Imagine getting up in the morning and having your shower tell you on a screen, "We're preparing your favorite shower. Wash happy!" I need this in my life! ??? #NotAMorningPerson #BOTM #Mystery #Audio #Audiobook
Imagine getting up in the morning and having your shower tell you on a screen, "We're preparing your favorite shower. Wash happy!" I need this in my life! ??? #NotAMorningPerson #BOTM #Mystery #Audio #Audiobook
I‘m really enjoying this audio! Only problem is several holds came it at once 😱
1. Fantasy or Thriller
2. Battery tester. Believe it or not, my job was to run battery operated race cars to see how long the batteries would last. 🏁🏎
3. Payroll Admin/Reception/Queen of Awesomeness 😉
4. Heiress. Not a job? Ok. I always wanted to get into archaeology
5. All the coffee!!! #notamorningperson
A few fun things came in today. Happy Monday...hope you have a great day filled with lots of reading! ☺️
#libraryhaul #extrachipper #ImNotUsualThisChipper #NotAMorningPerson
Had trouble sleeping last night so I'm only getting started now. Better late than never!!! Going to attempt to finish off this ebook then see where it takes me. Praying to the coffee gods to wake me up a bit.
#24in48 #notamorningperson #coffee #kickassmugs
"The clock beside me read 7:15, because the world was trying to kill me."
Me, too, Watson. Me, too. #notamorningperson
It's been a crazy week. Not much reading time. And I was up at 4:30 today - a.m. people. As in, the morning - to spend all day at a Trap Shooting Tournament with my twin boys. (So fun) BUT!! I shall catch up tonight no matter what! #bath #beverage #booktime #thenbedtime #notamorningperson