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My reading stats this month are going to be low. The only book I‘m attempting to finish is my #LMPBC pick. But I‘m kicking it in NaNoWriMo! 🎉

julesG Congratulations! 8mo
TheBookgeekFrau Nice!! 💕 8mo
Booksblanketsandahotbeverage Awesome! Way to go! 8mo
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NaNoWriMo | Washington School for the Deaf, Ginger Speranza
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So this prompt came up and of course my mind goes totally blank, and all I can think about is the book I‘m reading right now (it‘s pretty great and definitely a favourite of 2021). WHAT ON EARTH ARE MY FAVOURITE BOOKS?!
Who else is doing NaNo this year?!
#NaNo #NaNoWriMo #NaNo21 #NaNoWriMo2021 #FavoriteBooks #WritingPrompt #CreativeWriting

TiredLibrarian Not doing it this year, but support those who are! 😊 3y
BookDadGirlDad NaNo has been on my radar a while, but life says, "Negative Ghost Rider. That pattern is full." 3y
JazzFeathers What a weird, but interesting idea! But this year I'm rebelling once more and will be revising. What about you? 3y
GingerAntics @JazzFeathers I‘m trying to figure out a few different possible ideas. I have one element of the plot for each, but none of the rest. I‘m also having computer problems, so I may have to write on my iPad. It will be interesting to see if I can do 50K on a touchscreen. 3y
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Brown Girl Dreaming | Jacqueline Woodson
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Been here. It‘s so frustrating when you‘ve got a story in your head, but trying to write it down proves impossible. It‘s even worse when that happens in November.
#JacquelineWoodson #BrownGirlDreaming #poetry #Joetry2021 @CBee @Chrissyreadit #NaNoWriMoProblems #NaNoWriMo #NaNo

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While looking for something to do at work other than CE for my license (that I desperately need to do but don‘t want to), I found an earlier version of my current WIP. I abandoned it halfway through Nov and thought maybe I‘d blow the dust off it and try to finish it. 🤣🤣🤣 #amwriting #sortof

Untitled | Unknown
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Anybody doing #NaNoWriMo this year? I did a bing game last year, and am doing it again this year. Feel free to repost and share when you‘ve completed a square or a bingo with #nanobingo19. I‘ve also added a printable copy of the bingo board to my blog. #writersoflitsy #writingcommunity


CandycaneBelle Love this idea!! I will def be participating! I‘m going to share the board with my writing group tonight! We all #Nano! 5y
WildQuibble I‘m doing it again! 5y
wanderinglynn Fun idea! I‘m participating. I‘m wanderinglynn on NaNo too if anyone wants to buddy me. 5y
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Charityann @CandycaneBelle Cool! Good luck with NaNo!!😊 5y
Charityann @PlayingBonny Sweet! It‘s so much fun.😊 5y
Charityann @wanderinglynn Cool! I‘ll add you to my buddies.😊 5y
TK-421 Great idea! I‘ll be writing this November ✍️ If you‘re looking for a buddy, my Nano name is Vaaren. 5y
Charityann @TK-421 Yep, I‘ll add you!😊 5y
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NaNoWriMo Notes | Richard Marcus
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I still haven‘t written a thing. I know what happens, I just haven‘t started writing it yet.
#nanowrimo #campnanowrimo #nano #campnano #nanofail #july #camp

GingerAntics Still no writing has happened. Crap. Here‘s hoping for something to be written down tomorrow. 5y
GingerAntics Okay, that's it. Writing is getting done today, come hell or high water. It's the perfect day for writing with this nasty heat advisory. 5y
readinginthedark Is this to get you in the habit of writing regularly by November? If so, smart plan! 5y
GingerAntics @readinginthedark it‘s camp nanowrimo. It‘s just for the month. 5y
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Faithfully Religionless | Timber Hawkeye
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This is another book with SO many good quotes. Some (many?) are even good for our current climate of “fake news” and “false facts”. It‘s hard to decide if I should post them all and spam everyone to death on the amazing quotes, or if I should just pick the best ones. Either way I am truly enjoying this read.
#TimberHawkeye #FaithfullyReligionless #thejoyofreading

In Camo NaNo news: I have written nothing.
#nanowrimo #campnanowrimo #nano

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Lights are back on at my house, squeezing a bit of #nano while I wait for my sister to pick me up for book group. I‘m at 42,628 words. So close and yet, still so far to go!

saresmoore You‘ve got this! 💪👏 6y
CrowCAH You got this; only 8000 more words!!! ✍🏻 6y
jmofo You‘re doing great! 6y
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The Stand | Stephen King
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I know a bunch of you are #NaNo writing this month, but just remember, even a household name, that‘s been writing for years, makes mistakes, even when the books been out for decades and was then re-released uncut, and sometimes some things just slip through. It happens, so don‘t go crazy self-criticizing your first rough drafts of the month...fine tuning can come later, maybe even years later🤷‍♀️


Riveted_Reader_Melissa If I had to guess, I‘d say this was something that got changed a bit when he originally cut the book, and then when most of that cut material was re-added back in...well it got a little muddled. 6y
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