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Clwojick Woohoooo! Way to go! 💖 2y
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My final #Booked2020 round up. I didn‘t finish all the prompts this year, but considering I didn‘t plan my reading very much, I‘m happy that I got as many as I did 🙌

#SetInIndia: Burnt Sugar
#ParentChildMemoir: Braving It
#GothicHorror: Tha Haunting of Hill House
#EccentricMC: Mit Arbejde

Didn‘t get to Tartan Noir and Set in Hollywood 🤷‍♀️

Now I‘m ready for #Booked2021!

Cinfhen Woohoo!!! Great job for someone who wasn‘t “trying” This is your “OfficialFinalEntry” #Booked2020 3y
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I had somewhat high hopes for this #ParentChildMemoir, but the book didn‘t deliver. I had hoped for a nuanced look at a father/daughter relationship, which I think Campbell tried to portray. However, he fell into the stereotypical “I‘m not saying I wanted a son, but” kind of language about his daughter. He doesn‘t get her, and even though they spend a lot of time together in Alaska, it felt like he‘s more interested in his own thoughts and aches⬇️

Kalalalatja Than he was in getting to know his daughter. He describes her in a kind of vain way, which I think is a shame, because Aidan Campbell seems like a really cool young person, but her father doesn‘t see that. At least not enough. #Booked2020 4y
squirrelbrain Great review - shame about the book! 4y
TrishB That doesn‘t sound good ☹️ 4y
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BarbaraBB That is frustrating. 4y
Cinfhen Too bad it was a stinker 😩 4y
Kalalalatja @squirrelbrain @TrishB @BarbaraBB @Cinfhen I‘m probably being too harsh, but I was just annoyed with Campbell. He had the opportunity to really show what a bad ass daughter he has, but he made it about himself, somewhat about nature, and how much his daughter was upset about her appearance 🙄 4y
Cinfhen He sounds like a jerk 😬👎🏼👎🏼 4y
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Emotional & powerful read, beautifully narration by the author. I always prefer reading, but I m glad I picked this audiobook. It‘s very sad to know about his childhood at the same time it‘s inspiring to know how he overcomes from it. Complex emotions are put in simple words. “ sometime ppl do u a favour when they drop out of your life” many more quotes like this. 4.5🌟

Thanks for suggesting this book @Cinfhen
#Booked2020 #parentchildmemoir

Cinfhen I‘m so happy you appreciated this book as much as I did! 4y
BarbaraTheBibliophage Great review of an awesome audiobook! 4y
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Beauty Queens | Libba Bray
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#Booked2020 Spring:

#MakesYouLOL: Beauty Queens
#ParentChildMemoir: Kid Gloves
#TartanNoir: Cold Granite
#AboutGenocide: Irena Book One
#PanAsianAuthor: If Cats Disappeared From the World
#AnimalOnCover: At Love‘s Command

Cinfhen Woohoo 🙌🏻congrats on completing #Spring #Booked2020 🌻🧡🌈📚This is your #OfficialSecondQuarterEntry 🎊🎊
BarbaraTheBibliophage Great job!! 4y
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Oof! This book! So many feelings. Aspects of her fertility journey are similar to my own. It feels much less isolating to have proof in your hands that other people have been in similar shoes. There's a lot of humor, but also some history and facts around pregnancy and child birth. All interspersed with her own experiences.
This was my pick for #parentchildmemoir #booked2020 @Cinfhen @BarbaraTheBibliophage @4thhouseontheleft

Cinfhen I‘ve heard this author is amazing at presenting information in the GN format. Glad it spoke to you 💚 4y
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Hollywood Park: A Memoir | Mikel Jollett
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I‘m a sucker for #parentchildmemoir and this one is haunting
Read by the author accompanied by his beautiful music 🎼
Raised in a cult the first few years of his life & living in abject poverty, Mikel Jollett is a lyrical memoirist
I‘m thinking you might like this @Megabooks @britt_brooke @Reviewsbylola

Megabooks I have this on my TBR apparently!! Thanks for the rec! 4y
britt_brooke Thanks! I requested this from NetGalley a couple of weeks ago, but unbeknownst to be the pub date quickly came and went before I finally heard back. 4y
Reviewsbylola Thanks for the rec! Stacked! 4y
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A pick with disclaimers for this one.

It‘s a vital, urgent read about life on the poverty line in austerity Britain, and the stripping away of our safety nets. On a personal level, certain aspects hit very close to home. Carraway does also, however, manage to push a lot of buttons: chances are, you‘ll disagree, you may disapprove, you might not believe every last word, and you‘ll certainly be challenged. 👇

rockpools However, this is her story, and it contains so many truths, so many things I‘d never considered. It also flags up how few voices we actually hear directly from the poverty line and how desperately we need to hear more.


Thanks to #NetGalley and Ebury Press for the advance copy for review. The paperback was published in March 2020.
(edited) 4y
BarbaraTheBibliophage Really interesting choice! 4y
TrishB Great review Rachel. Agree totally 👍🏻 not an easy or likeable read. 4y
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Because of her fear of dying young just like her father, Jennifer was determined to live each day to her fullest & create wonderful, lasting memories with her daughter. This is a warm hearted account of their travels to Paris, Italy, Spain, & Amsterdam over 4 trips, filled with adventures & misadventures. There‘re also flashbacks on her childhood & her relationship with her father. 🔽

#Booked2020 #ParentChildMemoir

erzascarletbookgasm (continues) These trips bonded mother-daughter relationships further, helped Jennifer come to terms with her father‘s death. 4y
Cinfhen Sounds really good/ is it sad?? 4y
erzascarletbookgasm @Cinfhen Not really, just sad memories when she thought of her childhood days with her father. There‘s humour and it‘ll make you want to travel to those cities with your daughter! 4y
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Cinfhen ❤️🙌🏻😁 4y
megnews This sounds great! 4y
Crazeedi Sounds like a good one 4y
Megabooks Stacked!! 4y
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This was unputdownable and heartbreaking. I empathize with Molly so much and found her writing to be beautiful and breathtaking.

