Wood stained with paint mixed in water. They will be standing up signs for my mom, brother, and sister-in-law. #artsandcrafts #MerryReaders #Wintergames2020 #christmaspresents #homemadechristmaspresents @Clwojick (don‘t mind the mess lol)
Wood stained with paint mixed in water. They will be standing up signs for my mom, brother, and sister-in-law. #artsandcrafts #MerryReaders #Wintergames2020 #christmaspresents #homemadechristmaspresents @Clwojick (don‘t mind the mess lol)
My Christmas books. I bought Nine Stories with proceeds from my podcast, as well as the ‘Salem‘s Lot Blu-Ray (presents for myself!). I also received two lovely blank books. Fulfilling my goals of owning and reading all works by all three of these authors. Not shown: plethora of Kindle books also earned and gifted. 🥰 #flanneryoconnor #stephenking #jdsalinger #bucketlist #christmaspresents #bookhaul #shortstories
I‘m back in my apartment again, and I feel completely spent after five days of family time. Now I‘m ready to just relax and read 👌 and with my stack of books I got for Christmas, I‘m pretty much set!
And look @ephemeralwaltz I finally got a copy of Room!! 😄
#ChristmasPresents #BookHaul
Bought so many books from the Scholastic Book Flyer, I forgot what I bought. #ChristmasPresents
It‘s bad when you pull out a book and your husbands response is “didn‘t i buy that for you for Christmas? And you‘re just getting to it now??” Oops. Sorry that my TBR is so long... #bookworm #currentlyreading #readingchallenge #christmaspresents #neverendingtbr
New books added to my TBR pile 🙈 They were Christmas presents from my family and I can‘t wait to get stuck into them....whenever I finally get through my pile...🙄
#wonder #stillhouselake #littlefireseverywhere #newbooks #christmaspresents #tbr
Christmas Book Haul 🙌 #christmas #christmaspresents #christmasday #christmas2017 #books #bookhaul #christmasbooks #booksarelife #booklover #bibliophile #johngreen #rainbowrowell #laurengraham #katherinemcgee #victoriaaveyard #stephaniegarber #turtlesallthewaydown #caraval #almostmidnight #talkingasfastasican #thedazzlingheights #redqueen
Christmas Book Haul 🙌 #christmas #christmaspresents #christmasday #christmas2017 #books #bookhaul #christmasbooks #booksarelife #booklover #bibliophile #johngreen #rainbowrowell #laurengraham #katherinemcgee #victoriaaveyard #stephaniegarber #turtlesallthewaydown #caraval #almostmidnight #talkingasfastasican #thedazzlingheights #redqueen
Sending some Kwame Alexander awesomeness to cousins in Florida, crossing my fingers that they get there in time. #christmaspresents
Wrapping books for my niece and nephew. For my oldest nephew, I think I'm going to go with a gift card for video games for the first time ever. 🎁😝🎁
#aunting #booksarethebestgift #christmaspresents