I can‘t put this book down! I am for sure finishing it tonight ☺️
I can‘t put this book down! I am for sure finishing it tonight ☺️
Just finished reading it. Ahhhh I didn't wanted it to end! It was so good! I expected there to be more and wondered what was gonna happen to certain characters and how their lives panned out... Oh so many questions! I'm kinda hoping for another book in the series to be honest lol. I blinking love Lou! I think she's an awesome character! I also loved Margot too! She's so kooky and eccentric! At least in my head she is lol.
#romancebooks #stillme
I enjoyed the third book in this series by #jojomoyes much more than I anticipated. Louisa is such an empathetic, flawed, lovely protagonist. I appreciate Moyers‘s ability to take Louisa‘s development down unexpected paths. Great read!
I've finished reading PLL. Now it's time to delve back into the Me Before You series. I love Lou. I just wanna reach into the book and put my hand over her mouth to stop her from talking when she's off one of her nervous chatter moments. 😂
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Ahhh... Happy Saturday... Loving my lavender pedi while turning some pages... 💅🏼
#lovethesmelloflavender #relaxing #imblessed #jojomoyes #stillme #lifeisgood #happyhappyhappy #readingisrelaxing #readingputsasmileonmyface #bookjunkie #bookstagram #bookswag #bookstagramfeature #pinkys4 #pedi #mani
Reading time.... Catching the breeze, while turning some pages.... Just love this story as it is unfolding in lower Manhattan... 🌥🎍🕶📖🏙🏡...
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Starting this gem ...📖☕️
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Waaaay much better than the second book!
I love the ending of the whole series. Louisa Clark absolutely deserves a happy one! She had been through so much and because of her perseverance and positive attitude she turned her ordinary life to something extraordinary. We definitely could learn a thing or two from Miss Louisa Clark!
For the whole review:
#books #jojomoyes #stillme #reading