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The Thorn Birds | Colleen McCullough
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"To make sure she would never revert to using it, her left arm was kept tied to her body for a further two months; then Sister Agatha made the whole school assemble to say a rosary of thanks to Almighty God for His wisdom kn making Meggie see the error of her ways. God's children were all right-handed; left-handed children were the spawn of the Devil."

What the heck???

#readKY #amreading #unbelievable #historical #fiction #fall #romance

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Clwojick Woohoooo! Way to go! 💖 2y
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A False Report: A True Story of Rape in America | T. Christian Miller, Ken Armstrong
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Heartbreaking, infuriating, disturbing & shocking miscarriage of justice on a rape case. Unbelievable is the right word. And yes, this is the story on Netflix's miniseries, Unbelievable.

Rating: 5⭐

For my full review please visit https://www.goodreads.com/review/show/3031738845

#unbelievable #netflixminiseries

Mitch Agreed - it was all those emotions to the max! 5y
LoverOfLearning Fantastic and much needed book! I was honestly surprised that someone else read it and admitted that they read it. I work as a sexual assault advocate and I went to a conference in Chicago in 2017 where I met these authors. I have a signed copy of their book! Have you seen the Nexflix show called Unbelievable? It's based on the research of this book. I loved the show, I just hope Netflix gave credit to these two authors. 5y
thereadingowlvina @LoverOfLearning No, I have not watch the miniseries yet. I'm afraid it'll be too emotional for me because I had a hard time reading the book. The miscarriage of justice was appalling! Yes, I agree with you that it is a much needed book & I think everyone should read it 🙂 5y
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thereadingowlvina @LoverOfLearning And it's so cool you get to meet these authors! Uncovering hard truth like this case and writing about it is not an easy task. So kudos on them! 😁👍 5y
LoverOfLearning @thereadingowlvina Yes it was a very hard book to read. The show was absolutely gut-wrenching at times, I have to admit. But the filmmakers show cases the different trauma types of trauma so beautifully and accurately. I'm glad the world is viewing the show because it is eye-opening and people need to start caring more about trauma and sexual assault and the survivors who come out of it. 5y
thereadingowlvina @LoverOfLearning Yes, I agree that more care, empathy and understanding should be shown towards the survivors. I'm glad that the book did not focus heavily on Marc O'Leary but Marie and other survivors. I really appreciate that the authors did that. 5y
LoverOfLearning I absolutely agree. Glad to find another advocate among our society! 5y
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KrystleTheBookSlayer Didn't really care for this one either. 😔 6y
Bookdragon69 I‘ve never read the book but I saw the movie for the first time at the age of 13 and it scared the living daylights out of me. 😱 6y
Wellreadhead I‘ve never seen any of the movies. (edited) 6y
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Beartown: A Novel | Fredrik Backman

I'm listening to the audio book right now and am almost happy that I chose this format instead of reading it. This book gives me "The Chocolate War" vibes, but way more intense. . I'm anxious to see how this ends or even if I will be able to finish it. How did anyone else feel about this novel? #beartown #thechocolatewar #entitlement #fredrikbackman #shame #hockey #whatisthis #audiobooks #reading #ilovereading #audiotrip #unbelievable

The Wrap-Up List | Steven Arntson
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I‘ve been in a bit of a reading slump myself. Here are my reading stats for April. I read and finished three (3) books:

📚 #Unbelievable - 4/5 Stars ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️
📚 #LetMeLie - 5/5 Stars ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️
📚 #Beartown - 5/5 Stars.⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️


#LitsyBuddyRead #AprilStats - #ReadingResolutions #goodreads #goodreadschallenge #readingchallenge

Reviewsbylola I read Let Me Lie too! 6y
ephemeralwaltz Hope you work your way out of the slump! Loved Beartown 😋 6y
JamieArc I only finished 3 print books this month too (I‘m blaming it on the massive chunkster The Count of Monte Cristo that I‘m reading), but at least you read some good ones! 6y
MelissaSue81 I‘ve read all of these! I‘d say all solid 4 stars for me. Unbelievable actually being my favorite. Love Backman, but Beartown wasn‘t my most favorite. Still looking forward to the sequel. 6y
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Started #Unbelievable today! I‘m loving #KatyTur already! This “is her darkly comic, fascinatingly bizarre, and often scary story of how America sent a former reality show host to the White House. It‘s also the story of what it was like for Tur to be there as it happened, inside a no-rules world where reporters were spat on, demeaned, and discredited... Unbelievable is a must-read for anyone who still wakes up and wonders, Is this real life?”

Dolly Imagine waking up from a longtime coma and finding out this. 🙃 6y
tammysue Stacked! 😁 6y
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This is my fantasy section. I find it #unbelievable that I own more fantasy than Sci-fi. Fantasy takes up this case plus another shelf. And that does not include series that are pulled out. #spookyoctober

callielafleur I love the colors of these bookcases! 7y
josie281 The colors are wonderful! I am so very jealous! 7y
LibrarianRyan @callielafleur @josie281 Thank you. Found ugly industrial book cases at the Habitat restore for $6 each. It took 2 cans of spray paint each. I still have one shelf to paint and it is going to be white. Hopefully it fits on the end of the row. 7y
ladym30 Your bookcases are gorgeous! 7y
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Waking in Time | Angie Stanton
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This YA time-traveling romance has a cute concept but is even more #unbelievable than your average time-traveling book, unfortunately! It doesn‘t have much of the other details as grounded in history as I would have hoped and the characters and dialogue are just completely inauthentic! But University of Wisconsin- Madison grads may forgive that I suppose as they are clearly the intended audience! #SpookyOctober @Jess7

Unbroken | Laura Hillenbrand
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This is the most #unbelievable story of survival I have heard read! #spookyoctober

britt_brooke Such a great read! 7y
HKGirl The part with the sharks is just 😱 7y
EllieDottie @HKGirl I was never afraid of sharks 🦈 until I read this book!! 7y
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