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It‘s too hot to think, so I‘m enjoying this little read about 52 books that inspired films. Filled with trivia about both the page and the screen versions, it‘s fascinating. 😍 #buthaveyoureadthebook #frompagetoscreen #bookormovie #thebookwasbetter

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This is great! #thebookwasbetter

vivastory This is wonderful (& so accurate)! 3y
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Seabiscuit the Wonder Horse | Meghan McCarthy
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Kids love when I tell them our read-aloud is a true story. They are fascinated by history when presented by authors like Meghan McCarthy. It's sad how quickly they lose interest in history because of school. #picturebooksareeverybodybooks #kidlit #istillhaven'tseenthemovie #thebookwasbetter

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Having finished the book, decided to watch the movie last night and I know you won‘t be shocked to hear this come out of a Litten‘s mouth, but


And I mean quite a lot better. They somehow managed to take an exciting and fascinating book and make it into a film as dull as dishwater. I thought they‘d focus on the action bits in the jungle and it was more than 30:00 in before anything dangerous happened. 🤦🏻‍♀️

Bookworm54 Yeah I got bored part way through the movie and gave up! 4y
KVanRead @Bookworm54 Too bad, it seemed like it would make a great movie 😒 4y
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5th Wave | Rick Yancey
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I saw the movie, decided to try the book. #TheBookWasBetter
Independence Day meets Maze Runner, toss in a little star crossed lovers and this is what you get. The book has great character development and storyline. Cassie is one hardcore kid making sure she keeps her promises to the ones she loves. 3.75/5⭐

Six of Crows | Leigh Bardugo
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It was my birthday yesterday and my husband stocked my YA, Fantasy, and comic bookshelf with some new beauties!!!!

I‘ve had a goal this year to read a book a week, and so far I‘ve been achieving that! What is your 2020 book goal?

#bookaweekchallenge #yabookclub #ya #fantasy #comic #thebookwasbetter #2020 #bookgoal #newyearsresolution

GondorGirl Ooo- good choices! I've read most of the books in your stack... we must have similar tastes! 5y
persephanie_and_samson @GondorGirl oh that‘s awesome! Which one from the stack is your favorite? I need to catch up on so many series so I don‘t know which one to start with 5y
TheLibrarian Happy Birthday! That‘s a great stack! 5y
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persephanie_and_samson @TheLibrarian thank you so much!! I‘m so excited to dive in! 5y
GondorGirl @persephanie_and_samson I think 'Six of Crows' is my favorite of the bunch. The character building was really great in that! 5y
SW-T Happy belated birthday! 🎂🥳🎉 5y
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Anne of Green Gables | L. M. Montgomery

Anne of Green Gables, First book of 2020 finished! I liked the book better than the Netflix show. #thebookisbetter #thebookwasbetter #Anneofgreengables #AnnewithanE

Reagan The old CBC miniseries will never be beaten. 5y
sm7ma @Reagan I should check it out :) 5y
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People often say “The book was better!” Do you always think that‘s true? Come find out which one I liked better for seven specific stories: https://youtu.be/wOZQ_eAtmfc

#booktube #booksvsmovies #thebookwasbetter #bookish

MidnightBookGirl I love both the book and the movie, but I am more than happy with the differences between them. 5y
EadieB @Butterflyamore I have read My Sister's Keeper, The Glass Castle, and the Phantom of the Opera but I've only seen The Phantom of the Opera movie and Broadway version. I agree with you that the Broadway version was way better than the book or movie. The atmosphere and the songs added much to the production and made that more memorable. I don't watch a lot of movie of the books I read but I just went to see The Goldfinch which I also loved the movie 5y
abookishbutterfly @EadieB I haven‘t read The Goldfinch yet but I‘d definitely like to before seeing the movie. The trailer for the movie does look really good! 5y
EadieB @Butterflyamore People who have not read The Goldfinch will be a little lost as the book was so long and the movie doesn't hit all the info as well as the book. I know I had to explain a lot of things to my husband. I just watched Midnight In The Garden of Good and Evil and read the book also. I actually liked the movie better as the screen does the book so much more justice. If I think of any more movies that I have seen, I will let you know. (edited) 5y
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#AugustABC @Eggs

Here are a few of what were "x-cellant" reads for me. To qualify I had to love them enough to read a 2nd or 3rd time. Several of these I have read twice.??

AlaMich I loved The Martian too! The movie was good, but of course, #thebookwasbetter 5y
Andrew65 Thought this was one of my posts for a minute, first five I looked at were all books I loved too. Obviously need to read the other 3! 5y
TheSpineView @AlaMich The book is always better!😊😋 5y
Eggs Nice selection!! 5y
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Who has seen the new trailer for The Goldfinch?!? I‘ve had this book forever but now I need to get to reading it!!
#thegoldfinch #donnatartt #thebookwasbetter #probably #tbr #bookish #booknerd #nerdnerd #bookishlove #bookworm #iheartreading #iheartbooks #reader #bookstagram #bookstagrammer #booklover #books #book

rretzler Me too! Looks good, but sad, I‘d say 5y
LitLogophile One of my favorites ❤️ 5y
Lauram I loved this book 5y
DivineDiana Same situation. Just started reading it ! 5y
Alora Love your posts. So beautiful 5y
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