#3books #booksthatmademecry
I‘ve cried while reading countless books but these 3 made me ugly cry my eyes out.
#3books #booksthatmademecry
I‘ve cried while reading countless books but these 3 made me ugly cry my eyes out.
Here are three books that made me cry. It‘s not a surprise that they are all either based on a true story or nonfiction. It hits harder when you know real people experienced similar things.
Making a fake sad face is very hard to do. 😂 But that doesn‘t change the fact that the books I want to talk to you about made me cry very hard! Check out my top 5 tearjerkers here: https://youtu.be/yUWs6j9McHE
#booktube #bookvlog #sadbooks #tearjerkerbooks #booksthatmademecry #needmoretissues #sadsad #sadstories
Five slices of pie, no flavor designated. Multiple pie mentions, but always “they were baking pie” references. The story does involve orchards - apple, cherry apricot? And mulberries are mentioned. In fact, the mulberries are involved in the denouement scene, I believe. A startling tale told amazingly. #strongwomen #fate #brightestbulbsburnoutfirst
#Nebraska #dogsoflitsy
This is one of the few #booksthatmademecry but still a great read. I really like how it changes perspective because each character had such a different take on problems throughout the story. #jodipicoult #booksthatmakeyoucry #summerreading
I DO NOT like Nicholas Sparks. But I read this one twice and cried both times. #booksthatmademecry #riotgrams #day18
This is one in an elite group of about 5 books that have made me cry. I have mentioned before that if a book is making me cry, I put the book down, walk around sobbing, then come back and finish reading while tears stream down my face. This one... there are no words #riotgrams #booksthatmademecry
I cry easily. So easily. I went through my pics and picked some reads that have made me cry recently. #riotgrams #BooksThatMadeYouCry #BooksThatMadeMeCry
I try really hard to avoid #booksthatmademecry because most of the time I'm reading to escape the real world. Fault in our stars left me in a weepy heap at 3am and I've avoided everything similar since. So for #riotgrams today I've picked the 4th Cazalet book where the end of the war brings resolutions and tears, mostly happy/of relief. Love this series.
#novemberbookchallenge #16: Books that made you cry 😭
Where the Red Fern Grows was the first book I ever read that made me cry. My fifth grade teacher read it to the class and damn, that book is intense 😣
Room and Me Before You are the other two that really stuck in my mind.
#messycry #wheretheredferngrows #room #mebeforeyou #angiebookishnovember #booksthatmademecry