Rating: ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️
This is a dark, gritty book with lots of bloodshed and deception. This was a great conclusion to the series. #litsy #littens #bookstagram #bibliophile #amandafoody #aceofshades #kingoffools #queenofvolts
Rating: ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️
This is a dark, gritty book with lots of bloodshed and deception. This was a great conclusion to the series. #litsy #littens #bookstagram #bibliophile #amandafoody #aceofshades #kingoffools #queenofvolts
Oh my gosh! This book is making me want to cry in frustration because the next one isn't out. I loved the atmosphere, the politics, the kick ass girl gang. It was fabulous!!! Anyone who loves intrigue and a kick ass gang of girls needs to read this book and Ace of Shades pronto.
Go to my Goodreads for my full review!
#amandafoody #kingoffools #aceofshades #theshadowgametrilogy #theshadowgameseries #youngadult #ya #highlyrecommend #anticipatedread
Such a fabulous read! There were a few overused tropes, but I loved the magic system and the Vegas inspired world. And it is so refreshing to see a girl who isn't afraid to be feminine! Enne is the beautiful badass we all know and love! Puts on her lipstick, her heels, and is ready to attack! #aceofshades #amandafoody #goodreads
My new read! I have never gone this long without reading. I need to get back in the game!
#springintoreading #aceofshades #amandafoody #goodreads #currentlyreading
August reads #hownottodateaprince #theemeraldsea #undertheneversky #thescorpioraces #lead #nevernight #aplacetostay #mysoultokeep #chaser #serpentskiss #deception #blackhearts #ninerulestobreakwhenromancingarake #thedarkestminds #poisonscage #aceofshades #alpha #idtellyouiloveyoubutthenidhavetokillyou #whisperofthetide #thebattleofthrlabyrinth #joyride #elevenscandalstostarttowinadukesheart #strangethedreamer
A general overview of the #Fairyloot May box! It arrived later than usual, they had a product problem
I expected Sky in the Deep, but this one also sounds interesting. I love the Percy Jackson pin, The Hobbit bag and the #Narnia product.
#unboxing #bookmail #spoilers #adarkestminds #percyjackson #lotr #aceofshades #fantasticbeasts
Getting some reading done on my new patio. #outdoors #reading #aceofshades #currentlyreading #readingchallenge2018
I really should be unpacking. Instead I‘ll read one of the 3 books i didnt pack in my move. #currentlyreading #readingchallenge2018 #aceofshades #owlcratebook
Became an OwlCrate member & it came 😍. They came with a pin, pencils, bar of soap, flyers that contain spoilers & sneak peek for May‘s theme, pillow case, pack of coffee, A book, and a booklet. Loving it 😎👍👍 #bonescoffee #owlcrate #legendary #stephaniegarber #threesistersapothecary #harrypotter #fightlikeagirl #aceofshades #amandafoody #whenyoucantbeattheoddschangethegame #fantasicfriday
I can't wait to enter 'The City Of Sin' when I read #AceOfShades by Amanda Foody! ♥️♣️♦️♠️ Are you excited for Ace?! 🤗
#doves #shadowgang #bookmail #YA #bookworms #bookbloggers