OMG! Speechless! Off to read all those spoiler comments in the other reviews now.
OMG! Speechless! Off to read all those spoiler comments in the other reviews now.
A morality tale Rossner tells in riveting fashion! Loved it even more after watching this documentary. Highly recommend as a follow-up. https://youtu.be/IRN91TeXAYE?si=L5r0urNjlonFkqvH
⚠️Spoiler Warning!!! Do NOT watch the film unless you want to know the story before reading the book.
Emmeline , a great story. Looking forward to seeing what everyone thinks. It‘s a winner for me. I couldn‘t put it down. Now for a mince pie @andrew61 #PeresphoneClub
Cosying up with Emmeline. I‘m at the halfway point … and I can‘t put it down!! #PersephoneClub
Oh, Emmeline. 😬
I can‘t say much else right now but I can hardly wait to discuss this with you all!
#persephoneclub mine arrived today sorry Iv cheated and got a second hand copy rather than a Persephone - happy reading 📖 😀
It caught him back to the dreadful moment in the lodge when, raising himself up from Rainer‘s side, he had looked at his hands and seen that they were red…
#EthanFromeAndOtherStories #EdithWharton #lastline #closingline #book #books #bookworm #bookworms #bookwormlife #bookwormproblem #bookwormproblems #bookworld #bookword #epicreads #bookend #bookends #Classics #Fiction #Romance #Literature #School #HistoricalFiction #American #Novels #HighSchool
At that, as if it had been the signal he waited for, Newland Archer got up slowly and walked back alone to his hotel.
#TheAgeOfInnocence #EdithWharton #lastline #closingline #book #books #bookworm #bookworms #bookwormproblem #bookwormproblems #bookword #bookworld #epicreads #bookend #bookends #bookending #bookendings #bookedit #bookedits #bookeditor #Classics #Fiction #HistoricalFiction #Romance #Literature #American #Historical #Novels #NewYork
“I like to call things as they are. Before, the only thing I was interested in was love, how it grips you, how it terrifies you, how it annihilates and resuscitates you. I didn‘t know then that it wasn‘t even love that I was interested in, but my own suffering. I thought suffering kept things interesting. How funny that I called it love and the whole time it was pain.“
—from “Calling Things What They Are“