Chapter 20: Agnes says goodbye to Weston #DarcyLizzieVibes #pooragnes #pemberlittens
Chapter 20: Agnes says goodbye to Weston #DarcyLizzieVibes #pooragnes #pemberlittens
Chapter 19: Agnes and her mother decide to open a school #thatletterfromhergrandfather #whataboutweston #pooragnes #pemberlittens
Chapter 18: Rosalie is married and gone #hallelujah #nowmatildaisthefocus #mrsmurrayisthenewvillain #westonisallaboutrosalie #butbluebells #agnesdefendsherself #butwillhelisten #pooragnes #RIPmrgrey #pemberlittens
Chapter 17: #nowords #rosalieisamonster #soconniving #somean #socruel #iguessifoundsomewordsafterall #pooragnes #thehitskeepcoming #pemberlittens
Chapter 3: the kids are a hot mess and behave like heathens, which is obviously Agnes‘ fault! #whosschoolingwho #agnesissonotincharge #thesekidsneedaspanking #isaidwhatisaid #christmasbreak #pooragnes #pemberlittens
@clare-dragonfly @dabbe @kwmg40 @librarybelle @ann_reads @willaful @mcctrish @bklover @ruthiella @kristin_reads @thearomaofbooks @julieclair @morr_books @annececilie @eeclayton @debinhawaii @ravenlee @alldebooks 2y