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Agnes Grey: Large Print | Anne Anne Bront
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Chapter 20: Agnes says goodbye to Weston #DarcyLizzieVibes #pooragnes #pemberlittens

IndoorDame I just want to reach into the book and shake the two of them!!! 1y
Bookwormjillk Agnes and her I don‘t deserve happiness I just want someplace to cry alone thing is getting on my nerves 1y
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TheBookHippie @IndoorDame Shake …smack 🙄🙄🙄WAKE-UP 🤯😝 1y
TheBookHippie @Bookwormjillk I want yo scream PULLLYOURSELFTOGETHER … 1y
AnnR The social conventions of this time period sometimes drive me batty. Plus, let's face it, unemotional Agnes really isn't the sort to wear her heart on her sleeve. 1y
Ruthiella He held her hand for a few seconds too long AND he asked her if she cares if she ever meets him again. Translation to 2023 mores and conventions, he‘s asking if she wants to go for coffee sometime. 😂 HE LIKES HER! ❤️ 1y
willaful I confess, Weston has sunk in my esteem. :-( He seems to have been so ready to think poorly of Agnes and well of Rosalie. I guess one mustn't blame a poor gentleman for having his head turned by a pretty face, but I sure hope he puts a little effort into getting Agnes by the end! Signed, disappointed romance reader. 😂 1y
mcctrish @Ruthiella EXACLTY ❤️❤️ how will he conspire to be in her new ‘hood?! 1y
mcctrish @Bookwormjillk I laughed out loud to your comment #justletmegohometocry 1y
dabbe Oh, the DRAMA of the 1800s. Weston holds her hand = #hubbahubba. #getaclueagnes What am I still waiting for in this book? 1. To see how Rosalie handles her married life (I can't help but wish that it'll be a disappointment). 2. Will Weston and AG or won't they? Do we get a happy ending or not? I don't need a “Reader, I married him“ moment, but something has to happen, right? (edited) 1y
Morr_Books @dabbe I actually have been thinking that we may never get any additional info on Rosalie now that Agnes is leaving, but maybe Weston will show up at the school, and she will get some info from him. 1y
dabbe @Morr_Books That would be more realistic, wouldn't it? I mean, Rosalie uses and abuses Agnes for years, then swats her away like a fly and moves onward to her travels in southern Europe with her beautiful husband and Ashby Park. It would be realistic to think that would be the perfect ending. When Rosalie's done with Agnes, Agnes be done with Rosalie! 🤣😊💙 1y
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