play on Monday night that ended the career of Joe Theisman. With 22 characters and a novella length, it's difficult to capture much narrative progress or character development. But the novel is organized chaos, much like that nauseating play that ended in a broken leg.

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The home stretch

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This book started out as fun, like being a fly on the wall of a crazy weekend where 22 men gather to reenact a disastrous football play. Each man taking turns at playing Theismann the player that ends up under a pile of linebackers with a career ending compound fracture.
You might get more from this novel if you understood that moment in football history. I still can't get to grips with why an entire novel is based around it.

Redheadrambles #readharder #readharder2017 Task 1 - A book about Sports #tob2017 8y
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Surprised at how much I liked this one. I was a little unimpressed by all the jumping around among the 22 (mostly) white (all) male characters until I finished the book & realized Bachelder had been using relatively quick narrative strokes to create an emotional whole. Surprisingly tender story about male friendships & neuroses, ritual, change & renewal, and the comfort of being part of something bigger than yourself. #ToB17 #ToB2017

mklong Great review and you have almost convinced me! I'm trying to read all of the #ToB2017 books and this is the only one I was completely uninterested in. Will I like it even if I hate American football? 8y
outis @mklong I think football gives the guys a reason to be together and a prism through which to filter their emotions and thoughts. It helped that I remembered this play and the players, but I don't think you need to _love_ football for this one. I wonder what other #ToB2017 readers on Litsy think & whether they have a different view. 8y
Redheadrambles I am reading this at the moment and know absolutely nothing about American football but I am enjoying the wit in this. I do agree the jumping around is confusing but it does feel like you in the middle of a big reunion with everyone talking at once - which is really well done. 8y
BkClubCare @mklong - I don't think you'll need a love of football to enjoy this. AND it is short! I enjoyed this more than I expected to. 8y
mklong Thanks everyone! I think I'll read this one while everyone else is watching the Super Bowl! @Redheadrambles @BkClubCare 🏈📚 8y
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"Any weather, when sustained, begins to feel like an interrogation technique."
It's supposed to rain all weekend…
this book is actually very interesting. And humorous.

8little_paws I liked it way more than anticipated 8y
Sarahsbookshelves Totally agree - this one has been completely underrated! 8y
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Three library books came off hold today. Two are for the #tob17 Rooster and one is a possible readalong with @Lakesidemusing (but it has almost 700 pages!!)
I will read Throwback first - it's the shortest, and will put me half way to reading all 18.

Gulfsidemusing Trollope is anything but succinct! Still love him though. ❤ Just started a new book today, hope to begin Can You Forgive Her? in a week or so if Audrey is ready. 8y
Gulfsidemusing Also, amazing progress on the rooster reading! 8y
outis Almost done with Throwback and I'm finding that I've enjoyed it more than I thought I would. Good luck! 8y
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BkClubCare @outis - am on page 26 already and didn't notice the pages flying by. Extremely engaging. 8y
BkClubCare @Lakesidemusing - yea, but 9 more books?! And my Bone Clocks readalong AND Trollope AND my book club reads?! Crazy... 8y
Gulfsidemusing @BkClubCare yea, that's a bit much...maybe a stand-alone Trollope later this year😊 8y
BkClubCare @Lakesidemusing - I must have him! 8y
Gulfsidemusing 🤣👍 8y
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My oldest pauses to read. (1998)

LauraBeth 💕💕 8y
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About halfway through this one for BookRiot's "2017 Read Harder" challenge. Task 1 for January is to "read a book about sports." I'm actually enjoying it a lot, which surprises me a bit because I'm not a football gal. But from a craft perspective, I appreciate Bachelder's deft handling of multiple POVs. In brief, it's about a group of middle-aged men who meet annually to recreate an infamously disastrous football play.

Redheadrambles Yes ! Planning on picking this up soon for that task on Read Harder and also because of #tob17 8y
8little_paws It's really good!! I listened on audio, it was great 8y
LastSplash @8little_paws I'm going to try listening to audiobooks more this year (I set a relatively lofty book # goal 😅). Do you listen to your books via Audible? If so, do you like it? 8y
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8little_paws @LastSplash occasionally on audible. They have really good sound quality. I mooch off my friend's account, we share it. I primarily use Hoopla digital for audiobooks. I loooove Hoopla. Does your library have it? 8y
LastSplash @Redheadrambles Awesome! I'd never heard of #tob17 before reading your comment! I'll have to dig into that challenge a little bit, too! I've been dying to read "Grief is the Thing with Feathers" 8y
Redheadrambles @LastSplash yeah it's a great sort of bookish conversation that happens in March and it usually throws up some heated and fun debates 😀 8y
LastSplash @8little_paws Ha, per your recommendation I hopped on Hoopla! And Throwback Special is available! Thanks for that insight 😍 8y
8little_paws @LastSplash yup that's how I listened!! 8y
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My daughter and Granny share a story, 2005


LauraBeth 💕💕 8y
LeahBergen 😍😍 8y
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I love a good simile. And Bachelder delivers:

"Her nudity was a fantastical premise, as speculative in its particulars as dark matter or quarks."

"'Excuse me, guys', Steven said, jumping like an electron to an outer shell."

"Adam stood looking out the window of Room 212 like a homesteader during an April blizzard."

"Peter's hair was wavy and wiry. It was brittle and lifeless, like something partially buried in an ancient seabed."

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"The bland optimism, high ceiling, and corporate sterility of the conference room would probably have mitigated the effects of Tommy's facial hair, but here in the hot and crowded hotel room, his mustache acted as a pernicious depressant."

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Thick and blocky typography—like shoulder pads. #AmericanFootball

Redheadrambles reading this now and I didn't think about the chapter font choice - but yeah your right 8y
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A book (any format), my glasses & lots of coffee are all the #readingequipment I need. #readjanuary

BooksForEmpathy Loved this book! 8y
RealLifeReading Nice photo! 8y
EvieBee This picture! 😍😍 8y
britt_brooke Nice photo. 📷👌🏻 8y
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My grandfather shares a story with my daughter, 2004


Mommamanzi Perfection! 8y
SharonGoforth So sweet!! 8y
Donna_sBookMinute I love family photos that capture the generations. Sweet. 8y
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